XPLAN Datafeeds: HUB24 Enhancements (v4.3) 29 October 2021

XPLAN Datafeeds: HUB24 Enhancements (v4.3) 29 October 2021

HUB24 Enhancements: 29 October 2021

HUB24 have released enhancements to their  XPLAN EPI 4.3 datafeeds, to be effective 15 November 2021. Below is the information directly from HUB24 on the enhancements.

The Individual Holding extract is where the holdings are presented at the aggregate of all underlying account portfolios. That is if a security is held under more than one portfolios, the holding is presented once. This is how HUB24 manages the account tax parcels, providing tax benefit to the beneficial owner when they sell down a holding in one of the portfolios, it can be allocated to parcels brought from other portfolios in the same account.

The Portfolio extract is where the holdings are presented in the portfolio where they are held in. This is the how the client or adviser view and trade their holdings. But because sale event can be allocated to holdings from other portfolios, cost bases in this extract is not accurate representation of the tax parcels and hence not provided in the data feed.

Adviser may choose to receive the data in either of the above types. This option is available when the user generates EPI credentials in AdviserHUB. However, beginning from EPI 4.3, the receiving software (financial planning software, accounting software) may choose either to follow the adviser’s choice or to override the adviser choice to receive a particular data feed extract type only. In EPI 4.3, HUB24 also provides the extract type in the response so that the receiving software may be able to identify if adviser has made changes to the extract type and perform a full refresh if required.

One benefit of HUB24 EPI 4.3 data feed that is common to both types of extract is that the data in EPI 4.3 reflects near real time of transactions as they are entered or processed in the HUB24 Platform. This is in contrast to the 1 - 2 business day delays (depending on the time the data feed is requested). How the user benefits from this will depend on how and the frequency of the EPI client requesting data from HUB24.

Below highlights the high level improvements in both type of data feed compared to the previous EPI 4.0.

Individual Holding

  1. Unsettled cash movements (unpaid income transactions, pending equity trade settlements) are provided as new holding (EPICASHACCRUAL).
  2. Cash reserves movements (pending managed fund buy trades, pending placement or share purchase plan trades) are provided (EPICASHRESERVE).
  3. In-specie transfer transactions are provided at individual parcels with cost base date and cost base amount provided.
  4. Corporate action transactions that involve carrying original tax parcels or tax parcel dates across holdings (splits/consolidations, some mergers/takeovers, rights issue, bonus issue, option issue) are provided at individual parcels to reflect the correct cost base date and cost base amount where relevant.
  5. For income transaction, separate fields are provided to reflect the transaction date (when the income is accrued) and tax date (when the income is taxable).
  6. Granular income tax components are provided for all income transactions. These are provided in HUB24-defined tax component labels as EPI 4.3 allows free definition by EPI data provider. These are then mapped to the relevant software tax components on the receiving end.
  7. International securities are provided with the actual exchange identifier correctly identified.
  8. International securities transactions are provided in AUD but with the effective FX rate supplied.


  1. Underlying holdings of managed portfolios, including nested portfolios (managed portfolios inside another managed portfolios) are provided, including the name of the managed portfolio wrapper. Complete movement and income transactions for these holdings are provided.
  2. For income transaction, separate fields are provided to reflect the transaction date (when the income is accrued) and tax date (when the income is taxable).
  3. Granular income tax components are provided for all income transactions. These are provided in HUB24-defined tax component labels as EPI 4.3 allows free definition by EPI data provider. These are then mapped to the relevant software tax components on the receiving end.
  4. International securities are provided with the actual exchange identifier correctly identified.
  5. International securities transactions are provided in AUD but with the effective FX rate supplied.

Pros and Cons of Individual Holding vs Portfolio

Individual Holding
Holdings, including cash, have their transactions aggregated together. For cash holdings, it include movements within the cash account and managed portfolio cash holdings in the same EPICASH, EPICASHACCRUAL, and EPICASHRESERVE holdings.
Underlying holdings breakdown can be represented, depending on the receiving software ability to represent these portfolios
Cost bases and tax parcels are represented correctly, including inspecie tax parcels.
Cost base data is not passed through and not able to be reconstructed from the EPI data without additional data entry on the receiving software, except for a basic buy and sell transactions that occur within the HUB24 custody, i.e. excluding in-specie transfers and corporate actions.

For more information, please email support@wealthaxis.com.au

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