XPLAN Version Enhancements - October 2021 (Version 21.10.189)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - October 2021 (Version 21.10.189)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - October 2021 (Version 21.10.189)

Client Focus

Sender Field updates for 2FA

The sender field for the 2FA email notification of security code can now be configured to override the default name. 

Client Policies Due For Renewal

The dashboard now loads quicker for users who have the client policies due for renewal on their dashboard. 


IPS Proposal's Proposal Status

Users can now attach statuses to proposals allowing each proposal to be taken through a workflow to improve efficiency and ensure only the proposals approved for ordering are converted to orders. 

This feature is only available with the new IPS Proposals. With this change you can:
  1. Configure proposal statuses applicable to your business at site level; 
  2. Define a "default" proposal status for your site; 
  3. Define statuses that are permitted for ordering; 
  4. Define status colour codes for easy reference; 
  5. Update status for single proposal or for multiple proposals in bulk via the proposal pad; 
  6. Convert proposals to orders only if they are in a status that permits ordering. 
For an in depth view at the key features, please refer to the Iress Community.


Not Applicable logic added to TMD

A Not Applicable option has been added to plans on the platform level of the TMD declaration screen. This allows users to accurately reflect plans or other assets that are included in a scenario and are exempt from TMD declarations. 

In addition, all ASX options will default to Not Applicable in the TMD Declaration.

   XPLAN Fixes

The issue with the total billable market value field has been resolved and is available for use in the Fee Advice Report
The Order button in the proposal pad will function the same as the order button in the in focus order journey.
Proposals with invalid create/modify user codes stored against the proposals can be displayed in all proposal related screens without issue.

For more information on any of the above information, please contact support@wealthaxis.com.au

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