XPLAN Workshop - Templates

XPLAN Workshop - Templates


Templates allow you to save frequently used layouts, avoiding having to retype them.



Email Templates

Setting up email templates

Setting up email templates can increase your efficiency in communicating to your client base. To set up an email template:

  1. Under the XPLAN menu, select Administration Functions > Templates.


  2. On the navigation menu, select Email Template. A list of existing email templates display.

  3. Click mceclip1.png.

  4. Enter the Recipient Type. This is the entity that we wish to email.


  5. The next drop down box requires you to indicate the Type of email this will be:

    • Normal is for standard emails

    • Diary is for emails that are sent from diary events, such as custom appointment reminders.

      Note: Diary email templates can be attached to Diary events allowing for emails to be generated detailing the time and date etc. of the client meeting. Diary emails are not available for use from the normal email area.

    • Campaign is for emails that we can send through the Campaign Module of XPLAN

    • Task is for emails that we send through Tasks.


  6. Give a Brief Description – This is for internal use and will allow other users to get an idea of what the template will be used for. We will call this template – ‘Quarterly Newsletter 2011’.


  7. Enter a Subject line for the template – this will appear in the subject line of the email.


  8. A Return receipt can also be requested by ticking the ‘Return Receipt’ tick box.


  9. The From Address field can be used to set the default sender email address. Tick This Address Only to 'lock' the sender details, preventing users from changing the sender email address.


  10. The body text box below allows you to type in the standard text that will appear in the main body of the email template. If you would like details to be automatically populated in the email, such as the client’s first name, you will need to use the Xmerge syntax.

    • Start by clicking inside the body text area to place the cursor there; then select the Xmerge syntax icon mceclip9.png on the email toolbar.


      The Insert XPLAN Template Syntax dialog box displays.

    • When using the XPLAN coding you need to identify to the system who you would like coding for Recipient, Sender or Attached Client- by choosing this option in the drop down on the From/To field. We would like the client’s first name and therefore we will use the Recipient option.

    • In the Category drop down box, the selection of Key Details is a common choice as this generally holds all of the codes for the client’s personal details which originates from their account in Client Focus. Since we are looking for the client’s first name, this field itself will be located under the ‘Key Details’ section.

    • Once you have chosen the appropriate category, you can then indicate which information you would like to pre- populate into the email. For this case, we have selected first_name.


    • Click mceclip12.png . The Xmerge syntax <:=$recipient.first_name:> is  inserted into the email template body.

  11. Type in the standard text as shown below;


    As this email template may be used as a bulk email we will be showing you how to use the software to put in an ‘Unsubscribe’ option for the recipients to use.


  12. Locate the Hyperlink Icon on your email toolbar:


    Once you click on this ICON you will get a pop up box which looks like the below picture. There are a few things you are able to do from this area


    URL: Allows you to add in a URL into the email.

    Link to Anchor Text: Allows you to create a link within the email that will take you to a body of text in another part of the email.

    Email: Allows you to create a link which if the recipient were to click on will automatically open outlook and have certain details filled in.

    We will use the ‘Email’ option to create an Unsubscribe link.

  13. Once you have chosen the ‘Email’ option, fill out the details that you would like to pre-populate when the recipient clicks on the link.


    Once you have done this click OK to insert the link.


     In addition to the Email link go back and add in a URL to the email template.

    We will now finish up by placing in the Senders First and Last Name.

    As this is a template that many people in the office can use, it is better to use coding for this. This will ensure the appropriate name will appear despite whoever uses this template to send emails.

  14. To do this we will need to go back to the CODING icon and change the From/To list to ‘Sender'

This is how it should look to pull through Senders First Name




This is how it should look to pull through Senders Last Name




Also make sure you leave a space between the First and Last name.

Your email template should now look like this;



Uploading Attachment:

As with other emails attachments are added via the Attachments tab on the Email Tabs.

  • Click on the ‘Attachments’ Tab

  • Browse to find your document in this case the Quarterly Newsletter

  • Then click on the Attach FILES button to upload.





The Miscellaneous Tab

The Miscellaneous tab is used to set visibility permissions, and also ensure that a copy of the email sent to the client is stored as a file note against the client record.





XMerge / IPS

The left hand navigation menu allows for a coded Xmerge document or a Portfolio (IPS) report to be added to the email template.



  1. Syntax Check can be selected to ensure you have the correct syntax for your codes.
  2. Select Save on the top right hand side to save your Email Template.

Once you click save you will be taken back to the area which holds all the email templates. You should be able to locate you email template in that list.



You have now successfully created an email template.


mceclip27.png  Activity: Create an Email Template to be used for Campaigns

We will be creating a Campaign later today and require an Email template that can be used when inviting the client to the Campaign. Therefore, create an Email template addressed to the client. The Campaign date and time will need to be added manually as these are not available as merge code fields.


mceclip28.png  Activity: Create a Diary Email Template ready for attachment to a Diary Template

Create a Diary Email Template listing the details for the Diary Event (You will need to copy and paste some of these codes from the Help files: Xplan Help > Use Xplan > Diary > Diary Event Notifications). NOTE: Ensure this template is of a generic nature as we will use it for all different types of client meetings.

Dear <:let has = False:><:if


$recipient.has_partner:> and

<:=$recipient.partner.preferred_name:><:let has = True:><:end:><:end:><:if not has:><:=$recipient.superfund_name:><:=$recipient.company_name:><:=$r ecipient.trust_name:><:end:>


Further to our discussion today, I wish to confirm the following details:




<:for location in $event.locations:>



Schedule: <:=$event.schedule:>


Please allow about one and half to two hours for this meeting however I will be guided by how much or how little you need to hear.


Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions beforehand.




<:=$recipient.adviser.first_name:> <:=$recipient.adviser.last_name:> Telephone <:=$recipient.adviser.preferred_phone:>

Email <:=$recipient.adviser.preferred_email:>



Emailing Third Parties with Client Data

Creating a Third Party Email Template

If you ever need to send an email to one person (for example a referee) with details of a client, then you can do this by using the Third Party Email function. A copy of the email will be saved to both the referee and the client’s record. The client is referred to as the “attached client”.

To create a Third Party Email:

  1. Locate the email recipient and either click on the email address

  2. When coding, you use a new option in the From/To list: Attached Client as shown below:


    For example, a letter to a company superfund regarding a member may look something like this:

    Dear <:=$recipient.first_name:>,

    Re: <:=$attached_client.first_name:> <:=$attached_client.last_name:>

  3. Once you have coded your email, go to the Recipients/Clients tab and click the Add button (as highlighted below), and attach a Client, Supplier, Professional Adviser or Referrer.


    In the Search box, type the required client and press the Enter key on your keyboard (or the Search button). Select the required client from the resulting list and then click on OK. Repeat until the required clients are selected. Each client name will be shown in the Attached Clients section.

  4. When complete, click on the Send button. A separate email will be sent to the recipient for each of the attached clients; therefore, if there are 3 attached clients, the recipient will receive 3 emails.



SMS Email

XPLAN has the ability to send SMS emails, in conjunction with third party SMS gateways, to one or more clients simultaneously.

To set up SMS Email contact details for your clients:

  • Enter the SMS email address in the Contacts section of the client file. (e.g. SMS Email - mobilenumber@smsserviceprovider.com.au) where the mobile number is the client’s mobile number and the smsserviceprovider is the sender’s SMS service provider. Note: You need to choose the Type as SMS Email.


To send a SMS in bulk:

  1. With the relevant clients listed and/or selected, select the SMS hyperlink at the top of the list. If a client in the list doesn’t have an ‘SMS Email’ address they will be appear in the ‘Recipients/Clients’ tab as described in point 4 below.


  2. The email/sms editor will be displayed.

  3. Create your email or use email templates as normal. Note: that some SMS providers will limit the total characters in the message to 160 characters.

  4. Go to the Recipients/Clients tab to view the sms address Note the SMS column is set to Yes for each of the recipients.

  5. Click the Send button when you have finished. A copy of the SMS will be saved in the client's file notes automatically.



Sending Emails

Sending a Single Email

  1. The simplest way to send an email to a single client is to click the on the   icon next to a client’s name and select Email > Send to Client. This can be done from the client list as a result of a search. You could also select Recent > Client name > Email > Send to Client. You can also simply click on any hyperlinked email address.


  2. Once you have a new email form showing you can choose to use a template or simply start writing an email.

  3. If you want to use an email template, select the template in the top drop down list and it will populate the email for you:

    The saved details of the template will be filled into the email. Edit as necessary.

  4. If you are writing an email from scratch, complete the Subject field and the text section.

  5. Click the Preview button to view the email before it is sent to your client.

  6. Click the Send button once you are satisfied with the email.


Sending a Group Email

  1. From the Title Bar of XPLAN, select List > Entire List from the menu in the top right hand corner.

  2. Reduce the list using the search Criteria function if necessary.

  3. Once you have the reduced list, select multiple clients by using the checkboxes at the left hand side of the client names and then click the Email column heading. If you want to send to all of the listed clients, you don’t have to use the check boxes…just click the Email > Email All column heading.


  4. Once the email form is open, select the email template and preview the email if necessary. The preview will only show the first of the recipients to receive the bulk email.

  5. Check the Recipients/Clients tab to make sure that all of the clients are on the email list. Each of the clients showing on the screen will receive an email and if you have used XPLAN coding then it will be personalised for each of those clients.

  6. If you want to copy others on the message, use the Add button, and select from the list. Select cc or bcc as required – Note: cc and bcc should be used with caution – see Hints and Tips below for more information.



Automatic Email Note when sending Emails

It is possible to direct XPLAN to attach the sent email as an Email Note against the client record. This is done via the Miscellaneous tab when creating an email, and can be applied to an email template (as discussed earlier) or an ad hoc email.



Send an email to users

Sending bulk emails

Bulk emails can also be of use for dealer groups or advisors wishing to email a number of users (employees) at once.

  1. Select the Xplan > User Functions > Administer Users.

  2. Reduce the list using either the search Criteria function or you can use the Group filter menu item to create a list for a group within the dealership.

  3. Once you have the reduced, or filtered list, either click on the email address for each user (for individual messages) or select multiple users by using the checkboxes and then click the Email > Email All column heading (for a ‘bulk’ email).

Either select an email template or fill in the details as required and send – this email will appear in the notes section of the Users record.



Merge Templates

Note: Creating a letter template is covered in the Coding Workshop.


Creating a Template Category

  1. Access Template Management by clicking Xplan button, select Administration Functions > Templates

  2. Click Add Category button. The Report Category Details editor displays.

  3. Enter a Category Name and (optionally) a Description for the new category.

  4. Click Create. The category is created and its details display.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. The following settings can be modified:

    • Category Owner - sets the owner of the category

    • Only Editable By Category Owner - if set to Yes, only the category owner can edit the category

    • Visible to All - controls if the category is visible to all users. To restrict visibility to certain groups, set to No.

  7. Click Save.

  8. On the navigation menu, select Groups.

  9. Tick a group to make the category visible to the group.


Adding a template to a Template Category

  1. Access Template Management by clicking Xplan button, select Administration Functions > Templates

  2. Click the  icon next to your chosen Category to expand this category.

  3. A list of existing templates in the category is displayed.

  4. Click Add Template button. The Report Template Details editor displays.

  5. Enter the Template Name and Description.

  6. Select the Report Type for the template.

  7. Click Create. The Report Category Details window displays.

  8. On the navigation menu, select Files.

  9. Click Browse, find and select the template to upload.

  10. Enter a Description of the template file.

  11. Click Upload.



Send letters to a group of clients

The Merge Report facility allows you to create templates with XPLAN coding (similar to the email templates above). Once created, templates can be sent to an individual client or you can send to many clients at a time.

Mail Merge

  1. Select List > Entire List from the menu in the top right hand corner.

  2. Reduce the list using the search Criteria function if necessary.

  3. If you want to send only to a selection of clients in the list then use the check boxes at the left hand side of the client names to denote those that will receive the letter; otherwise, just leave the clients unchecked.

  4. In the left hand side menu select Reports > Merge Reports.

  5. Select to send to All Listed Clients or Only Selected Clients as required.

  6. Select the appropriate Report Category


  7. Click the mceclip37.png icon of the letter you want to send to clients.

  8. If you want the merged document to be linked to the client record as an attachment to a client note, select the Add merge result as document note checkbox at the bottom of the page.

  9. XPLAN can export Xmerge outputs electronically to 3rd party services, who can print and mail the documents directly to clients. Selecting Send report by post allows documents to use this facility.

  10. Click the Execute button in the top right hand corner.



Creating Templates

If you want to create a standard for a document, such as meeting minutes, you can do so by using the Template function in Document Library.


This guide does not cover the production of merge templates. Another guide – Coding Workshop - will provide you with lots of information to code templates for your business.



File Note Templates

  1. Create a word document with the standard format that you wish to use for meeting minutes.

  2. Open Document Library by selecting Xplan button > Document Note Functions > Document Library.

  3. Click the Template category and then click the Add button.

  4. A new note will display…set the Type, and if appropriate the Subtype.

  5. Copy and Paste from the Word Document into the Note section to create the template.


  6. Click the Save button.



Using a File Note Template

  1. To use the Note template, create a new note and select the Template button.


  2. Select your new Meeting Minutes template and start typing.



Task Templates

Task templates can be created in the same area as email templates, and can be created for any tasks that are likely to be repeated by practice staff. In this example we will create a Task Template of ‘Return Client Call’ which can be invoked whenever a client calls and a practice employee is required to return the clients call.

  1. Select Xplan >Administration Functions > Templates > Tasks and Thread Templates > Task Template.

  2. All current task templates will be listed.

  3. To create a new Task template select the Add button on the top right of the screen.

  4. Fill in the task templates details the same way that a task would be filled out. The only compulsory detail is the Subject, all other information is optional. Any information that is added to the template will be automatically placed into a task when the template is used.

  5. The Description could be something similar to ‘Client phoned. Please return phone call. If could not be contacted - update task comments"

  6. Enter other details on the Details tab.

  7. The Secondary tab should be completed if you wish to force the user to complete a comment and state the time taken to complete the Task.

  8. The Notification tab should be completed with details relating to who will be automatically notified of the Task being created.

  9. The Share tab dictates the visibility setting for the template.

  10. The Outcomes tab could be completed with directing the user to complete a File Note.

  11. Once complete, Save the Task Template, and it is added to the list of Task Templates.

  12. Run through the scenario of a client requiring a return call and applying the Return Call Task Template to an example client.



Diary Templates

Diary templates can be created in same manner as Task Templates.

  1. Navigate to Administrations Functions > Templates > Diary Template.

  2. Select Add.

  3. Enter the default details for the template.

  4. Use Client Email Template to use custom diary email templates. NOTE: It is possible to attach an Email template to the Diary template and have it automatically generate an email to the client with the details of the meeting etc. (refer to thread course notes)

  5. Set the permissions to use and edit templates is controlled by Shared and Owner Edit Only.

  6. To activate a thread by creating a diary event, select the thread from the Thread Template list.

  7. Click Save.


mceclip41.png  Activity: Create a Diary Template and attach the Diary Email Template created earlier 

Create an appointment Diary Template, and ensure the Diary Email Template created earlier is attached. NOTE: Ensure this template is of a generic nature as we will use it for all different types of client meetings.


  • Hyperlinks can be added to templates by highlighting the word that is to become the hyperlink and then selecting the Hyperlink symbol and entering the web address.


  • Images can be added to email templates by first saving the image as an attachment to a Note within a category of the Document Library. When creating your template you can select the Image icon and navigate to the Note and Attachment to select the Image.


  • When you send an email from XPLAN it automatically saves a copy in the client’s file notes – check the miscellaneous tab for these settings.

  • If a new client is added to any automatically created To: list, then while they will be entered on the To: list, they will actually be ‘bcc’.

  • By default, a separate letter is produced for each client. This can make it difficult if you are printing many letters…however, it IS the way to go if you want to attach the individual letters to each of your clients.

  • You can use the Options menu to Merge the result into one single document …however this should NOT be used in conjunction with the option to add the document to each client as they would get a document with all other client data!

  • A workaround is to do the merge twice…once to merge the letters as single items and to attach to each client record – this merge is NOT printed.

  • Then untick attach to client option and do a second merge where the option to merge to a single document is selected – this merge is the one to print.

  • Please note that if you cc or bcc a person in on the email then they will be copied into every email sent.You need the relevant capabilities as well as your email address listed against you as a user to email from XPLAN – please contact your System Administrator if you do not have either of the above.

  • Codes which start with a ‘For’ statement and end with an ‘End’ statement, will contain individual codes for the group of information that you are trying to extract. These individual items can be moved around to make the output correct. An example would be an original code of:

    <:for item in $recipient.address:>







    being amended to:

    <:for item in $recipient.address:>








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