XPLAN Version Enhancements - August 2021 (Versions 21.8.181 - 21.8.183)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - August 2021 (Versions 21.8.181 - 21.8.183)

XPLAN Version Enhancements - August 2021 

Client Focus

As per Ongoing Service Agreement legislation dated 1 July 2021, signatories notified that their Fee Consent Form is ready and available for signing have a calculation applied to determine the latest date by which the form can be signed. In line with these legislative timeframes, this date is calculated as the account's next consent date plus 150 days, after which time the document is void. 

This calculation is applied to  Document Note attachments linked to a Fee Consent account within the Opt-in an Fee Consent element in XPLAN and applied on notification to the signatory that the document has been finalised and is ready for signing. If the account has no next consent date entered when the signatory is notified, the default due date set in System Settings > Client focus > Document note > Digital signature is applied. When the next consent date exceeds 150 days, the document is voided after the nightly background process to void expired documents is run.

Email Address Validation (21.8.181)

You can now enter email addresses previously considered invalid due to the entered format.

Moving SIS Integration Endpoints in System Settings (21.8.181)

This feature allows you to set the SIS integration endpoints in Xplan and no longer read from the xml file with functionality moved to the Xplan system settings area. The menu and fields are only visible to you if you have System Settings capability.

When taking the new version there is an upgrade script to automatically move the existing integration endpoints into the new System Settings > SIS area.

Digital Signature - Show Client First Name instead of Preferred Name (21.8.183)

As Digital Signature is often used for agreement to legally binding documents, the name of the signatory on the digital certificate has been updated to display first name instead of preferred name.

The name of the signatory displayed in the digital signature hub and when the client is signing the document has also been updated to display using their first name.


New Resourceful API Parameter added to support retrieving transactions across multiple account groups (21.8.182)

A new optional request parameter, "group_codes" is available for the GET /resourceful/portfolio/transaction resourceful API. Account group codes can be passed through this parameter to retrieve their respective transactions.

This parameter can take single or multiple account group codes and cannot be requested alongside "accountid" or "portfolioid". A minimum IPS version of 21.7.180 is required for this new input parameter. 


Xtools+/CALM - Improved Transfer Balance Cap and Total Superannuation Balance (TSB) Calculations (21.8.182)

Please refer to KB Article or Iress Community Article CALM Xtools+ How to use the new Transfer Balance Cap and Total Super Balance calculations (and more) for a detailed explanation of the changes, a worked example and the Xmerge codes.

We've improved the Transfer Balance Cap, and Total Superannuation Balance calculations:

·        We now calculate future increases to an individual's Personal Transfer Balance Cap using their highest ever Transfer Balance Account.

·        The portion of a person's Total Super Balance that does not relate to Account-Based Pensions no longer increases in line with the General Transfer Balance cap.

·        Xmerge paths were introduced so that you can merge Inputs and Calculations into your advice documents.

You can now use the new Input cells;

·        Personal Transfer Balance Cap (as of 1 July 2021): This amount is relevant to individuals with an existing Transfer Balance Account prior to 1 July 2021. You will need to calculate the Personal Transfer Balance Cap manually, including any 1 July 2021 indexation increase.

·        Highest Ever Transfer Balance Account: This amount is relevant if a Client's Transfer Balance Account has decreased since commencement and is used when future indexation increases to the Personal Transfer Balance Cap are calculated.

Xtools+/CALM - Improved Transfer Balance Cap and Total Superannuation Balance (TSB) Calculations (21.8.182)

You can now enter a client's Initial Total Superannuation Balance manually instead of using the automatic calculation (based on initial account balances.) For example, you can use the manual entry to help model cases where superannuation contributions are being recommended and the individual’s underlying accounts have increased in value since the Total Superannuation Balance date of30 June. This type of modelling would not have been possible previously without making adjustments to the display screen.

The new TBC and TSB inputs can be seen in the screenshot below:

Xtools - Retirement Funding (21.8.182)

You can now start projections in the next financial year as well as in the current financial year. The option to commence projections in the next financial year means that:

·        As a new financial year approaches, you can base projections on more up to date balances that incorporate your planned end of financial year strategies.

·        You can carry out modelling in advance of a new financial year without waiting for the 1 July Legislative update.

·        Existing strategy modelling may be more relevant to reuse as a basis when reviewing financial advice the next year.

Note: Development is underway so that data used as the basis for projections commenced in the next financial year is indexed one year, where appropriate.

For more information or if you have any questions, please email support@wealthaxis.com.au
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