Adding an Alert
Set up an automated exception rule:
XPLAN button, Administration Functions > Alerts Manager
- Click the Add button to create a new rule
Primary Tab
Understand how to create an Alert and enter details into the Primary Tab of the Alert
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016)
Completing the Primary Tab
- You can Import an Alert rule from another site.
- Give the Alert a name
- Select the Entity Type to be examined
Notify Entity by Email – when set to Yes this will send an email to the breaching entity - Entity Email Template is used to generate an email to breaching entities; Entity XMerge Template is used to generate a PDF which is attached to sent emails.
- Select who to notify
- Select the notification method, either by Email or Message Envelope
Notification Type - for email notifications, select either:
Brief Details - information similar to the Brief Details shown when you view a list of breaches
Extended Details - information similar to the Full Details shown when you view a list of breaches
XMerge Template - select an XMerge template to use to generate the content of the email.
Assign the user that will be assigned a task when the rule breaches. Dynamic User allows for the assigned user to be either relative to the client who breaches the rule, or a Group Role for the client adviser's Primary group.
- Assign a Type of either Compliance or Marketing (a sales opportunity)
- Assign the category (useful for reporting and viewing).
- Select the breach level. Notify and Warn do not require action from the assigned user. Breach does require action
Override Breach Message allows for the default breach message to be replaced with a custom breach message
Schedule Tab
Understand how to enter details into the Schedule Tab of the Alert
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016)
Completing the Schedule Tab
- Set the schedule to run yes or no.
- Set the schedule for the report.
Criteria Tab
Understand how to enter details into the Criteria Tab of the Alert
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016)
Completing the Criteria Tab
- Define the exception criteria for your rule
Example: No meeting notes made against a client file within last 6 months
Permission Tab
Understand how to enter details into the Permission and Outcomes Tab of the Alert
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016)
Completing the Permission Tab:
- Select whether the rule will be shared
- Set who can edit the rule.
Outcomes Tab
Understand how to enter details into the Permission and Outcomes Tab of the Alert
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016)
Completing the Outcomes Tab
Do not create task/thread - No tasks/threads are created by this alert rule.
Auto create at most one task/thread per entity per alert - A breaching entity will have a task/thread created only if the entity does not already have a task/thread for previously breaching the alert rule.
Auto create one task/thread per entity per occurrence - A breaching entity will have a task/thread created. Each time the entity breaches the alert rule a new task/thread will be created.
Click the Save button when finished.
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