XPLAN Version Enhancements - November 2021 (Major Release Version 21.11.193)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - November 2021 (Major Release Version 21.11.193)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - November 2021 (Major Release Version 21.11.193)

Client Focus

In the November major release, we will be making a beta version of the advice fee consent fully automated end-to-end process available on an opt-in basis. The initial beta release will cover what we call the ‘happy path’. In this scenario, the happy path refers to the automated process without any exceptions or errors. The happy path requirements will include
  1. Fee disclosure statement (FDS) and fee consent templates have been correctly linked in system/group settings;
  2. The client’s adviser has their details correctly entered in Xplan with the correct capabilities applied;
  3. The client has all their required data correctly entered;
  4. Client Portal has been set up and configured with digital signature;
  5. Client’s have been provided access to Client Portal;
  6. An email template has been linked in system settings for digital signature notification to signatories; and
  7. The client opts-in and/or provides consent, and within the required timeframes.
Provided the above prerequisites are met, the hands-free process will automatically 
  1. Generate a FDS and fee consent forms;
  2. Finalise signatories on fee consent forms for digital signature;
  3. Notify the account signatories; and
  4. Update the relevant Xplan fields throughout the process.
For more information regarding Advice Fee Consent in XPLAN, please see below: 

Enhancements to User Dashboards

A new option "Update All Dashboards" has been added to Client Dashboard, enabling users to bulk update details for new and existing clients:


Enhancement in Quick Trade Screen for Unit and Value Field Formats

The value and units filed in the Portfolio Quick Trade's Buy/Sell screens will be formatted with comma separators based on the Use Commas attribute of the Portfolio - Market Value and Portfolio - Volume/Quantity settings in XPLAN's Admin > Site > System Settings > Interface > Formatting screen respectively. 
If the units and values calculated have decimal points: 
1. Fewer than what is specified in XPLAN's Admin > Site > System Settings > Interface > Formatting screen, additional trailing zeros will be added; 
2. Greater than or equal to what is specified in XPLAN's Admin > Site > System Settings > Interface > Formatting screen, there are no changes to the current behaviour. The current rounding logic has been retained.


TMD Declaration Screen - Only Show Options where Balance is Greater than $0

The TMD declaration has been altered for investment options and will no longer include any sold options which have a zero balance. 


CALM Xtools+ Easier Account Based Pensions

If you're starting your CALM projection part way through the financial year, you can now enter the 1 July balance for an existing Account Based Pension, so the minimum payment you project will be more accurate.
It’s also easier to model a Personal Concessional Contribution just before the Account Based Pension rollover. You can even model it with a Re-contribution Strategy. 
Watch the video on this page to see how it works, and to see it used along with a Re-contribution strategy  CALM Xtools+ Easier Account Based Pensions (and Recont Strategy Revisited).


 XPLAN Fixes

Client Focus
Invoice reports were failing with users given the error "your background job 'create invoice PDF report'(job ID xxx) has failed due to an unexpected error. Please contact Iress support" has been fixed.
Where the PDF output on a document note that contained special characters displayed the HTML source code of the document note has now been fixed. 
The issue where insurance provider was being incorrectly imported via CSV has now been fixed. 

The issue with the "exchange holdings from report categories" feature in the Holding Details screen is now resolved. The exclude from various report categories option in the Holding Details/Exclusions tab are now visible  and available for selection.
With this fix, text displayed in the "Target vs Actual Asset Allocation with pie chart" legend will not overlap

When a projection was being started after 1 July, the payments for a rollover: account based pension were being calculated at Nil for the first period. Account Based Pension payments have now been corrected. 

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