XPLAN Workshop - XPLAN Connect

XPLAN Workshop - XPLAN Connect

Table of Contents
Welcome and Introduction...................................................................................... 3
Session Focus ...................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................4
Expectation ......................................................................................................... 4
Session outcomes ................................................................................................ 4
Using this Guide................................................................................................... 5
Getting Help........................................................................................................ 5
XPLANconnect ..................................................................................................... 6
XPLANconnect elements........................................................................................ 6
Creating XPLANconnect elements ...........................................................................7
Automatic Activity on Completion .......................................................................... 9
Activating XPLANconnect Elements.........................................................................11
Uploading CSS ....................................................................................................12
Obtaining the URL .............................................................................................. 13
Adding the URL to your website ............................................................................14
Adding the iFrame to your website ....................................................................... 15
The Results........................................................................................................ 17
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 18
Support and Contacts.......................................................................................... 19
Appendix........................................................................................................... 20
Risk Researcher ..................................................................................................20
XTOOLS .............................................................................................................23
Campaigns......................................................................................................... 26

Welcome and Introduction


Welcome and Introduction
XPLANconnect Elements
Automatic Activity on Completion
Activating Elements
Uploading Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Adding XPLANconnect to your Website
The Results


Session Focus

This course is aimed at providing users with the ability to integrate their websites with the XPLAN
database allowing for automated data entry, workflow and client engagement tools


XPLAN Training session:

  • Site Administration (Compulsory)
  • Understanding of Coding and website building will help
    This workshop assumes that you know how to build a wizard in XPLAN

This workshop assumes that you know how to build a wizard in XPLAN


What you can expect from today’s session?

  • Demonstrations

Session Outcomes

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Add XPLANconnect elements to your website and link them to your XPLAN database

Using this Guide

This guide has been written and structured to be as easy to follow as possible. To help you to navigate through this guide, a number of symbols are used to help identify key points or sections


Important – you really need to read these sections


Extra information – you only need to read these sections when you are confident with the system basics or if you want more background information and detail


This symbol highlights useful hints or tips on the system


Activities to be completed with the trainer


Getting Help


XPLAN has an Online Help function which provides the most up to date information on the different components and tools in the system. Interactive Tutorials are also available for viewing Training Workshops. The Help files also provide updates on all new software versions.

Accessing Help

  1. Click on the Help function located on top of the Title bar

  2. . The “Help” screen is displayed

  3. Navigate using the menu bar located on the left

  4. You may also want to use the “Search” function available

Accessing Interactive Tutorials from within the Help Files

  1. . Select Video Tutorials followed from the menu bar located on the left:

  2. Click on the workshop you would like to view.

  3. A video will start automatically with a chapter menu available from the left side menu bar.



XPLANconnect elements allow you to incorporate functionality into a webpage by simply insert a line of code. Elements can take customer input and import it directly into your XPLAN server. Using
custom CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) settings, XPLANconnect elements can match your site's
existing style and layout.

XPLANconnect elements

XPLANconnect elements are wizards that can be used to interact with XPLAN, such as by inputting
data. Elements can have multiple pages, and can be set to automatically execute actions within
XPLAN when the element is completed.

The Elements include:


  • Existing Client Check

  • Grant Client Online Access - this element allows new clients to be forwarded into Client Online Access upon completion of an XPLANconnect form. Clients can be sent either directly to an Engage story, or the first page displayed when logging into Client Online Access. A Client Online Access license is automatically deployed, and an XPLANconnect email template is used


  • Campaign List - this element lists campaigns that a client can attend, and can also allow the client to pay the campaign costs via credit card. Payments can only be processed for campaigns that have non-zero costs.


  • IQM Needs Analysis

  • IQM Results

Risk Researcher

  • Risk Researcher - Basic Details

  • Risk Researcher - Cover Details

  • Risk Researcher - Cover Estimates

  • Risk Researcher - Insurance Needs

  • Risk Researcher - Life Risk Calculator

  • Risk Researcher - Results


  • Savings

  • Retirement Funding

Creating XPLANconnect elements

Users will need the following capabilities activated on their XPLAN login to be able to use
XPLANconnect (at a minimum):

  • Edit Interface

  • XPLANconnect

This workshop will show you how to add a contact detail form to your website that will create a
prospect client in XPLAN create a task to contact the prospect client.

To be able to use XPLANconnect elements, you must first set them up as wizards on the interface.

  1. Go to XPLAN > Administration Functions > Interface

  2. Change the interface type to XPLANconnect

  3. Add a Wizard by clicking the mceclip5.png icon and dragging it to the Menu. Name it Contact

    Details. It should appear as below:


  4. Click the White Arrow on the Contact Details wizard to open the pages underneath. As adefault, there is an introduction page. This workshop will use this page to add the followingelements by using the icons at the top of the page:
    • Text: Please complete this form and we will be in contact with you.

    • Title

    • First Name

    • Surname

    • Gender

    • Date of Birth

    • Gap

    • Speed Group: Contact (have hidden irrelevant fields from element)

    • Speed Group: Address (have hidden irrelevant fields from element)

      When completed, it should appear as below:


Automatic Activity on Completion

When creating the XPLANconnect element, you will need to decide what you would like XPLAN to do when it has received the information from your website.

The options you have are:

  • Activate a Task

  • Activate a Thread

  • Direct the client to a URL

  • Set a Field in the Client File

  • Message the Client

  • Email the Client

You will need to have any templates required created before setting up the Automatic Activity In this example a Task will be sent to the Client Adviser to Contact the Prospect Client using a Task
Template that has already been created. The Adviser will be notified that a prospect has made
contact through the website and a follow-up is required. The Entity Status and Category of the client will also be set to Prospect.

  1. Click Automatic Activity on Completion

  2. Click Add Activity

  3. Complete the required fields


  4. Click Save.


  5. Click Add Activity

  6. Complete the required fields


  7. Click Save

  8. Click Add Activity

  9. Complete the required fields


  10. . Click Save

Activating XPLANconnect Elements

Now that the element has been created in the interface, it can be activated on the XPLAN site.

  1. . Go to XPLAN > Administration Functions > XPLANconnect

  2. Click the Activate button:
    The element should now appear as so:

    The URL for an XPLANconnect element will only display when the element has been activated.

    mceclip12.pngYou will need the capability to for XPLANconnect to be able to use this function.

Uploading Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
You will notice that there is an area to set the CSS for the element. The CSS is what formats the element to your websites styling. If you do not set this the XPLANconnect elements will use a default format which may not suit the style of your website.
mceclip13.pngContact your website developer to obtain the CSS.

Once you have the CSS you can upload it by clicking the mceclip15.png button on the site.

Using the CSS dropdown, make sure you change the CSS setting on your element to the one that
you uploaded:


Obtaining the URL

When activated the XPLANconnect element you will be given 2 codes to choose from - URL and iFrame: 


The URL is a simple link that you can add as a link in your website that will take you to the
XPLANconnect form.

The iFrame is used to imbed the XPLANconnect element within the webpage itself.

mceclip13.pngClick on the actual URL link given to test out your element and get the full URL to use (the URL will need to be added to your XPLAN URL. For example the above element becomes:


And looks like this when clicking on the link:


Adding the URL to your website

mceclip12.pngThe URL that you obtained in the previous step now needs to be added to your website. We
cannot tell you how to do this as every website is different. If you have a web developer, please
contact them to add in this link. If you created your own website you may need to seek assistance if you do not know how to link a URL your site.

In the below example we have added the link to a website created using Google Sites.


When the client clicks on the words Contact Us, the contact page will open, where the client will
complete the online form and a file for them will be automatically be created in XPLAN.


*See the form on the previous page, which will open.

Adding the iFrame to your website

mceclip12.pngThe URL that you obtained in the previous step now needs to be added to your website. We
cannot tell you how to do this as every website is different. If you have a web developer, please
contact them to add in this link. If you created your own website you may need to seek assistance if you do not know how to link a URL your site.

In the below example we have added the iFrame to a website created using Google Sites.

src="https://trainingdemo.xplan.iress.com.au/xplann_connect/iframe/426b331b9dc3cc9ca9fd9bcc5440 6c12">


We have only made an adjustment on the size of the widget to better fit the frame: Width is800 pixels and Height is 1100 pixels for the example we have used.


The Results


A new task has been added to the advisers task list as below:


Client Focus

The client has been created in XPLAN with the details from the completed online form (on the website) in the client file:

Client List

The client can be viewed in the client list when setting the search filter to Entity Status: Prospect and Category: Prospect





Congratulations! You have completed the XPLANconnect course.

Review Learning Outcomes

You should now be able to:

  • Create XPLANconnect Wizards

  • Add Automatic Activities upon completion of the wizards

  • Activate XPLAN Elements

  • Upload CSS

  • Add the URL and iFrame to your website

Support and Contacts

What do I do if I have problems using XPLAN?

  • Contact the XPLAN support centre on 1300 1300 69 (option 1)

  • Email your enquiry to xplansupport@iress.com.au

  • Contact your Account Executive

The Help Desk will be operative from 7am – 6pm Monday - Friday.

Customised Training
We offer a wide range of training and consulting services to get the most out of XPLAN for your business. IRESS offers customised XPLAN training for any dealer groups or financial planning practices that require tailored training solutions for their staff. We discuss your specific needs, agenda items and time frames, and develop an agreed training agenda based on your requirements. This training is chargeable based on the number of attendees, time and location of training required.

For further information contact your Account Executive or the National Training Manager:

Andrew Roberts

National Training Manager

03 9018 5813


Consulting Services/Tailored Solutions

IRESS' consulting service offers a focused review of a dealership/practice and
identifies how our Wealth products can improve business efficiency.
IRESS' consulting service offers a focused review of a dealership/practice and aims to identify how XPLAN can be better utilised to improve business efficiency. While all aspects are covered, key areas may include:

  • Assisting with the development and implementation of workflow processes

  • Fine tuning SOA

  • Designing and implementing SOA.

For further information contact your Account Executive or the Senior Project Consultant:

Andrew Wootton

Senior Project Consultant

07 3011 4700




Risk Researcher

Risk Research elements can be built into an XPLANconnect Wizard so that your clients can perform
Needs Analysis and Premium Estimations on your website.

Some important notes regarding Risk Researcher:

  • Each element must be on a separate page

  • When the client is created, information on Basic Details, Insurance Needs and Cover
    Required are saved against the client as a file note. A Risk Researcher scenario containing
    the input information is also created for the client.

  • Some CSS settings can cause parts of the Needs Analysis interface elements to not fit into
    the XPLANconnect frame, especially when larger fonts are used. The Display Short Fields in
    Insurance Needs setting makes the Needs Analysis input fields smaller to reduce the
    horizontal size of the element.

System Settings for Risk Researcher:

When utilising Risk Researcher in XPLANconnect there are some System Settings that will need to be addressed first. Navigate to XPLAN > Administration Functions > System Settings > XPLANconnect.

Here you will find settings for:

  • Needs Analysis

  • Results

  • Cover Details

  • Cover Estimates


Make sure you set these for your XPLANconnect element.

The Wizard

As mentioned on the previous page, each XPLANconnect element must be on a different page of the wizard.

The Elements that you have available for Risk Researcher are:

  • Risk Researcher – Basic Details

  • Risk Researcher – Cover Details

  • Risk Researcher – Cover Estimates

  • Risk Researcher – Insurance Needs

  • Risk Researcher – Life Risk Calculator

  • Risk Researcher – Results

The below screenshot shows and example of a completed wizard that would be used for Risk
Researcher. Notice that each element is on a separate page.


The Elements used in the example are:

  • Risk Researcher – Basic Details

  • Risk Researcher – Insurance Needs

  • Risk Researcher – Results

  • Risk Researcher – Life Risk Calculator

As you can see, you do not need to use every element available.

We have created a Client Details page to capture some basic details for the client file, such as name, DOB, gender and contact details.

There is also an automatic activity to call the prospective client:


The Client

As well as creating a client with all of the details entered in the XPLANconnect form the following has been added to the client file:


The Task to call the client has been created:


File Note

File notes recording the details that the client completed in the Form:


Risk Researcher

A scenario in Risk Researcher has been created for the client. All details that the client used in their calculation will feed into the Risk Researcher scenario:


If the client selected a product that they were interested in from the results screed, you will see this in the Recommendations screen of Risk Researcher:




XTOOLS elements can be built into an XPLANconnect Wizard so that your clients can perform
Retirement Funding and Savings calculations on your website.

Some important notes regarding XTOOLS:

  • Each element must be on a separate page

  • When the client is created, information on Basic Details are saved against the client. An XTOOLS scenario containing the input information is also created for the client under the Retirement Funding Calculator.

The Wizard

Similar to Risk Researcher, each XPLANconnect element must be on a different page of the wizard.

There are two XTOOLS available to utilise with XPLANconnect:

  • Retirement Funding

  • Savings

When Adding these elements you have the option to add a page containing Input details and a page for Output details.


The below screenshot shows and example of a completed wizard that could be used for XTOOLS.
Notice that each element is on a separate page.


The Elements used in the example are:

  • Retirement Funding - Input

  • Retirement Funding - Output

The Input elements in this element allow you to control how the elements are displayed on your

There is also an automatic activity on completion to call the prospective client:


The Client

As well as creating a client with all of the details entered in the XPLANconnect form the following has been added to the client file:


The Task to call the client has been created:


XTOOLS – Retirement Funding

A scenario in the XTOOLS Retirement Funding calculator has been created for the client:

All details that the client used in their calculation will feed into the XTOOLS scenario:



Campaign elements can be built into an XPLANconnect Wizard so that your clients can register for functions and events on your website.

Clients can also pay campaign costs via credit card. You will need to have a 3rd Party Payment
Gateway enabled to utilise this function (talk to your account executive).

The Wizard

There is only one element available for campaign registration: Campaign List

This example has a wizard with a single page for the campaign registreation. This page contains
basic details of the client, contact details and the Campaign List.


There is also an automatic activity on completion to call the prospective client

The Client

As well as creating a client with all of the details entered in the XPLANconnect form the following has been added to the client file:


The Task to call the client has been created:



The client has also been added to the campaign:




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