XPLAN Workshop - Threads and Tasks

XPLAN Workshop - Threads and Tasks

Understanding Threads

Threads Overview

Quite simply, a thread is a series of related tasks. The tasks follow one another and together provide a step-to-step process, where completing one task will automatically activate the next task (depending on the activating condition which will be discussed later). Overall, they allow you to build your businesses’ processes directly in XPLAN.

What this allows you to do:

  • Guides your staff through standard processes you define for your business.

  • Automates the creation of documents during a business process.

  • Allows users to actively manage their task lists (e.g., if they are going away on leave they can pull a report of their upcoming tasks and reassign to the most appropriate) – giving users the opportunity to be proactive, rather than reactive.

  • Improves communication within businesses as notifications can be set – a reminder that acts as a backup.

  • Allows your business to report on the effectiveness of your processes, tracking time taken between tasks.

  • Implement efficient workflow management in your office.

Minimum threads recommended by XPLAN are:

  1. New Client / Prospect

  2. SOA Preparation

  3. SOA Implementation

  4. Review

Process for building  threads:

  1. Map / design your processes

  2. Code templates that support your process (e.g. letters, fact finds, etc.) and upload to your site

  3. Build the thread

  4. Test the thread by activating it against a client and going through the tasks, making sure to check all the relationships you have built.



Design your processes

The quickest way to design your process is to use a flow chart to represent it. You don’t need software to do this – a piece of paper will do.

Once you have documented the process, it is a good idea to pass it around to others who work through the process on a regular basis and get their ‘sign off’ before implementing the process as a Thread in XPLAN.


Building a Thread

  1. From the Xplan menu select Administration Functions >Templates as shown below:


  2. In the Templates screen, use the menu on the left to select Task & Thread Template > Threads. Existing templates are listed under Thread Templates.

  3. To add a new template, click the Add button.



  4. The screen above displays which defines the thread structure. Give the thread a name and specify it’s availability to groups.

    The Base Date is the reference point in a thread for tasks to relate to. It is the appointed time in which tasks will be activated before, on or after the date. Because we are creating a template, the Base Date will be left as a Fixed Base Date as this will allow us to set any particular date in the future. Alternatively, if you use a diary event to activate the thread, the date is automatically set to the date of the diary event.

    Note: Remember we are creating a Template and do not need to assign this to any particular client.

  5. Fill in the relevant sections of the three tabs and click Save.

Adding Tasks

Once you have created the template, you can start adding the actions (tasks) to the Thread.

  • Click the Add button once you have saved the new thread.


  • Complete the details of your task.



    We have numbered the Task Name. Numbering the Tasks makes it easier to locate the Task you wish to use.

    The first Task of a Thread does not necessarily need to have an Activating Condition. On the other hand, the tasks that follow are usually set to automatically activate by having the previous task ‘completed normally’.

Go through the tabs and add the required information. For an explanation of functions of the different tab, refer to the table below.

Details Tab    

  • Task Name: This is generally the same as the subject so copy and paste from the Subject field; otherwise, you can enter a different name for this task here.
  • Subject: Use this as a quick identifier of the task. This will show in the users task list
  • Description: Details of the actions that need to be done to complete the task. It should be as descriptive as possible.
  • Status: This identifies the stage the task is at, for example, whether work on it has commenced or the task has been completed.
  • Type: Select the appropriate category that relates to the actions required by the task. For example, ‘Client Meeting’ is self-explanatory and would be selected if the task requires attending a meeting with a client.
  • Priority: This is a simple flag showing the importance of a task.
  • Group: Select here to assign the task to a group.
  • Assigned To: Use the 'User' option if you want to assign the task to a specific user.

  • Otherwise, you can use 'Dynamic User (Advisers)' to select the appropriate role from the drop down list.

  • If the client is responsible for the action, click the 'Entity Responsibility' checkbox.

  •  Entity: Tasks assigned to clients will appear in the Client Focus/Admin/Tasks page for each client. This can be left blank for non-client related tasks.
  •  Permission: Check this if the user responsible for the task can change the due date, or if only the responsible user can change the task status
  • Container: Link to an advice container use either; ‘the name of the parent thread’ – when the Task is completed it will be linked to the parent Thread’s Advice Container, or ‘Do not use Parent Advice Container’ when the user completes the task they can select which Advice Container to link to

  • Due Date: Select the option and then enter the date on which the task falls due or the number of days relative to the Base Date or Activation Date.
  • Reminder Days: How many days before a task is due users will be reminded. The task list can be filtered by Reminder days.
  • Activating Conditions: To set an activating condition, select Expression from the Relation dropdown list, and continue on to select the Type. The Type refers to how the task will be activated, such as on a task outcome, or a fixed date. The Expression column depends on the specific date or action of the Type selected.

  • To add another condition, continue to the ‘No Expression’ box underneath the first ‘Expression’ box.  Select or or and depending on whether both conditions must be satisfied, or either of the two. Complete the Type and Expression columns.

Note: Remember to tick the boxes for the brackets if you are grouping ‘and’ criteria. If it is only ‘or’ statements bring used, the brackets do not need to be set.


Supplementary Tab

  • Force Time-Taken: This flag will force the entry of how much time was taken to complete the task
  • Time Taken: This field is generally used when the task is completed but you can set a default here to ensure that minimum time is recorded against a task.
  • Force Comment when complete: This is used to ensure that a comment is made about the Task (it should not be confused with a File Note. These comments are saved within the Task and are not File Notes).
  • Forecast: Enter in details of the likelihood of revenue generation from this action, the funds under advice and the revenue which may be generated.


Notification Tab

  • Select the entities that will be notified of the particular actions surrounding the task.


Attachment Tab

  • File Name: Browse for the required document, then click on Attach File to add to your thread

One idea is to attach the flowchart of the thread to a task.

  • Show attach: Once a document has been attached you can view it from any other task in the thread by checking this box.


Outcomes Tab

  • Add: The default outcome for a task is “Complete Normally”; However, additional outcomes may be added using the ‘Add new  outcome’ button.

  • If you have mapped your process thoroughly, identification of task outcomes should be easy.


Xmerge Tab

  • Add: You can link an Xmerge report to be created at various stages of the task – when it is due, completed or activated.
  • Once you have clicked the Add button you will be prompted to select the appropriate Xmerge report from within a Report Category.
  • Once the template has been selected, use the buttons to define how and when the template is to be used:

  • Files – Use the checkboxes to select the files to be produced

  • Variables – If necessary, define the variables required for the Xmerge report
  • Format – Select the type of output required.
  • When – Select when to create the report.



  • Add: You can link Portfolio reports to be created at various stages of the task – when it is due or activated.
  • Once you have clicked the Add button enter in the following details:
  • Report Name – You can create many instances of IPS reports…so give it a name here.
  • Include Related Entities – If other entities in the client group should be included, indicate that preference here.
  • Type – Specify when to produce the IPS reports.
  • Format – Select from PDF or CSV format.
  • Table – Finally, make sure that you select which report to include.


Email Tab

  • Add: By clicking this button, you will be prompted to select the appropriate Email Template
  • When: Set when the email will be sent – for e.g. when the task is due, completed or activated.
  • Choose who will receive the email.



  • Once you have added all the details of your task, click the Save button.

  • Continue adding tasks by repeating the given steps. Once completed, click the Back button to return to the Threads list in

    Manage Templates.
    Remember to go back and edit the thread and then enter the criteria for when the thread will be flagged as complete.


Linear Threads

  • Activating conditions are the circumstances under which the task within a thread should be activated.

  • In the case of Linear Threads the condition usually depends on the completion of a previous task.

  • An example of this is:


I.e. You can’t conduct the appointment if it hasn’t been booked and below is how you might complete this in XPLAN.




Note that the Type is set to the outcome of another task.


Base Date Threads

  • Base dates allow you to create threads around key dates.

  • These dates significant tax or year-end dates, dates of birth or a specific client-related date, such as when the next review is due.

  • An example of this is:



  • The only difference is that when you a set the activating conditions, you use the Base Date option and then define when the task will be activated in relation to the thread base date.

  • The thread base date is usually defined when it is first created on a client.


Adding a thread to a client

  1. There are a number of ways a Thread can be activated against a client. A Diary Event or Task can have an Outcome set to automatically activate a Thread against a client.

  2. It is also possible to right click on the client and select Add > Add Thread; this can be done from either the Recent Clients box on your Home page or from the client list as a result of a search.

  3. Select the template from the Load from templates drop down list.

  4. Enter in any base dates required and click the Save button.

  5. Click the Activate button to activate the thread (the tasks will be activated according to their activation conditions).



Testing the Thread

  1. Run through the Tasks that are created and ensure the Thread functions as required.

    Once testing has been completed and any amendments made, you can change the visibility of the Thread.

  2. Navigate back to the Thread Template and select Edit. Change the visibility to involve other users.



Viewing Tasks

Once a task is activated you can view your ‘Tasks to do’ in a couple of places:

  1. From the title bar, select Xplan > Diary & Workflow > Task.  You will be taken to your task area where you can view tasks which need to be completed.


  2. To open a task, click on the details in the Subject column.

If you have customised your Dashboard with your preferences you can also view your Outstanding Tasks from here.



Task Status

As you action each task you should use the Status to define what actions have been done. Below are a few ideas on when to use the different statuses.

  • Unactioned - This appears when the task is first assigned to you.

  • Actioned - If the task has been worked on but not yet complete, use this status.

  • Pending - If you are waiting further information or actions from others.

  • Review - This appears when a task further along the process has been aborted and this previously completed task has been reopened for review.

  • Complete - It is important to use this status when you have completed the task as it may trigger other tasks.

  • Aborted - Use this status if the thread is to be cancelled.



Ideas on when to use threads

  • For standardisation of daily administration processes (such as New Business process)

  • For annual or semi-annual job for example, a margin lending thread that sets a reminder to advisers 30 days before end of the financial yea The tasks may be to send out a mail merge to remind clients to review their investment and tax status

  • Estate planning thread

  • Prepaying insurance/tax effective investment before end of a financial year.




Remember that whatever view you define on the task list screen you can print.

  1. Click on Xplan > Diary & Workflow > Task menu heading at the top of your page in XPLAN.

  2. Use the filters at the top of the Tasks list to generate the list of tasks you wish to see.

  3. Use the icon to change the columns in your print out.

  4. Click the arrow button        and select Tasks PDF.

  5. Confirm whether you would like to include Descriptions and Comments and then click Ok




Task Management Reports

  1. Obtain a list of clients by selecting List or Advanced located under the Search box at the top of your page.

  2. Click on the Reports menu and then select Management Report.

  3. Using the drop down list for the Select Report field, choose the report and set any parameters required.


  4. Click the Run button at the top of your page and then wait for the bouncing envelope.



Activating Thread using Diary Template

Threads can be activated in a number of different ways e.g. by Diary Events, Tasks, other Threads or manually.

We will be activating this Thread by using a Diary Template. The Diary Template will be used for the Review Meeting that has been organised with the client.

  1. Navigate to the Xplan > Administration Functions > Templates screen.

  2. Select Diary Template on the navigation menu located to the left.

  3. Select the Add button.

  4. Complete the Diary Event Template:


  5. Locate the thread that was created earlier in the Thread Template section.


    The ‘Client Email Template’ is used to send notification to the client of the date and  location of the Review Meeting. Connecting it to the Diary Event Template in this way means it can be automatically sent to the client on the creation of the Diary Event. This ‘Review Diary Event Email’ Template has already been created for you.

    The ‘Shared/Thread’ area allows for the visibility of the Thread to Users. Will we return to this Diary Event Template once we have completed the Review Thread Template, and assign our Thread in the ‘Thread Template’ area of this screen.

    Select the Notifications tab. Tick the boxes as below:



    Selecting the ‘Notify clients when created’ will allow an email (the ‘Review Diary Event Email’) to be automatically sent to the client when the Diary Event is created.

  6. The diary event is complete; Select Save.

The Thread will be automatically activated by the Diary Event Template.

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