XPLAN Datafeeds: Sunsuper Datafeed
As of 30 July 2021, Sunsuper have commenced datafeeds to XPLAN. The following provides more details including how to register and what information is supplied.
The datafeed will supply data for all Sunsuper accounts the client has granted adviser access to. The data will be suppled to XPLAN and visible in Portfolio, Client Focus Superannuation (and Pension) and Insurance (Risk modules).
How To Register For Sunsuper Datafeeds
Advisers can register for the datafeed via the Sunsuper portal or by clicking
here. Once in the portal:
1. Click on the Data Feed button (top right hand corner).
2. Choose XPLAN as advice software;
3. Enter your advice software username, e.g. wealthaxis1
4. Choose a password that meets the minimum requirements (these will be provided on screen), then re-enter the password to confirm.
5. Click on generate and you will be provided with an adviser code. This is the code you will need to provide Wealthaxis to enter into XPLAN.
Once you have completed above, you will ne able to generate the Data Feed consent form for you client. The datafeed will not activate until you have returned the client signed Data Feed consent form to Sunsuper.
How To Update the Sunsuper Data Feed
Once you've enabled your data feed, you will be able to return to the "Enabling data feed" page of Adviser Online if you need to see the adviser code we have given to you for your data feed, or to do any of the following activities:
Simply check the box 'Disable my existing data feed' and 'Submit' in order to cease your data feed.
Follow the same process as above for enabling the data feed. Your data feed will commence within 48 hours.
- Update your advice software username
Simply update the advice software username you have previously provided us and 'Submit' so we can update your credentials and recommence sending your data feed. Your data feed will continue as normal.
- Change the password for your existing data feed
Simply enter the new password, confirm the new password, and 'Submit'. Then input this new password into your advice software. Your data feed will continue as normal.
What To Do Once Registered
Once an adviser has registered and received
your code, shown below, copy and paste your code - 12 digits/letters - email your username and code to support@wealthaxis.com.au with the subject line Sunsuper Datafeed Registration.
Important Notes About The Datafeed |
Client Consent: Advisers must submit a Sunsuper Data Feed consent form signed by the client to Sunsuper for the client's account information to be available via the data feed. The Data feed consent form can be found in the ‘Start transactions’ tab of Adviser Online and will only become available after you have enabled your data feed.
Historical Transactions: Sunsuper will only provide five (5) years of historical transactions (from the time the client consent is done - e.g if consent is dated 30 June 2021, the data available will only date back to 30 June 2016)
Initial Balance: Sunsuper will not provide Initial Balance transactions. Initial Balance transactions will be calculated and created by Iressnet on the first import of the account holding. This is to ensure the holdings reconcile In XPLAN.
Data Delay: There is a delay of 24 hours before Sunsuper makes the data available in the datafeed e.g. The data for Monday will only be avaialble the following Tuesday after 5:00 pm.
Transition to Retirement: When clients that transaction from a Transition to retirement account to the Retirement Account, sunsuper will delete the Transition to Retirement account and all the underlying data and will provide a new Retirement account. The retirement account will be given a new account identifier. Sunsuper will provide the transaction history again under the retirement account.
Pension Account: Sunsuper will only provide MarketValue for pension accounts.