XPLAN Workshop - Action Manager

XPLAN Workshop - Action Manager

Action Manager


Documents generated by Xmerge can have a unique system generated barcode inserted into the document. This barcode can be associated with one or more Actions. When a document that contains one of these barcodes is scanned and uploaded into XPLAN, it will automatically carry out any Actions associated with the document.

It is the Actions associated with Action Manager that are the key to understanding how this module works. An Action could be to automatically save the scanned document as a File Note against client; or for a Task to be automatically completed or activated upon the scanning of the document; or a Thread to be Activated; or for a certain field to be automatically changed; or that an email be automatically sent.

In this training session you will learn how to:

  1. Create an Authority to Proceed Xmerge document that will have an Action Manager barcode

  2. Upload the Xmerge document to the Templates area of XPLAN

  3. Assign a Variable to the Template

  4. Assign a number of Actions to the Template. The Actions are for a:

    • Assign a number of Actions to the Template. The Actions are for a :

    • Task to be assigned

    • A Thread will be activated

    • A field in the client record will be automatically changed

    • An email will automatically be sent to the client

  5. Overview of how to create a WebDav folder

  6. View the Pending Jobs and Upload Queue


Creating the Authority to Proceed document 

First we need to create our Xmerge document with the Action Manager barcode code inserted into the document. 

Below are some examples of codes that can be used to bring through the barcode:


  1. Select the Xplan button, Document Library > Training Notes > Action Manager Training folder, and download and save to your local computer the Authority to Proceed document.

  2. Open the document

  3. In the top left hand corner type of copy/paste the following code:


    The first part of this code will bring through the barcode. The second part of this code will allow us to assign a name to the barcode that will be visible when merged NOTE: it is not obligatory to have the second part of the code.

  4. Save the document


Upload to the document to the Templates area

  1. Now we need to upload this Xmerge document into XPLAN so it can be merged against client records.
  2. Select the Xplan button, Administration Functions > Templates

  3. Click the mceclip0.png icon next to Action Manager Training category

  4. Select Add Template

  5. Name the Template ‘your initials Authority to Proceed Templates’. Enter the description, and a Report Type of

  6. Select Create

    As explained earlier in this workshop, the Main area can be used to define certain parameters for the Template

  7. Select Files

  8. Browse for the Authority to Proceed Xmerge document you have created

  9. Enter a Description and select Upload.

  10. The file is uploaded to XPLAN.

  11. Select Variables

  12. Left click on the word "label"

    Within the Value field enter whatever wording you wish to appear underneath the barcode (in this example call it ‘Authority to Proceed’)

  13. Select Save


Setting the Actions for the Document 

The Actions that XPLAN can perform are:

  • Create a new Task from a Task template

  • Create a new Thread from a Thread template

  • Attach the scanned file to a Document Note

  • Change the status of a Campaign invitee

  • Change the status of a linked Task

  • Send an email or SMS

  • Set the value of a field.

We will assume that once this Authority has been signed by the client, it is scanned into XPLAN. The following Actions will be activated:

  1. The first Action will be that a File Note will be added to the client record with a copy of the scanned document attached

  2. The second Action will be that a Task will be assigned to the receptionist to retrieve the application form from the adviser and post it to the insurance provider

  3. The Insurance Implementation Thread will be automatically activated against the client record

  4. Then a field denoting if the client is an ‘Insurance Client’ will be set to Yes

  5. And then an email will be sent to the client to confirm receipt of the Authority to Proceed and that work has begun


To create the first Action:

  1. Select Action Manager from the left hand menu

  2. Select Add Action

  3. Select the first Action type – ‘Attach document to docnote

  4. Set the Action Parameters

  5. Attach to a brand new docnote

  6. Select File Note Template of ‘Returned Authority to Proceed

  7. Select Save



To create the second Action:

  1. Select Add Action

  2. Select Add task from template

  3. Choose the Task Template Retrieve App Form and Post to Insurance Provider'.



To create the third Action: 

  1. Select Add Action

  2. Select Add thread from template

  3. Choose the thread template ‘Insurance Implementation thread



To create the fourth Action:

  1. Select Add Action

  2. Select Set Field value on associated entity

  3. Select Field [Entity] Insurance Client Set value Yes



To create the fifth Action:

  1. Select Add Action

  2. Select Email/SMS to a recipient

  3. Select the email template ‘Authority to Proceed returned - NO DO DELETE’

  4. Select if it’s an email or a SMS


In order to enable these Actions you need to:

  1. Select Edit

  2. Change Enable Action Manager to Yes



Overview of how to create a WebDAV folder 

Once documents have been scanned they will need to be uploaded to a WebDAV (Web-based Distribution Authoring and Versioning) folder. A WebDAV folder allows you to map a virtual directory in Windows which connects to your XPLAN server. 

To create a WebDAV folder using WindowsXP (instructions on creating a WebDAV folder using Vista and Windows 7 can be located in the Help Files > Search for ‘Setting up WebDAV folders’) :

  1. Open Windows Explorer

  2. Select My Network Places

  3. Deselect the Folders option at the top of the screen

  4. Select Network Tasks > Add a network place


  5. Work through the Windows Wizard to setup the WebDAV folder

  6. Select Choose another network location

  7. The Internet or network address will be <your sites server address>/dav/actionman/

  8. Enter your XPLAN Username and Password and tick Remember my password

  9. Select OK

  10. Enter a name for your WebDAV folder

  11. Select Finish

    The WebDAV folder will appear in your Windows Explorer. Scanned documents should be dragged and dropped to this folder. XPLAN will then process those documents and activate any Actions that have been assigned to them.


Executing an Action Manager document 

With the WebDAV folder created and the Xmerge Document (with the Actions) uploaded to XPLAN we can now execute the template:

  1. Select your client

  2. Select Merge Report

  3. Select the Category Action Manager Training Category

  4. Select the Template ‘your initials Authority to Proceed template

  5. Select Execute to merge the document

  6. Select the Envelope to download the document 

The document would then be printed and sent to the client to sign. When the document is signed and returned it would be scanned (supported file types are PDF, PNG, GIF, TIFF, TIF and JPG) and dropped into the WebDAV folder you created. The Actions associated with the template would be activated.


Check Pending and Completed Actions 

To view the pending actions and also those that have been completed:

  1. Select Xplan button, Administration Functions > Action Manager

  2. The Pending Jobs section displays those items that have been merged and that we are waiting to be scanned back into XPLA Here you will see the template that we have just executed.

  3. The File upload queue displays those documents that have been dropped into the WebDAV folder and that we are waiting to be uploaded and processed.



  • Using a label template for a sheet of labels, XPLAN can generate a sheet of identical labels for a client. These can be used similar to above, to create ‘Authority to Proceed’ labels for a client that can be attached to documents sent out to the client.

  • It is recommended that all barcode scans are a minimum of 300dpi resolution.

  • When processing a file which contains multiple barcodes, the following rules apply:

    • Only valid XPLAN barcodes are recognised by XPLAN

    • The first barcode found will create a new document that includes all pages before the first barcode and all pages following the first barcode up to the second barcode

    • Excluding the first barcode, any page containing a unique barcode will be treated as the first page of a new fil This file will contain all following pages until another page is found that contains a valid barcode

    • Multipage support is available for PDF and TIFF files

  • You can setup actions that can be used for ‘On-the-fly’ Xmerging. This involves creating an Xmerge template which contains no template documents, and then setting an option to associate the template with ‘On-the-fly’ Xmerging. This Xmerge template can have Action Manager Actions When you upload a template file ‘on-the-fly’, you select Xmerge template to execute the Action Manager Actions.

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