XPLAN Version Enhancements - October 2021 (Version 21.10.190)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - October 2021 (Version 21.10.190)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - October 2021 (Version 21.10.189)

Client Focus

Case Locking and Unlocking with Missing Xtools Scenarios

Improvements have been made to the way in which the locking and unlocking of Cases is actioned when there is a linked Xtools scenario that has been removed from Xplan. Now when you lock or unlock a Case with a missing Xtools scenario, it will ignore the missing scenario then continue with the locking or unlocking.


Transactions Hub Enhancements

The Xplan Portfolio's Transactions Hub screen has been updated with enhanced search and filtering capabilities. You now have the ability to:
  1. Carry forward your list of working Account group or Portfolio list to the Transactions Hub and search for applicable transactions
  2. Search for trades easily
  3. Search and filter transaction results efficiently
  4. View additional transactional data in the table (eg. Vendor references, Broker details and Client Reference details).
The Transactions Hub is now available for everyone and is no longer behind a feature toggle.


CALM: Investment Returns Calculated Using Client Focus Tailored Risk Profile Asset Allocation

In 21.5.167 it became possible to Import and apply a tailored Client Focus Risk Profile to the Asset Allocation charts within Xtools+ projections. Now, tailored edits within Client Focus are also used to calculate the Investment Returns that are applied.

CALM: Easier to Include/Exclude Settings for Assets in Charts and CALM Page

The settings to include the Home, Home and Reverse Mortgage, Accommodation Deposit and Non Financial Assets in the Charts and CALM page are now clearer and easier to access. You can also set each item separately. Previously, you could only apply a single setting for "Non Financial Assets." You still have the option to Include, Exclude or Include Separately.

The options are accessible from the Other Options tab at Input > Options

You can also access the settings via popup hyperlinks in the Input pages for the various items as well as from the CALM display page. The popup option available at Input > Individual > Property is shown below. When you change the settings, the hyperlink text changes so you can see what setting you have applied.

CALM: Improved Asset Breakdown and Death Benefit Charts

Non Financial Assets are now included in the Asset Breakdown and Death Benefit charts.
Note that you can exclude various non-financial assets from the Asset Breakdown chart using the new settings, however the Assets included in the Death Benefit chart are fixed

CALM: Refined Functionality for Custom Defined Benefit Values

In version 21.8.184 it became possible to enter specific defined benefit values for each period of your projection by selecting Specify Custom Benefit Values. Users can now enter the components of the defined benefit in the Lump Sum Value tab and the functionality should also be easier to use as irrelevant data entry cells are hidden.

CALM: Aged Care Fees are Now Shown Over 365 Days

The Basic and Means Tested Daily Care Fees are now shown for the number of days in a period (i.e. 365 or 366 days for a financial year). Previously only 364 days of fees were shown each year. Note that calculations for the Daily Means Tested Care Fee have not changed and are still based on 364 days.

CALM: Refined Aged Care Calculations for Wealthier Residents

The absolute maximum Daily Means Tested Fee a very wealthy resident can be charged is currently $259.26, however their actual maximum fee is determined according to their ACFI assessment and the subsidies granted for activities of daily living, behaviour, complex health care, oxygen and enteral feeding. While CALM does not consider these subsidies in detail, it now uses the absolute maximum daily fee to provide a closer estimation of a very wealthy resident's Maximum Daily Means Tested Fee and the earliest date the Annual and LIfetime Cap may be reached.

CALM: Xmerge Paths for Excess Concessional Contributions Tax

The following paths can now be used to merge information about excess concessional contributions tax into advice documents:

Excess Concessional Contribution
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Contribution
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Contribution
Excess Concessional Contribution Tax
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Tax
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Tax
Release from Accumulation Fund
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Release from/Accumulation
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Release from/Accumulation
Release from SMSF
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Release from/SMSF
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Release from/SMSF
Individual Tax
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Release from/Individual Tax
Super/Client/Conts/Concessional Cap/Excess/Release from/Individual Tax

CALM: New Result Path for Net Savings at the End of Projection

A new result path is available to include in reports. The path is: /%Client/%Tool/%Scenario/Results/Infographics/Net Savings at the end of Projection/Formatted Value

CALM: Improved Text for Cashflow Infographics

The text for Infographics in Cashflow Visualise now accommodates scenarios where the clients have remaining savings at the end of the projection.

 XPLAN Fixes

Proposals with invalid create/modify user codes stored against the proposals can be displayed in all proposal related screens without issues
The user is now able to modify the report visibility settings for those reports that were visible to user groups that were subsequently deleted.

CALM: Notational Taxable Contributions to a defined benefit account were not ending at that same time as salary sacrifice and non concessional contributions. All defined benefit contributions now end at retirement.
CALM: Where one member of a couple was set as eligible for an income support payment and the other member's eligibility was set to none, only half of the applicable rent assistance was included in calculations. In these scenarios, CALM now shows the couple's combined rate of rent assistance being paid to the income support recipient partner. 
CALM: Import from IPS was causing a Stack Trace Error. 

For more information, please contact support@wealthaxis.com.au

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