XPLAN Workshop - Datafeed Administration

XPLAN Workshop - Datafeed Administration

Datafeeds Overview


Datafeeds are an efficient way to import client, portfolio and risk data into your XPLAN site that are administered by a third-party such as a Stock Broker, Fund Manager, Wrap, Life Office etc. (known as a Data Provider or Vendor). External data is imported into your XPLAN site via IOS, System or User datafeeds. The main differences between the datafeed types are:

  • Types of data provided

  • Set up steps required

  • Where data is processed and stored

  • Account mappings required

  • Ongoing maintenance required


System Datafeeds

System datafeeds are automated datafeeds processed by IRESSnet and are the most common type of datafeed. System datafeeds have largely replaced user datafeeds.

IRESSnet is a combination of software applications / services hosted on IRESS infrastructure. Essentially we have removed the datafeeds translators from the XPLAN sites, and placed them in IRESSnet. Between IRESSnet and XPLAN the data is transmitted in a known format (IRESS developed).

Data files are supplied by the data provider to IRESS and on receipt of these files IRESS pre-processes the data in IRESSnet. During this pre-process, IRESSnet validates the data and identifies any issues (e.g. incorrect format, incorrect holding balances etc.). On successful validation, IRESSnet passes the data through to XPLAN where it is visible in the portfolio and/or insurance modules. For data that did not pass validation, IRESSnet automatically notifies the Data Provider of the problem, so that they can proactively attend to correcting the problem.

Set up Requirements - System datafeeds require Advisers to be mapped and for some vendors the Adviser may need to be registered via the vendor or IRESS website. The datafeed for each vendor also needs to be enabled.

Account Mapping - Accounts can be mapped automatically or in some instances users may need to map on an individual account basis before (if IPS External Account ID is known) or after the datafeed is processed.

Maintenance - Ongoing maintenance is required to manage notifications, new adviser or account mappings, checking and reporting of errors at the client level.



IOS Datafeeds 

IOS Datafeeds are system datafeeds provided by brokers using IRESS IOS as their backend system. Broker datafeeds generally provide buy and sell data only (contract notes).

Set Up required - The set up for IOS datafeeds requires account mappings (connections) for each client account to be set up. If the account mapping (IOS connection) has not been created the data will not flow into XPLAN. Some brokers also require IOS logins.

Maintenance – Most broker datafeeds provide only buy and sell transactions (contract notes) in which case XPLAN Corporate Actions can be used to update client holdings with corporate actions such as dividends and dividend reinvestments. This can be done automatically, in a batch or for an individual client portfolio.

mceclip0.pngCorporate Actions can be viewed and user notifications can also be switched on from XPLAN > Portfolio Functions > Corporate Actions


Role of the XPLAN Datafeed Administrator 

Although IRESSnet has simplified the processing of datafeeds greatly, there is still a responsibility on the end user (site administrator, datafeed administrator or Adviser) to keep a close eye on what is being imported and any issues that may arise. It is important that the specific roles of the Datafeed Administrator are assigned to the appropriate person or persons to compliment your business model.

Depending on your role the Datafeed Administrator will be responsible for:

  • Reviewing datafeed reports and action items raised as required. Daily checking of reconciliation reports is recommended but weekly checking is generally the minimum required.

  • Setting up Advisers IDs and Mapping them to a Data Provider.

  • Checking that new accounts were correctly matched to a client already in XPLAN, or creating new clients if required

  • Completing datafeed summary forms and communicating with XPLAN Support to to resolve queries that may arise.

  • Setting up and configuring the Datafeed for the various providers. This is often a head office or Site Administrator level role.


News Feed

A datafeed New Channel is available for you subscribe to. The IRESS Datafeed team will provide updates via this news channel for example when there are service interruptions from platform interfaces.

  1. To view these news articles navigate to your user dashboard on your home page. (Click on the logo in the top left hand corner)

  2. Click the news tab.

  3. Click Channels in the top right hand corner of the New tab


  4. When the following screen appears ensure that the IRESS > Datafeeds channel is selected and click OK.


    New Feed Channels and their visibility to XPLAN Users can be administered from the following area within the XPLAN system menu; XPLAN > Administration Functions > News. To create news channels and set channel permissions to ‘site wide’ the user would require the capabilities ‘Manage News Channels’ & ‘Administer All News Channels’. Please refer to the XPLAN Help menu for further information on administering news channels.

    A System Datafeed widget is available for the user dashboard where you can choose to display unmapped accounts, unmapped clients, out of balanced accounts & Clients with client online access with out of balance accounts.


    For each type of notification, you can click the notification to be forwarded to the corresponding page for rectification.


XPLAN Help Menu


There is a dedicated area within the XPLAN Help menu specifically for datafeeds. It is essential that a datafeed administrator is familiar with this area of the XPLAN Help menu.

Important documents to refer to include:

  • Datafeed Providers and Summaries – provides detailed specifications and key data components provided by each datafeed.

  • System Datafeed Setup Addendum – provides individual system datafeed instructions.

  • IOS Datafeed Setup Addendum – provides instructions specific to IOS datafeed administration.

  • System Datafeed Troubleshooting Guide – provides troubleshooting support for datafeeds.



Datafeed Initiation

To start receiving datafeeds in your XPLAN site, you will need to perform several steps to initiate the datafeed.

Step 1: Refer to System Datafeed Setup Addendum

The process for initialling system datafeeds depends on the datafeed provider. For some datafeeds you may be required to register on the IRESS or providers website whilst others may simply require the Adviser code to be mapped in XPLAN.

Please refer to the System datafeed Setup Addendum in the XPLAN Help menu for instructions for each individual datafeed. XPLAN > Help > XPLAN Help > Datafeeds > System Datafeeds > System Datafeed Setup Addendum.


Step 2: Mapping Advisers

System Datafeeds

Adviser mapping allows the recording of your platform adviser ID in XPLAN so that IRESS can notify the specific provider (vendor) that you are requesting platform data. Some will also require Usernames and Passwords such as in the example below. These are usually obtained via the provider registration process which is detailed for each vendor in the XPLAN Help menu as mentioned in the previous section of this document. The adviser mapping allows IRESSnet to transfer the data to the XPLAN site. Without this adviser mapping the data will not be sent to the site.

  1. From the XPLAN system menu select XPLAN > Datafeed Functions > System Datafeeds.


  2. In the navigation menu click on the Mappings > Advisers

  3. At the top right of this screen: Click on ‘Add Mapping’.


  4. Select the provider from the first dropdown menu



  1. Enter the required fields.

  2. Click mceclip11.png

    mceclip3.pngAdviser codes are not case sensitive.

    mceclip0.pngAdviser overrides are available by clicking mceclip12.png next to the specific adviser mapping.


Advisers can elect to set processing options that will apply to the datafeed. The processing options will be dependent on the specific datafeed and a full list of the processing options can be found in XPLAN Help. Some of the standard processing options available for almost all datafeeds include:

  • Import Provider supplied Initial Balance Trades - this option allows Initial Balance Trades sent by the vendor to be imported. You may choose to ignore initial balance trades if you already had transactions present in XPLAN.

  • Adviser Lock: This option allows you to set the date for when you want transactions from, based on the trade date of the transaction. If you tick and enter a date, only transactions with a trade date greater than the date entered will be imported into your XPLAN site. I.e. all transactions in XPLAN prior to this date are locked for this Datafeed and Adviser.


IOS Datafeeds

The Advisers IOS login details will need to be entered into XPLAN. It is therefore best practice to be logged into XPLAN using the Advisers XPLAN login before completing the following steps:

  1. Click XPLAN > Orders & Modelling Functions > IOS Accounts.

  2. In the navigation menu select Logins.

  3. Click Add Login

  4. When the Add IOS Login dialog box appears complete the Login details as required and click OK.


    As auto-mapping is not available for IOS datafeeds you will be required to add the account mapping (connections).

mceclip5.pngIt is recommended that you create a portfolio account against each client first before adding an IOS mapping, otherwise the default portfolio account will be utilised.

  1. Click XPLAN > Orders & Modelling Functions > IOS Accounts.

  2. In the navigation menu select Connections.

  3. Click Add Connection

  4. When the Add Connection dialog box appears complete the connection details as required and click OK.



Step 3: Activating Datafeeds for Providers

System Datafeeds

mceclip5.pngAt least one Adviser mapping is required before each datafeed can to be turned on (activated).

  1. Click XPLAN > Datafeed Functions > System Datafeeds > Platforms > Summary.

    This will provide a list of System Datafeed Providers.

  2. To turn on a datafeed, click on Activate next to the chosen provider.


    The display will change to Disable and Edit buttons indicating the feed is now active.



Configuring Datafeeds

mceclip5.pngIRESS has pre-configured the processing options for XPLAN System Datafeeds. It is
recommended that the default settings are used. However if required to configure the datafeed settings such as adding a lock date at the vendor level the following steps can be taken:

  1. Click XPLAN > Datafeed Functions > System Datafeeds > Platforms > Summary.

  2. Click the name of the provider that you want to configure (if it has been activated). Alternatively you can click on Configuration in the left navigation menu, and then click the name of the provider.

  3. Click Edit to make any changes to the datafeed.



Use the default System Datafeed processing options

  • Tick Use XPLAN defaults.

NOTE: This option will be ticked by default and is recommended.


Manually set the System Datafeed processing options

  1. Untick Use XPLAN defaults. The manual settings are made accessible.

  2. Set the Client/Account Matching settings:


Match client data - the matching criteria (e.g. First name, Surname, DOB, etc.) has been pre-set behind the scenes by IRESS. It’s been determined as a ‘best fit’ for the data supplied by the Data Provider and cannot be changed. You can disable the client matching by unchecking this box.

Create new clients - New client records are created in Xplan when a ‘new client record’ is received via the datafeed. The data sent in the datafeed is used to create the client. Some providers supply a lot of ‘Client Focus’ type data whereas others provide very little. This feature can be enabled by checking this box.

Note: This option can be used in conjunction with the Match client data option. If Match client data is enabled and Create new clients is also enabled, for any new client record that the datafeed sends that does not match a client in XPLAN, a new client will be created in XPLAN. If Match client data is disabled and Create new client is enabled, any new client record from the datafeed will be created as a new client.


Set the Balance Checking setting

When enabled, any Portfolio Account is marked out of Balance if the balance does not reconcile against what the Datafeed is supplying XPLAN. This option can be disabled by unchecking this box. The import of the datafeed data will perform a reconciliation on the data imported; any issues will be reported in the messaging system, see Audit Logs.


Set the Asset Data settings

Asset allocations - allow any Asset allocations sent by the datafeed to be imported. This will update any matching assets within your XPLAN site.

Prices - allow any Prices sent by the datafeed to be imported. This will update any matching assets within your XPLAN site.


Set the Risk Data setting

This option allows for Risk Data to be imported. Only some datafeeds have Risk Data.


Set the Trades settings

Create linked cash trades - this option allows for the creation of cash trades where a datafeed does not supply a cash account. If this option is checked, XPLAN will create an entry in a Cash asset for each buy/sell, etc. that occurs on the asset.

Create initial balances - this option allows for the creation of an initial balance where a full history of transactions and an opening balance transaction has not been supplied by the Data Provider.


Set the Deletions setting

This option allows for the Data Provider to send deletion records to remove incorrect data. This does not remove any client data or any account mappings. If a Data Provider sends a deletion and this option is not checked there may be detrimental effects, such as reconciliation errors, duplicated transactions, etc.


Set the Vendor Lock settings

This option allows you to set the date for when you want transactions from, based on the trade date of the transactions. If you enter a date, only transactions with a trade date greater than the date entered will be imported into your XPLAN site. To set the Lock Date the Enable Lock option must be checked.


mceclip0.pngDate Locks can be set at the Vendor, Adviser or Account Level.



Vendor Date locks can be updated via automated schedule. Adviser date locks can also be automatically updated through the Adviser Mapping screen. The schedule frequency can be set to run on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.


To set the Vendor date lock schedule

  1. Set date lock in Default Values tab in the Vendor Configuration screen.

  2. Click Schedules tab. The current Date Lock displays. Click the Enable box and set Move

    Forward frequency

  3. Click the Save button on the top right side of the screen



Daily Schedule

This schedule runs daily and in order for the lock date to be updated there must be 2 full days between the date of the lock date and the current days date before the schedule can roll the date lock forward. For example if the existing date lock is 01/11/2012 and:

  • Today’s date is 02/11/2012 - the date lock will not be rolled forward as there are zero days between 1st and 2nd November

  • Today’s date is 03/11/2012 - the date lock will not be rolled forward as there is only 1 day (2 November) between the lock date of 01/11/2012 and todays date of 03/11/2012

  • Today’s date is 04/11/2012 - the date lock will be rolled forward to 02/11/2012 as there is now 2 days (2 and 3 November) between the lock date of 01/11/2012 and todays date of 04/11/2012.


Weekly Schedule

This schedule runs on Sunday and in order for the lock date to be updated there must be at least 9 full days between the ‘day’ of the date lock and the ‘day’ of the current days date. For example if the existing date lock is 01/11/2012 and;

  • Today’s date is 06/11/2012 – the date lock will not roll forward as there are less than nine days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 06 (the ‘day’ of the current days date)

  • Today’s date is 10/11/2012 – the date lock will not roll forward as there are only 8 days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 10 (the ‘day’ of the current days date), being 2 thru 9 November

  • Today’s date is 11/11/2012 – the date lock will roll forward to 08/11/2012 as there are now 9 days (2 thru 10 November) days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 11 (the ‘day’ of the current days date)


Monthly Schedule

This schedule runs on a daily basis for the first 7 days of each month (i.e. 1st thru 7th inclusive). In order for a date lock to be updated there must be 2 full days between the ‘day’ of the date lock and the ‘day’ of the current days date. For example if the existing date lock is 01/11/2012 and:

  • Today’s date is 01/12/2012 - the date lock will not roll forward as there are zero days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 01 (the ‘day’ of the current days date)

  • Today’s date is 02/12/2012 - the date lock will not roll forward as there is only 1 day between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 02 (the ‘day’ of the current days date), being 1st December

  • Today’s date is 03/12/2012 - the date lock will be roll forward to 01/12/2012 as there is now 2 days (1 and 2 December) days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 03 (the ‘day’ of the current days date).

It’s important to note that because the schedule only runs for the first 7 days of each month.
If today is 1 December and an adviser adds a date lock of:

3 October - the schedule running on 6 November (being during the first seven days of the month) will update this date to 3 November

6 October - the schedule running during the first seven days of December will not roll the date forward as there is 0 days between 06 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 07 (the latest day within the month the schedule will run). The date of the lock will roll forward to 6 November on 1 January when the schedule next runs.


Yearly Schedule

This schedule runs daily and in order for the lock date to be updated there must be 2 full days between the date of the lock date and the current days date before the schedule can roll the date lock forward. For example if the existing date lock is 01/11/2011 and;

  • Today’s date is 01/12/2012 - the date lock will not roll forward as there are zero days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 01 (the ‘day’ of the current days date)

  • Today’s date is 02/12/2012 - the date lock will not roll forward as there is only 1 day between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 02 (the ‘day’ of the current days date), being 1st December

  • Today’s date is 03/12/2012 - the date lock will roll forward to 01/12/2012 as there is now 2 days (1 and 2 December) days between 01 (the ‘day’ of the date lock) and 03 (the ‘day’ of the current days date)


Step 4: Enable System Datafeed Notifications

System Datafeed Notifications report daily any new accounts that require mapping, IPS positions that are out of balance, or any item that is encountered during import of data into your XPLAN site that requires your attention.

It is important that System Datafeed notifications are enabled.for users in particular for the Datafeed Administrator.


To set up your own datafeed notifications.

  1. Click XPLAN > Datafeed Functions > System Datafeeds.


  2. On the navigation menu select Configuration > My Config. The Configure My User Options page displays.

  3. Click Edit.


    In the Client Data list select one of the following:

    No clients - you will not be notified of any datafeed errors or issues

    User's clients only - you will be notified of any account reconciliations issues for accounts the
    belong to you i.e. you are the adviser

    All visible clients - you will be notified of any account reconciliations issues for clients you have
    access to. (Recommended for Datafeed Administrators)

    Tick Other Data to be notified of any portfolio data issues, such as asset codes that could not be

  4. Click mceclip11.png


Configure notifications for other users

An XPLAN site or Datafeed Administrator may wish to configure other users’ notifications.

  1. Select All User Config

  2. Filter by Group, Access Level and Status

  3. a) Select the required User & configure (the same as for My Config) or

    b) Tick next to several users and select the operation and Update (in bulk)


Reporting, Administration & Maintenance

It is recommended that Reconciliation reports be checked daily, however at a minimum these reports should be checked weekly.



  1. Click XPLAN > Datafeed Function > System Datafeeds

  2. Select Reporting from the navigation menu



Platform Summary

The Platform Summary page will show details of each Datafeed for which the site has registered advisers. It will show the following information

  • Platform – This is the name of the datafeed provider.

  • Positions - This represents the number of holdings / positions that the Data Provider has supplied in the datafeed.

  • Vendor – This column represents how many of the positions (as supplied by the Data Provider) reconcile. NOTE: This value is calculated as part of the pre import validation process, and does not reflect the quality of the data in XPLAN.

  • Vendor Balanced – This is a percentage representation of the data quality based on the two aforementioned fields, Positions & Vendor

  • Site - This column represents how many of the positions in XPLAN reconcile. NOTE: This value would be compared to the Vendor column to see if Site data quality is as good as (if not better) than Vendor quality – with the exception of Broker feeds. If there are differences then refer to the Troubleshooting guide.

  • Site Balanced – .This is a percentage representation of the data quality based on the Site field against ‘Positions’.

Here you can check Vendor quality against Site quality by comparing the Vendor Balances and Site
Balanced fields.


mceclip22.png% Vendor Balanced for Broker datafeeds may not be 100% as when client’s broker accounts change from on broker to another the new broker account will only have transactions from the day the account was opened, and not the full transaction history of the holdings.

Historical transactions will need to be manually entered or uploaded via .CSV file. Please contact your XPLAN Account Executive for the Transaction Upload .CSV file if required. Alternatively an initial amount can be entered and reports can be generated from that date forward.



Adviser Summary

The Adviser Summary page shows the same detail as the Platform Summary screen but breaks it down by each Adviser registered to receive data per vendor.


This page also has filtering options which allow the user to drill down to specific Data Providers, User Groups, and Advisers.


Audit Log

The Audit Log will allow a user to pick a date and view the Audit Log for a given Provider. This can be filtered by Provider, User Groups or a single Adviser.


Notification messages displayed via the envelope mceclip26.png will be consolidated and displayed in this log, dependant on the date, Vendor and Adviser selected.


Reconciliation Summary

The Reconciliation Report will display a list of Clients, Accounts, and Assets that are ‘Out of Balance’.


This allows the user to filter the display at a Vendor, Adviser level.


Client Account Mapping

When a Vendor supplies data for a client account they send an identifier (known to them as an Account Identifier). The identifier is quite often the account or policy number of the client with that provider. For most vendors accounts can be automatically mapped to clients in XPLAN (although this will depend on the Vendor / Adviser configuration settings e.g. Match Client Config setting – matching on predefined criteria, e.g. DOB, name, adviser, etc. / Create New Client config setting)

If this automatic mapping is not possible or the account cannot match to the client in XPLAN you can manual map the account. This can be done before the datafeed is switch on (Pre-mapping) or afterwards when the account has failed to auto-map.

This identifier needs to be ‘mapped’ to a client in XPLAN thus ensuring all data (current & future) sent under this ‘identifier’ is linked to and viewable from within the client record.


Client Pre-Mapping (IPS)

You can map a datafeed IPS External Account ID to a client before running a datafeed. To set up the mapping to the XPLAN client it requires the exact external Client ID that the datafeed provider will use.

mceclip28.pngAlthough you may not need to pre-map your own clients for the purpose of this training session we will complete this process in order to demonstrate additional functionality such as remapping/refreshing.


How to Pre-Map Client / Account Identifiers

  1. Locate the client for whom you wish to map an external client / account identifier (map client ready for datafeed processing).

  2. Select the client name and navigate to: Portfolios > Admin > External Accounts


  3. Click on the Add External Client button


  4. Select the Data Provider you are linking the client to:


  5. Type in the client ID number (often the clients account number) in the ‘Vendor’s Client ID’ field and then click OK.

    This will create a new portfolio account in the Client Portfolio screen which the datafeed will feed into. Alternatively, you can map the datafeed to an existing portfolio account in the client’s Portfolio by selecting it from the ‘map to unmapped account’ field.

    Note: You cannot map to the ‘default’ account and only one datafeed can be mapped to each


  6. You can now see the client Account Number Linked to the Datafeed Provider.


    mceclip5.pngIf you have any doubt over the correct account number to use, please contact the data provider directly.


Client Mapping & Re-Mapping

The following process can be used for initial client datafeed mapping and also, to remap the datafeed from one client to another. As we do not have live datafeeds to map in this training environment we will use this process to remap a client datafeed.

  1. Click XPLAN > Datafeed Functions > System Datafeeds

  2. From the navigation menu click on Mappings > IPS External Accounts


  3. Select the relevant provider from the ‘Provider’ choice field.

  4. Select List Mapped from the Listing Options (select ‘Unmapped’ if you are mapping a client to a datafeed for the first time)


  5. Your page will refresh to return a list of accounts under the Search Result section based on your selection

  6. Select the external account id to be mapped/remapped to an XPLAN entity by clicking on the mceclip35.pngin the Action column and select Remap


    NOTE: If you’re mapping a client, the ‘Remap’ button will display as ‘Map’.

  7. Click on mceclip37.png next to the “Select Appropriate Client” drop down menu


  8. Type the name of the client you wish to Remap/map the account to in the Search box and hit Enter (on the keyboard). A list of clients matching your search criteria is returned.


  9. Click on the client you wish to map the account to and click on the Ok button.

  10. Click on the Save button.


  11. Re-mapping is now complete for that account.

mceclip5.pngWhen a datafeed is ‘remapped’, the account and all underlying transactions will be removed from the original entity and recreated in the new entities portfolio. Future data from the provider will update against the new entities account automatically.

Client Focus Accounts work exactly the same way and are used to map insurance or corporate super datafeeds.



Remapping External Client / Account Identifiers via the IPS Module

  1. Locate the client for whom you wish to create an external account (map client ready for datafeed processing).

  2. Navigate to: Portfolios > Admin > External Accounts


  3. Click on the mceclip35.png icon and select Remap

  4. Click on the magnifying glass next to the “Select a client” drop down box


  5. Type the name of the client you wish to remap the account to in the Search box and hit Enter (on the keyboard). A list of clients matching your search criteria is returned.


    Click on the client you wish to remap account to and click on the Ok button.

  6. Click on the Save button. Remapping is now complete.



If a datafeed has experienced an issue with the vendor and this issue has now been resolved you may be required to do a refresh. This is basically a request to reimport the data from IRESSnet. It does not submit a new request for data from the vendor.

Refreshing data can be done at an adviser level (Adviser) or client level (IPS External Accounts) by clicking on the refresh button.

mceclip5.pngRefreshes should not be done randomly or as a first resort. Refreshes should really only ever be done after investigation of issue has been performed. It will be of no benefit if there is an underlying issue that has not been resolved. Refer troubleshooting guide at the back of these notes.


Refreshing Adviser Mappings (Refresh data)

  1. Select XPLAN > Datafeed > System Datafeed

  2. From the navigation menu select Mappings > Advisers and locate the Adviser mapping.

  3. Click on the down arrow and select the Refresh data option


  4. Complete the refresh parameters in the popup box. You may choose at this point to override any date locks. As mentioned previously date locks can be placed at the Vendor, Adviser or Account level and stop transactions prior to the specified date from being edited. If override date lock is set to yes and a date entered then only transactions dated after this date will be imported/updated.


    mceclip22.pngDate Locks may be entered against the account and if you choose to override the date lock or delete existing data then manually entered transactions will be removed as well as datafeed transaction.

  5. Click OK.

    mceclip3.pngFor Refreshing Adviser Mappings - “Out of Balance” Accounts follow the same steps as above.


Refreshing Client Accounts

  1. Click XPLAN > Datafeeds > System Datafeeds > Mappings > IPS External Accounts

  2. Using the filters at the top of the screen, locate the client account you wish to refresh

  3. Click on the down arrow next to the client account and select Refresh from the options


  4. Complete the refresh parameters in the popup box


  5. Click OK


Configuring Users


Client Focus – Required for viewing client information and performing client mappings. This license is also required for datafeeds that import Assets, Liabilities & Risk data.

  • IPS – required for viewing Portfolio data.



There are many capabilities that users can have in XPLAN, however there are some that are specific to the use and administration of datafeeds.



  • Configure System – Users with this capability can turn on/off & configure System Datafeeds. This should only be enabled for users who are administering datafeeds.

  • Datafeed Advanced Options – Users will be able to use additional options when triggering datafeed refreshes, such as overriding date locks and deleting existing data.

  • Edit Datafeed Data – Users will be able to edit/delete data that has been imported via a datafeed. It is important to note, that even when a user does not have this option, they can still manually enter transactions within an IPS position that was created by a datafeed.

  • Map Datafeed Clients – this allows users access to functionality to map external client & account identifiers supplied in the datafeeds. This capability is required

  • Unmap Datafeed Clients – allows a user to remove the external client & external IPS account mappings

  • View Datafeeds – This option is required to have the Datafeeds link on the home page.



  • Edit Portfolio – Required by datafeed administrators & users so that they can view & edit the data imported into IPS

  • View Portfolio – Required by datafeed administrators & users so that they can view the data imported into IPS.


Entity Management

  • Modify Own External ID’s – Required by users who will be entering their own Adviser Mappings.

  • Administer External Adviser ID’s – Required by datafeed administrators users who will be entering other users Adviser Mappings.

  • Search External Adviser ID’s – allows users to search for External Adviser ID’s


All Capabilities

  • Modify Other Users External ID’s – Required by datafeed administrators users who will be entering other users Adviser Mappings.



Setting of capabilities needs to be done for each Datafeed Administrator & User.




This course is aimed at providing users with the skills to initiate new datafeeds as well as understanding datafeed reports.

Datafeeds are an efficient way to import client, portfolio and risk data into your XPLAN site that are administered by a third-party such as a Stock Broker, Fund Manager, Wrap, Life Office etc. (known as a Data Provider).

The troubleshooting guide attached (appendix 2) also provides detailed information on common issues, what may cause them and steps to rectify them. This information can also be found in the XPLAN Help menu.


Review Learning Outcomes

You should be able to:

  • Map Adviser Codes

  • Enable System Datafeeds

  • Report on Datafeeds

  • If required map Clients

  • If required refresh Datafeeds

  • Troubleshoot datafeed queries

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      If datafeed refresh from XPlan does not work, we could now do an adviser refresh directly from Panorama platform. IRESS has confirmed that this would fix the problem. If after doing the below steps, the problem does not get resolved, please send an ...
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      Navigating XPLAN (Refresher) XPLAN Overview XPLAN is a web based financial planning software package that brings together the different stages in the advice process through the use of a number of modules and tools. XPLAN enables delivery of advice to ...
    • Datafeed Set Up

      Please log in to Wealth Axis Box and go to: https://wealthaxis.box.com/s/tmk9wvtk9jn4inxb41nvedeazx4a91v3 Supporting Document is attached. IRESS Community link for datafeed set ...
    • XPLAN Workshop - Site Administration

      XPLAN and the Advice Process Introduction Overview Many advisers use the Advice to Client process to manage the advice process in their business. To enable participants to be able to relate to the different modules in XPLAN, this course is structured ...
    • Popular Articles

    • Wealth Axis Files - Naming Convention

      File Format: Date, Client Name, File Name Date - yymmdd E.g: 12 Sept 2013 - 130912 E.g: Undated - 010101 Client Names One Client / Only primary client (John Smith) E.g: Smith, J Two Clients (Primary and Secondary Client/Client and Partner) - Married ...
    • Wealth Axis Wizards - Overview

      Overview  This article is designed to help you effectively use the Wealth Axis Wizards in XPLAN. The key features of the Wealth Axis Wizards are: Integration with key modules such as Client Focus, Portfolios (IPS), Risk Researcher, WealthSolver and ...
    • New User Manual - Admin

      XPLAN and the Advice Process Overview Many advisers use the Advice to Client process to manage the advice process in their business. To enable participants to be able to relate to the different modules in XPLAN, this course is structured along the ...
    • Administration - Email: Setting up the Outlook Plugin

      Outlook Plugin - Overview  Outlook Plugin is a function available with XPLAN that allows you to quickly and easily save and record email correspondence in the XPLAN document library as a Note that is linked to a client or user entity. This allows for ...
    • XPLAN Workshop - XPLAN Client Setup

      Introduction Overview     Each practice deals with leads, referrals and potential clients differently. However, most practices have a system regarding the way client information is recorded and relationships with clients are managed. In this section, ...
    • Recent Articles

    • XPLAN Legislative Rates June 2022

      XPLAN Legislative Rates - June 2022 Legislative rates have been updated to reflect: 1. Social Security rates effective July 2022 2. AFSA Retirement Standard Benchmarks for the March Quarter 2022.  Social Security Rate Changes - July 2022 The rate ...
    • XPLAN: Task Notifications - Redirecting

      XPLAN: Redirecting Task Notifications XPLAN task notifications can be sent to your Email Inbox (e.g. Outllok, Gmail) to notify you if a task has been created, unactioned, is overdue or complete. If the task notifications cannot be turned off, then ...
    • XPLAN Version Enhancements - 18 November 2021 (Version 21.11.195)

      XPLAN Version Enhancements - 18 November 2021 (Version 21.11.195) Client Focus Digital Signature Notification will Honour the "Override from Address" when sent by Super User The notify signatories template configured in system settings > client focus ...
    • XPLAN Version Enhancements - November 2021 (Version 21.11.194)

      XPLAN Version Enhancements - November 2021 (Version 21.11.194) Client Focus New Current Residential Address Field A new field, current residential address, has been added to record a client’s current address. When entering the first address for a ...
    • XPLAN Datafeeds: HUB24 Enhancements (v4.3) 29 October 2021

      HUB24 Enhancements: 29 October 2021 HUB24 have released enhancements to their  XPLAN EPI 4.3 datafeeds, to be effective 15 November 2021. Below is the information directly from HUB24 on the enhancements. The Individual Holding extract is where the ...