Wealth Axis Wizards - ROA: Bulk ROA - Merge ROAs in Bulk

Wealth Axis Wizards - ROA: Bulk ROA - Merge ROAs in Bulk

Step 2: Merge ROAs in Bulk

Once you have received confirmation from your clients that their personal and financial situations have not changed, the next step in the process is to merge their RoAs in bulk.
This section of the workbook provides step-by-step instructions for completing the step highlighted in the diagram below. 

Update the Target Set

If your clients’ portfolio accounts are linked to an existing Target Set, it will need to be updated before you can use it to rebalance their portfolios.

How do I update (or edit) the Target Set? 

To update (or edit) the Target Set:
  1. Go to XPLAN > Orders and Modelling Functions > Portfolio Modelling:


  2. In the menu on the left-hand side, go to Target Sets > Target Sets:


  3. In the category list, select the category for the Target Set:


    1. A list of Target Sets in the selected category will be displayed:


    2. Click Screen_Shot_2018-08-08_at_8.35.35_AM.png for the Target Set to be updated. The Edit Target Sets dialog box will be displayed.

    3. Make the required changes.

    4. Click Save, or Save As to save the modified Target Set with a new name (this will leave the edited Target Set in its original state)

Rebalance Clients in Bulk

Before you can merge your clients’ RoAs in bulk, you will first need to rebalance their portfolio accounts. Portfolio Group Modelling enables you to rebalance multiple portfolio accounts in line with a chosen Target Set.
There are two steps in the process of rebalancing your clients’ portfolio accounts in bulk:
  1. Create a Saved Search for clients that have confirmed their personal and financial situations have not changed.
  2. Use your Saved Search to rebalance the clients’ portfolio accounts in bulk using Portfolio Group Modelling.
Why are we suggesting that you create a Saved Search? As it is most likely that your clients won’t all return their attestations at the same time, creating a Saved Search enables you to rebalance your clients’ portfolio accounts and merge their RoAs in “batches” as you receive them.

How do I create a Saved Search for my bulk portfolio account rebalance?

To create a Saved Search for your bulk portfolio account rebalance:
  1. Click Advanced in the search area of the Title Bar (at the top right-hand corner of the screen):


  2. Click Advanced Search (at the top of the list of saved Advanced Searches).

  3. Click Add (in the top right-hand corner). The Add Search Criteria window will be displayed.

  4. In the Campaign tab:

    1. From the Expression dropdown list, select Expression.
    2. For Campaign, use to search for and select the required Campaign.
    3. From the field dropdown list, select Outcome.
    4. From the Operator dropdown list, select Equal.
    5. From the value dropdown list, select Client attestation received.


  5. Click Add.

    1. Alternatively, if you require multiple search criteria, each item will need to be added separately. To do this, click Add More and add your criteria as required.

  6. Your Search Criteria will be displayed:


  7. Click Save. The Save Search Criteria window will be displayed.

  8. Enter or select the required details for the Saved Search Criteria:

    1. Name.
    2. Description: This is what will be displayed in the Saved Search dropdown list when you rebalance your clients’ portfolio accounts in Step 3c below (in How do I rebalance my clients’ portfolio accounts in bulk?).
    3. Permission: Set the visibility for the criteria (e.g. Share with my groups).
    4. Available to Referrer Access: Controls the ability for referrers to run the search criteria.

  9. Click Ok.

How do I rebalance my clients’ portfolio accounts in bulk?

To rebalance your clients’ portfolio accounts in bulk:
  1. Go to XPLAN > Orders and Modelling Functions > Portfolio Modelling:


  2. On the left-hand side menu, click Model Effects:


  3. In the Filters section:
    1. For Effect for select Portfolio.
    2. For linked to, select the required Target Set.
    3. Select Saved Search and select your Saved Search from the dropdown list (you will need to search for the Description entered in Step 8b above in How do I create aScreen_Shot_2018-08-08_at_8.50.45_AM.png Saved Search for my bulk portfolio rebalance?).
    4. From the Aggregation dropdown list, select Portfolio Grouped.


  4. Click Search.
  5. All clients and portfolio accounts meeting the Filter criteria will be displayed in the Model Effects section, with the buy/sell transactions required to rebalance each client’s portfolio account in line with the Target Set.
    1. When linking the client’s portfolio account to the Target Set, did you use Advanced Mode to set a cash reserve (% or $ value)? After rebalancing the client’s portfolio account, this may result in an over- or under-allocated amount for the proposed portfolio. Subsequently, an adjustment may be required for the cash account balance. Before completing Steps 6 and 7 below, follow the instructions at the end of this section for how to complete this step.

  6. Click Accept as Proposal.
  7. The clients’ portfolio accounts will be rebalanced in the background. Click  to display the new system message.
  8. Repeat Steps 3 to 7 above for other Target Sets, as required.

Cash Reserves: Adjusting your clients’ cash accounts when rebalancing

When linking a client’s portfolio account to a Target Set in Advanced Mode, you are able to set a reserve (% or $ value) to be left as cash in the client’s portfolio account when it is rebalanced in line with the Target Set. This enables you to manage the cash account balances required for some portfolio accounts (such as Asgard and BT Wrap).
For example, the current balance of the cash account in the client’s portfolio account is $5,500, and the cash reserve has been set at $2,000: 

After the client’s portfolio account has been rebalanced in Model Effects in line with the linked Target Set, there is an overall unallocated amount of $3,500 for their portfolio account (being the current cash account balance of $5,500 less cash reserve of $2,000 = $3,500):


To bring the cash account in line with the cash reserve and reduce the over-allocated balance to nil, an adjustment of -$3,500 is required for the cash account:



  • Use the Aggregation dropdown list to change the portfolio layout view in the Model Effects section: Security Grouped, Portfolio Grouped or Flat Data.

  • To remove a client’s portfolio account from Model Effects, untick all boxes for their portfolio account’s underlying investments in the Select Effect column:



Merge RoAs in bulk

After you have rebalanced your clients’ portfolio accounts, you are then able to merge their RoAs in bulk.


The ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard is not designed to enable you to provide individual recommendations related to account features, additional deposits or contributions, insurance or liabilities.

How do I access the ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard?

To access the ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard:
  1. Return to your Saved Search. To do this, click List in the search area of the Title Bar (at the top right-hand corner of the screen) and then select Last Search:

  2. A list of clients that meet the Advanced Search criteria will be displayed in the Search Result section.

  3. From the menu on the left-hand side, go to Merge Wizard > ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard:


  4. Enter a unique and meaningful Scenario Name (e.g. July 2017 Portfolio Rebalance RoA) and click Create Scenario.

  5. The ROA Details page and the standard menu will be displayed:


How do I navigate through the ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard?

The menu structure of the ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard is dynamic and designed to minimise post merge-editing within your RoA document. It draws upon the IPS module in which you have already rebalanced the clients’ portfolio accounts, with a focus of either reviewing existing information or completing additional information where required.

To navigate within the Wizard you either use the Screen_Shot_2018-08-08_at_9.28.41_AM.pngfunctions on the top right hand side of the screen, or use the navigation menu bar on the left-hand side. Save & Exit will save the information in the wizard and take you back to Client Focus.

To assist you in completing the Wizard and choosing the correct options, use the Tooltip icon Screen_Shot_2018-08-08_at_9.29.32_AM.pngfor further instructions.

There are on-screen instructions and guidance as to what’s required in each page of the Wizard. This feature significantly reduces the amount of time you’ll need to spend on editing or removing text from your advice document after it has been merged. For example:


Once the clients’ RoA documents have been merged, it will also be easy to identify if data has been entered incorrectly in the Wizard for a particular recommended strategy, as you’ll be provided with instructions as to what you’ll need to do to correct it. 


What screens are displayed in the ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard menu?

ROA Details

This screen is used to specify the RoA Date:



  1. ROA Incomplete Information: Use the drop down menu to make your selection.
  2. Reasons for my recommendations: Select the applicable tick boxes in line with your advice. This will drive wording displayed in the merged RoA documents.
  3. Things to consider: Use the applicable tick box selections in line with your considerations. This will drive wording displayed in the merged RoA documents.

Advice & Product Fees

  1. Recommended Investment Fees are more expensive than existing because...: Add explanation as to why the investment fees have increased.
  2. Do you want to include other implications of investing: Selecting Yes will enable you to enter your text as you’d like it to be displayed in the merged RoA documents.

Important information & Next Steps

  1. Limitations and Specialist Advice: This section requires you to indicate what areas of your advice may have tax implications and to confirm that you are not providing taxation advice in relation to certain areas in your advice. This is in line with the TASA regulations.
  2. Other Specialist Advice: If you are also acting in capacity as another adviser, select Yes and specify in which capacity from the Acting in capacity as... dropdown list.
  3. Notes / Alternative Strategies Considered / Other Comments: Enter details Please enter any notes, comments and alternative strategies considered. Each line creates a new bullet point in the RoA.
  4. Other Relationships: Enter details of any relevant associations and relationships that you hold that might be reasonably expected to influence your advice.


  • When entering text in fields, format your text as you’d like it to be displayed in the merged document (e.g. font colour, bold, underline, bullet points, numbering).

How do I merge my clients’ RoA documents?

To merge your clients’ RoA documents:
  1. Once the Next button is selected on the Important Information & Next Steps screen, you can then merge (or generate) the RoAs. Click ROA Bulk Rebalance:


  2. Confirm the details of the Note to be saved against each client’s record:
    1. For Target select if you would like a note saved for either All listed clients or Only Selected Clients.
    2. Subject name of the note.
    3. Using a drop down menu, select the combination of Note Type and Note Subtype.

  3. Click Execute (or Close to cancel).
  4. The RoAs will be merged in the background. Click Ok.
  5. When the RoAs have been merged, click Screen_Shot_2018-08-08_at_8.50.45_AM.png to display the new system message.
  6. Click Download Report to download the merged RoAs.
  7. Review each client’s ROA and update as required.
  8. For instructions on how to print letters (and other documents) merged in bulk, refer to Appendix 2: Printing Word documents in bulk in this workbook.

Post-merge editing of the RoA documents

The ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard has been designed to reduce the amount of post-merge editing of the merged RoA documents, however some manual editing and personalisation for each client’s RoA is required.

To provide guidance on the editing and personalisation required, the text in the merged RoA documents have been colour coded as follows:

Text Example
Description and Action Required
Black Text

Standard text in the template. This text is not required to be edited, however in some circumstances you may wish to update the text to suit the needs of the client.

Red Text (with No Highlight)

Text or sample text. This text needs to be updated or deleted to suit the needs of the client.

Red Text (with Yellow Highlight)

An instruction for your attention. Once the instruction has been followed, this text should be deleted.

Record RoAs delivered to clients

After you have merged your clients’ RoAs, you will need to record delivery of the RoAs to each client. 

How do I record delivery of RoAs to my clients?

To record delivery of RoAs to your clients:
  1. Go to XPLAN > Administration Functions > Campaigns.
  2. In the Filters section, from the Remaining/Max dropdown list select the required Campaign.
  3. The clients added (or linked) to the Campaign will be displayed.
  4. For each client, in the Outcome column, select ROA sent from the dropdown list:


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