Wealth Axis Wizards - ROA: Open Platforms Only

Wealth Axis Wizards - ROA: Open Platforms Only

Open Platforms Only

This guide is designed to help you understand how to effectively prepare short-form Records of Advice (RoAs) for your clients to recommend they transfer their Asgard eWRAP, BT Wrap and/or BT Panorama accounts to the corresponding Asgard and BT Open platforms

At the end of this workbook you should be able to:

  • Understand the steps required for preparing and merging your client’s short-form RoA document
  • Model your recommendations for the new Open platforms in WealthSolver
  • Enter the key information required in the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) for your Asgard and BT Open platform recommendations
  • Merge and edit your client’s short-form RoA document
  • Store the short-form RoA document presented to your client in an XPLAN Note


Where can I get help?

If you have any questions or require more information about Panorama Full, Panorama Compact, BT Wrap Open or Asgard Open, refer to the Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) or contact your Wealth Axis Adviser Guide .

There may be circumstances in which the short-form RoA is not suitable for the advice you are providing to your client. For guidance and further information on when to prepare short-form RoAs for your clients, speak to your Wealth Axis Adviser. If you require access to or have any queries, please email their support team at support@wealthaxis.com.au


Features of the ROA Wizard (Open Platforms Only)

The features of the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) are:

  • Specifically designed for the preparation of short-form RoAs recommending clients transfer their Asgard eWRAP, BT Wrap and/or BT Panorama accounts to the new Asgard and BT Open platforms, as listed in the table below.

  • Integrated with WealthSolver for the calculation and disclosure of fees. Furthermore, as only the change in Administration and Trustee Fees (as applicable) are disclosed in your clients’ short-form RoAs, you are not required to implement your WealthSolver Proposals to Portfolios (IPS).

  • No post-merge editing of your clients’ short-form RoAs will be required if you’ve modelled your recommendations in WealthSolver and completed all fields in the Wizard, as recommended by the instructions on-screen in the Wizard and in this workbook.
Current Platform
"Open" Platform
Asgard eWrap
Asgard eWrap Investment
Asgard Open eWrap Investment
Asgard eWrap Super
Asgard Open eWrap Super
Asgard eWrap Pension
Asgard Open eWrap Pension
BT Wrap
BT Wrap
BT Wrap Open
BT SuperWrap Super
BT SuperWrap Open Personal Super Plan
BT SuperWrap Pension
BT SuperWrap Open Pension Plan
BT Panorama 
BT Panorama Investments
BT Panorama Investments
BT Panorama Super
BT Panorama Super
BT Panorama Pension
BT Panorama Pension

What do I need to know?

The ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) does not allow you to charge an advice fee for the preparation of your clients’ RoA documents, or for you to include other recommendations in your advice documents, such as:
  1. Change or rebalance the underlying investments
  2. Increase/decrease insurance, or regular contributions or withdrawals
  3. Rollover/consolidation of super from other platforms or accounts
  4. Transfer other Asgard or BT accounts not listed in the table above to the new Asgard and BT ‘Open’ platforms
  5. In these circumstances, you will need to prepare your advice document in the SOA Wizard or ROA Wizard (as appropriate for your advice).

Can I use the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) for Asgard Infinity eWRAP?

No. The short-form RoA is not appropriate for recommending clients transfer their Asgard infinity eWRAP accounts to Asgard Open eWRAP due to the change in Expense Recovery Fee. For these recommendations you will need to prepare your advice document in the SOA Wizard or ROA Wizard (as appropriate for your advice).

Steps for preparing your client’s short-form RoA document

The recommended steps for preparing and merging your client’s short-form RoA document are:


Step 1: Your client’s current position

Your client’s current assets and superannuation holdings

Your platform recommendations should be modelled and applied using WealthSolver. Prior to moving into WealthSolver, each asset recorded in Client Focus (in Assets & Liabilities and Superannuation) must be linked to the corresponding asset in Portfolios (IPS). This will enable you to model your recommendations for the product in

WealthSolver, and ensure the product’s fees will be disclosed correctly in the merged RoA.
Investments recorded in Client Focus (at Financial Details > Assets & Liabilities) must have the correct Asset Type selected to ensure they map correctly to

WealthSolver. For all Investment Platforms, a Platform Selection should also be selected to ensure that the fees are calculated correctly in WealthSolver:



An asset will be displayed as Other holdings in Current Situation in WealthSolver in the situations below. Consequently, you will not be able to model your recommendations for those products, and the fees for those products will not be disclosed correctly in the client’s RoA.

  • A Client Focus asset has not been linked to a Portfolios (IPS) asset;

  • An Investment asset in Client Focus does not have the correct Asset Type selected (regardless of whether the asset has been linked to Portfolios (IPS)); or

  • An Investment Platform in Client Focus does not have a Platform Selection option selected. 

Step 2: Model your recommendations

Prior to moving into the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) to prepare your advice document, your Open platform recommendations should be modelled in WealthSolver. The change in Administration and Trustee Fees (as applicable) will be calculated for you and displayed in your clients’ short-form RoAs, for example: 

Can I model my recommendations in Portfolios (IPS)?

Yes you can, however if you choose to model your platform recommendations in Portfolios (IPS), the names of your client’s current and proposed accounts must include “BT”, “Asgard” or “Panorama” and “Investment”, “Super” or “Pension” as appropriate. You will also need to manually calculate and update the fees after merging your client’s short-form RoA.

How do I model my recommendations in WealthSolver?

To model your recommendations in WealthSolver:
  1. Search for and select the client (or entity) required.
  2. Go to WealthSolver > WealthSolver.

    Create your Scenario:

  3. In the Scenario Selection panel, enter an identifiable name in the Scenario Name field, then click Create Scenario:

  4. Your client’s Superannuation, Pension and Investment Platform information from Client Focus and IPS will be displayed in the Current Situation panel:


  5. Remove all assets (or plans) from Current Situation that are not to be included in your recommendations. To remove a plan, click the down arrow icon for each plan and select Remove Plan:


    Add your Proposal:

  6. In the Proposals panel, click Add Proposal:


  7. Select the entity you would like to recommend to (Client, Partner or Joint Proposal):


  8. If Client or Partner was selected in Step 7 above, select the Plan Review scenario:

  9. This scenario will be automatically selected when adding a Joint Proposal


    Model your recommendations:

  10. In the Plan Review panel, from the Recommendation dropdown list select Close/Roll balance out for the current plan:


  11. Click Add Proposed Plan (in the top right-hand corner of the Plan Review panel).

  12. If recommending Asgard Open eWRAP or BT Wrap/SuperWrap Open:
    1. In the Filter panel, enter ‘open’ in the Keyword Search field:


    2. The Asgard and BT Open plans will be displayed in the Add New Plan panel. Select the Open plan required.


  13. If recommending BT Panorama:
    1. In the Filter panel, enter ‘panorama’ in the Keyword Search field:


    2. BT Panorama plans will be displayed in the Add New Plan panel. Select Compact menu or Full menu (as applicable) for the required plan:


  14. For Asgard Open eWRAP Investment only:

    This step is only required if your client will hold shares in the proposed Asgard Open eWRAP Investment account. The total amount invested in shares is required to ensure the change in Administration Fee is calculated correctly for disclosure in their short-form RoA.

    1. The default cash account will be displayed.

    2. Click Add Investment (in the top right-hand corner of the Investment Funds tab).

    3. In the Add Investment panel:

      1. Select ASX – Australian Stock Exchange from the dropdown list.

      2. In the Search field enter the ASX code for one share and click Search. (Note: This share will be used to capture the total balance to be invested in shares in the proposed Asgard Open eWRAP Investment plan.)

    4. In the Search Results panel, tick/select the share to add it to the Selected Investments panel.

    5. Click Add Investments (in the top right-hand corner).

    6. The investments selected will be displayed in the Investment Funds tab of the Plan Review: Edit Plan screen. Ensure Allocate Balance: By $ Amount is selected:


    7. In the Proposed $ column, enter the total amounts as follows using the screenshot or printout from Step 10 above:

      Refer to the Points to remember box below for a tip on how to quickly calculate the total balances required to model your recommendations

      1. Cash account = total balance of cash + term deposits + managed funds

      2. Share = total balance of shares

      3. Click Save, and go to Step 17 below.

  15. The default cash account for the Open plan selected will be displayed.

    1. Enter the total balance for the Open plan in the cash account:


    2. Click Save.

  16. Your recommendations will be displayed in the Plan Review panel. The Current Balance and the Proposed Balance should be the same amount:


  17. Click Save (in the top right-hand corner above the Plan Review panel). Your Proposal will be displayed in the Proposals panel:


    Remove Transactional Costs (if required):

    Transactional Costs (such as Buy/Sell costs and Listed Securities Fees) may be calculated for the current or recommended plan, and will be reflected in the From and/or To balances for your Proposal. For example:

    These costs will not be disclosed in your client’s short-form RoA, however you may wish to remove them to ensure the Administration and Trustee Fees calculations (as applicable) are more accurate.

  18. To remove Transactional Costs for the Current plan:

    1. Click on the down arrow icon on the left-hand side of your Proposal and select Edit Plan Fees, and then select the client’s Current plan:


    2. In the Calculated Fee Amount column, tick the Transactional Costs to be amended (e.g. Listed Securities Fees) and change the Amended Fee Amount to $0.00:


    3. Click Save.

  19. To remove Transactional Costs for the Proposed plan:

    1. Click on the down arrow icon on the left-hand side of your Proposal and select Edit Plan Fees, and then select the client’s Proposed plan.

    2. In the Calculated Fee Amount column, tick the Transactional Costs to be amended (e.g. Buy/Sell Costs and Listed Securities Fees) and change the Amended Fee Amount to $0.00.

    3. Click Save.

  20. The From and To balances for your Proposal should now be the same:


Unlike the SOA and ROA Wizards, you are not required to set the Status of each Proposal to Recommend and Acquire, nor implement them Portfolios (IPS) before preparing and merging your client’s advice document in the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only).

When modelling recommendations for an Asgard Open eWRAP Investment account in which shares will be held, the total amount to be invested in shares is required. To quickly calculate the balances required to model your recommendation:

  1. Go to Portfolios > Portfolio > Position.

  2. From the Grouping dropdown list, select Exchange, Portfolio, Account:

  3. The balances required for modelling your proposal will be displayed in the Market Value (AUD) column:

Step 3: Prepare and merge your client’s RoA How do I access the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only)?

To access the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only):

  1. Search for and select the master client (or entity).
  2. Go to Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA (‘Open’ platforms only):
  3. The Badge-to-Badge advice page will be displayed:


It is recommended that all advice documents should be prepared and merged in the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) using the master client (or entity).

If you are using WealthSolver when preparing advice to any or all of a client’s related entities, you should still use the master client (or entity) to prepare and merge the RoA document (not the related entity).

How do I complete the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only)?

No post-merge editing of your client’s RoA document will be required if you’ve:
  1. Modelled your product recommendations in WealthSolver; and
  2. Completed all fields in the Wizard, as recommended by the on-screen instructions

Background Information

In the Background Information panel, enter the following information:
  1. Date of the previous SOA
  2. Have you previously provided an ROA for this client? (Yes/No)
  3. Previous ROA Date (if ‘Yes’ was selected in the field above)


ROA Details

In the ROA Details panel, enter the following information:
  1. How was this Badge-to-Badge advice discussed with the client? (Verbal, Email, Phone Call)
  2. The date of this discussion
  3. Select the entities you are providing the advice for (Client, Partner, Joint, Superfund, Company, Trust)
  4. Did you use WealthSolver? (tick for ‘Yes’)
  5. If your WealthSolver Proposal includes recommendations for platforms owned by an individual or a related entity (such as a SMSF, Trust or Company), the WealthSolver scenario - Individual & Entity field should be used to select the required scenario.
  6. If your WealthSolver Proposal includes recommendations for jointly-owned products, the WealthSolver scenario - Joint only field should be used to select the required scenario.



This panel will be only displayed if you’ve selected (ticked) Client in the ROA Details panel as an entity to which you are providing advice.

If the Client’s ‘Super’ account being transferred has a linked Insurance Policy (if applicable), tick for ‘Yes’ as applicable.


Additional Information

Text boxes (or fields) are available in this panel that allow you to enter custom text for display in your client’s RoA document. When entering text in the fields, format your text as you’d like it to be displayed in the merged document (e.g. font colour, bold, underline).
Content Templates (also known as Managed Field Content) can be created for these fields, which enables you to insert your frequently used text using the template icon at the top right-hand corner of the relevant field. If you wish to use Content Templates, they will need to be created outside the Wizard at XPLAN > User Functions > Managed Field Content:
  1. BT Wrap text field: [B2BROA] BT Wrap Reasons
  2. Associations & Relationships text field: [ROA] ROA Relevant Associations Relationships
For clients with BT Wrap accounts, tick for ‘Yes’ as required for Do you want to include a specific reason why the new BT Wrap ‘Open’ is appropriate? A text box will be displayed, allowing you to enter custom text for display in the Reasons for my recommendations section of the client’s RoA. Please note that numbering is not to be used in this text box.


For Associations & Relationships, if applicable enter details of any relevant associations and relationships that you hold that might be reasonably expected to influence your advice. Please note that numbering and bullet points are not to be used in this text box.


Ongoing Advice Service & FSG

In this panel, select as applicable:
  1. Do you have an ‘Ongoing Advice Service’ arrangement with the client? (Yes/No)
  2. Distribution of the Financial Services Guide (Previously provided, Included with RoA)


How do I merge my client’s RoA document?

To merge your client’s RoA document:
  1. After you have clicked Next in the Badge-to-Badge advice page, you can then merge (or generate) the RoA. Click Merge ROA:


  2. The RoA will be merged in the background. Click Ok.
  3. When the RoA has been merged, click letter icon to display the new system message.
  4. Click Download Report to download the merged RoA.
  5. Review the RoA and update as required.


  • To exit the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only) to view or make changes to your client’s details in Client Focus, click View/Edit Entity Details.

  • To review or update the details entered in the ROA Wizard (‘Open’ platforms only), click Restart Wizard.

Step 4: Store your client’s RoA in XPLAN Overview

To comply with your Licensee’s record keeping requirements, XPLAN Notes are to be used for the storage of all documents and client file information in line with the Digital File Management framework.

Furthermore, you must upload the version of the RoA document presented or delivered to the client, and the filename of the document must also be in line with the Naming Convention. For example:
  1. YYYYMMDD > Document Type > Surname > First Initial > .xxx
    For example: 20180723 RoA Bloggs J.docx
  2. YYYYMMDD > Document Type > Entity Name > .xxx 
For example: 20180723 RoA Bloggs Family Trust.docx

To find out more about the Digital File Management framework, in the XPLAN Hub go to Notes, emails, tasks & threads:
  1. Digital File Management guidelines
  2. File Note Framework
If you require further information or have any questions regarding BTGL’s Digital File Management framework, policies and procedures, please contact your Practice Manager or Practice Implementation Manager. 

Create a Note for your client to store the RoA document in XPLAN

To create (or add) a Note for an individual client:
  1. In the search box of the Title Bar (at the top right-hand corner of the screen), ensure the Clients option is displayed.

    1. To change this option, click on the down arrow icon on the left-hand side of the search box and select Clients

  2. Enter the client’s name in the search box and hit ENTER (or click on the magnifying glass icon).
  3. Locate and select the master client (or entity).
  4. In the Client Menu on the left-hand side, click Notes:

  5. Two panels will be displayed:

    1. Document Filters: Enables you to search your client’s existing Notes using certain filters such as Type, Subtype and Date Range, and even keywords from within the body of your Notes.

    2. Document List: Displays all Notes previously recorded for your client.

  6. In the Document List panel, click Add (in the top right-hand corner):

    If using a Note template:

  7. Click Template (in the top right-hand corner) and select the required Note template. This will pre-populate the fields and text box for you automatically.

  8. Edit/update the Note details, as required.

  9. To store attachments with the Note, refer to Step 15 below.

    If not using a Note template:

  10. From the Type dropdown lists, select 2. Advice and 2.1 ROA.

    If your Practice has selected service tracking as the preferred method for reporting the delivery of ongoing advice services on your clients’ FDSs, this will ensure the RoA will be correctly disclosed on your client’s FDS when it is merged (or generated) at the end of their service arrangement period

  11. Select who the Note is to be available to in your Practice:

    1. Shared with specific groups: To be shared with selected User Groups
    2. Shared with my groups [default and recommended option]: All of your Practice (User Groups) can access the Note
    3. Shared with client’s Groups: When a Note is linked to a client, this option gives access to anyone in your Practice (User Group) that the client belongs to

  12. Change the Date, if required.

    1. This should be the date the RoA was delivered or presented to the client (as per the Digital File Management Guidelines)

  13. In the Subject field enter a short summary or description for the Note.

    1. This field is indexed for searching using the Document Filters

  14. Enter detailed information in the text box, as required.

    1. This information can be formatted as required

  15. To store attachments with the Note:

    1. Select the Attachment tab.
    2. Click Upload File.
    3. Browse for and select the RoA document to be uploaded, and click Open.
    4. The RoA document uploaded to the Note should be the final version presented or delivered to your client. The filename of the RoA document must also be in line with the Naming Convention. For further information, refer to the Digital File Management Guidelines.

  16. Click Save and Close.

  17. To create additional notes for the client, click Add and repeat Steps 7 to 16 above.

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