Wealth Axis Wizards - Fact Find Wizard Overview

Wealth Axis Wizards - Fact Find Wizard Overview

Fact Find Wizard Overview

The purpose of this guide is to provide a step by step outline for entering information into the Fact Find Wizard. If followed correctly, you will have a fully completed (based on the amount of information provided by the client) Fact Find.

NOTE: it is vital that the information input into the Fact Find Wizard must be accurate, as this information flows through into other areas of XPLAN and assists with the generation of all types of advice documents. the SOA Wizard and SOA document. So, spending the time to make sure it is accurate from the beginning will save a lot of time and minimise mistakes.

How to access the Fact Find Wizard

  • Within the Client Menu, go to Wealth Axis FP Tools

  • Navigate to E2E Wizard > 01 Fact Find

  • Use the 01 Fact Find Navigation Menu on the left to navigate after selecting the relevant Wizard Scenario as instructed below.


NOTE: This wizard is a scenario based wizard. For further information on how to use and generate wizards including creating and modifying scenarios please click here.


The Introduction section of the Fact Find helps determine which components of the Fact Find to include throughout the remainder of the wizard by selecting the type of Fact Find (short, medium, long) as well which (optional) sections need to be included. 

Merge output settings 

  • FF Long Short: There are three options available for completing the Fact Find Wizard – Short, Medium and Long. Depending on which version of the Fact Find is required, select either Long, Medium or Short from the drop down menu.

    See below for an outline of each version.

    • Short: use this option if

    • Medium: use this option if

    • Long: use this option if you need to produce a comprehensive report of the clients’ situation.

  • Which client(s): In the drop down menu, select the client or clients for whom the Fact Find is to be completed.
    • Client 1: select this option if you are doing the Fact Find only for the primary client.

    • Client 2: select this option if you are doing the Fact Find only for the partner

    • Client 1 & 2: select this option if you are doing the Fact Find for both the primary client and the partner

      • Note: if you select Client 1 & 2, an additional option will pop up offering to check whether either one or both clients did not attend the meeting. If there is a case where either one or both of the clients did not attend the meeting, then tick the appropriate checkbox.

  1. include Cover Page: select this option if you wish to include a cover page for the Fact Find. 
  1. include Cover Letter: select this option if you wish to include a cover letter for the Fact Find.
  1. Customised Cover Letter:  select this option if you wish to customise the cover letter. 

Client Information & Compliance Requirements

  • Date of Client Fact Find: enter the date that the client(s) signed the Fact Find.
    • Note: If the Fact Find has not been signed by the clients, then use the date that the Fact Find was completed (which may be different to the signed date). This can usually be found on the cover of the Fact Find.
  •  Date of Client Risk Profile:

    • If the Risk Profile questionnaire is part of the Fact Find enter the same date that was entered for the Fact Find.

    • If the Risk Profile questionnaire is separate to the Fact Find enter the date that the client(s) signed the Risk Profile questionnaire. However, if the Risk Profile questionnaire has not been signed by the clients, then use the date that the Risk Profile questionnaire was completed (which may be different to the signed date). This can usually be found on the cover or at the back of the Risk Profile questionnaire. 

  • FSG Version Number: Use the version number as it is on the advisers’ Financial Services Guide provided to the client. 
  • Date FSG provided: Use the date that the client had the initial meeting with the client. If this is not available, use the date that the Fact Find was signed by the clients. If this is not available, request the date from the adviser.

  • Adviser Profile Version: Use the version number as it is on the Adviser Profile provided to the client. 

  • Adviser Profile Date: Use the date on the adviser profile.

  • Privacy Policy Discussion Date: enter the same date that has been used for the Fact Find.

Intentionally Left Blank Sections

Each option in the list below requires you to select either ‘No’ or ‘Yes’ in order for the relevant section in the Wizard to populate.

IMPORTANT: If you wish for a section to be included in the Fact Find Wizard, then the relevant option needs to be set to No. If you don’t want a section to be included in the Fact Find Wizard, then the relevant option needs to be set to Yes.

  • Financial Dependents: Select No if the client(s) have dependents. Select Yes if the client either has no dependents or they have children, but they are over 18.
    • Note: sometimes children over 18 can still be classed as dependents (for example, if they are still studying or if they are disabled). So double check the information provided by the adviser carefully to ensure the correct option is selected. 

  • Social Security: Select No if the client(s) are currently receiving any Social Security or Department of Veterans Affairs benefits. Select Yes if the client(s) are not currently receiving a benefit.
  • Employment: Select No if the client(s) are currently employed. Select Yes if the client(s) are not currently employed.
  • Leave/Termination Payments (Employer): Select No if the clients are eligible for Leave and/or Termination Payment from their current employer. Select Yes if this is not the case.
  • Estate Planning: Select No if the client(s) have an Estate Planning structure in place currently. This includes Wills, Power of Attorney and Guardianship. Select Yes if the client(s) do not have any Estate Planning currently in place.
  • Professional Adviser: Select No if the client has provided details of any other advisers. This includes (but is not limited to) Accountant, Auditor (for SMSF), Solicitor and Mortgage Broker. Select Yes if the client(s) do not have or have not disclosed the details of any other Professional Adviser(s).

  • Asset (excluding Super & Retirement) & Liability: Select No if the client has provided details for Assets and/or Liabilities held outside super. This can include (but is not limited to) their home, Investments, Motor vehicles, Household Contents. Select Yes if the client(s) do not have or have not disclosed the details of any non-super assets or liabilities.
  • Superannuation Plan: Select No if the client has provided details of their superannuation account(s). Select Yes if the client has not provided details of their superannuation account(s) or they do not have super.

  • Retirement Income: Select No if the client has provided details of their retirement income streams. This includes Account Based Pension(s), Allocated Pension(s), Defined Benefit Pension and Annuities. Select Yes if the client has not disclosed their retirement income streams or they do not have any income streams.
    • Note: retirement income streams do not include Age Pension or Department of Veterans Affairs pensions.

  • Health Insurance: Select No if the client has disclosed details for Private Health cover. Select Yes if they do not have or have not disclosed details of Private Health cover.

    • Note: Private Health cover does not include Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protection. 

  • General Insurance: Select No if the client has disclosed details for General Insurance cover. Select Yes if they do not have or have not disclosed details of General Insurance cover. General Insurance cover includes (but is not limited to) Home and Contents, Landlord insurance and Car insurance.

  • Life Insurance: Select No if the client has disclosed details for Life Insurance cover. Select Yes if they do not have or have not disclosed details of Life Insurance cover. Life Insurance cover includes Life Cover, Total & Permanent Disability, Trauma (also known as Critical Illness), Income Protection and Business Expenses.
  • Aged Care: Select No if the client is currently living in an Aged Care facility. Select Yes if the client is not currently living in an Aged Care facility.

  • Taxation: Select No if either the client or the partner has or is receiving one of HECS / HELP debt, Family Tax Benefit, Claiming the private health cover rebate or have applied for an application to vary PAYG.

  • Salary Packaging: Select No if the client(s) are Salary Packaging into super. Select Yes if the client(s) are not currently Salary Packaging into super.

  • Gearing Schedule: Select Yes if the client has an investment loan/loans. If they do not have any investment loans, select No.

  • Related Entities: Select No if the client(s) have related entities. Related entities include Trusts, Companies and SMSF's. Select Yes if the client(s) do not currently have Related Entities.

  • Verification Procedures: Select No if you wish to confirm that the clients have provided sufficient identification for the 100 Point Check. Select Yes if you do not wish to confirm. 
    • Note: it is not usually required to do this when entering information into the Fact Find, as the clients are unlikely to be making investments at this stage in the process. However, the adviser may request this be double checked. If this is the case, then verify the clients have provided sufficient identification.
  • Scope of Advice: Always select No for this option.

  • Terms of Agreement: If you know the Proposed Fee Option, select No. If you don't know the Proposed Fee Option, select Yes.

Additional Notes

Each option within this section allows you to add some text that the adviser may have provided regarding the advice. As you are reading through the Fact Find provided by the adviser, it is important to keep these questions in mind, as it can be useful to add the information here.

  • What are the main reasons for seeking advice? This information will usually be found in the Goals & Objectives During the initial meeting, the adviser is likely to ask the clients why they are looking for advice. 

  • What are you looking to achieve? Again, this information will usually be found in the Goals & Objectives.

  • Have you had any previous experience with Financial Planning and what level of engagement would you like to have with your adviser? Occasionally, clients may provide details regarding current or former adviser relationships and what kind of engagement they want to have with their adviser. Some clients want minimal interaction, others are very hands on. If the adviser has made note of this, it can be entered into this section.


At any given time you are able to use the options at the top of the page to navigate throughout the wizard by clicking Previous or Next. You may also Save & Exit to leave the wizard and return to the Client Menu or you can select Cancel.

NOTE: selecting Cancel will ensure you leave the wizard immediately and any fields you updated may not be saved and lost. 

Once all relevant details have been completed you can select Next to continue in the Fact Find wizard. As I opted to include a customised Cover Letter the next page will be Letter Editor

Letter Editor

The Letter Editor allows users to customise a cover letter to be provided in conjunction with a "Reverse" Fact Find. 
  1. Letter to be dated by using
    1. Select Use Merge Date to utilise the date the document is generated. 

    1. Select Use Custom Date to allow a user defined date to be entered.

  1. Letter Grouping: There are a number of pre-defined options to select from. Depending on the Letter Group selected a further subset of letters are available selection in the Letter Selection drop down menu. Select Client Data/Fact Find/Authority.
  1. Letter Selection: Letters only relevant to the Client Data/Fact Find/Authority group are available to choose. Select Review Fact Find.
  1. Add a subject in the RE: field and then type in the required content in the Content field. 
  1. Letter Closings:  Select the appropriate way in which you wish to close the letter. 

Once all relevant details have been completed you can select Next to continue to the next page within the Fact Find wizard.

Personal Details

This page includes all the basic personal information about the client and/or partner. It includes names, DOB and marital status. Also included are the Tax and Residential status of the clients. 

Enter in all the required information and select Next

Health Information

This page includes all the basic health information about the client and/or partner. It includes quality of health, and levels of consumption for alcohol and smoking. Users are also able to note any further medical issues the clients may have. 

Enter in all the required information and select Next

Contact & Address Details 

The Contact & Address Details section contains sections to record preferred contact methods as well as the ability to record multiple Phone, Email and Address types. 

Contact Details

This section allows the user to record the preferred method of addressing and interacting with the client.


  • Salutation: Informal way of addressing the client - commonly used in letters and reports. 
  • Address Title: Formal way of addressing the client - commonly used in letterheads.
  • Do you have computer & Internet access? If the clients have provided an email address as part of their contact details, select Yes from the drop down menu. If they haven’t, then select No.
  • Preferred contact method: this is usually either mobile phone or email. If the adviser or client has entered this into their Fact Find, then use whichever option they have selected. If they haven’t included one, then follow this process:

    • If the clients have provided an email address: use email as the preferred contact.

    • If the clients have not provided an email address: use mobile phone as the preferred contact.

    • If the clients have not provided a mobile phone number: use home phone as the preferred contact.

    • If the clients have not provided a home phone number: leave the option blank.

  1.   Are you happy to receive information online: Update as stated by the client(s).


In this section, enter the clients’ phone and email contact details. 

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner.

  • In the Contact Details: Telephone/Email page, enter the Type of contact, the Value (the email address or phone number) and whether it is the Preferred mode of contact. You can also add a Comment if the adviser has made any. Once the details have been added, confirm they are correct and click the Save button.

  • If required utilise the Add More tick box to add multiple contact types.   

  • Multiple phone numbers can be added (e.g. Work, Home, Mobile) against both the client and partner. 

  • Only one phone number and email address for each entity can be flagged as the preferred.

  • Utilise the Action buttons where required

    • Edit Action button to update or modify the entry
    • Delete Action button to delete the entry
    • Comment Action button to update or add a comment against the entry
    • Copy to Partner Action button to automatically copy a phone number or email address to the Partner (and vice versa). Note: Updating one entry will not automatically update the corresponding entities entry.


To fill in the Address Details section, complete the following steps:

  • Time at Current Address: if provided, enter the amount of time (in months) the client has lived at their current address.
  • Prior Housing Situation: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu outlining the clients’ current living situation: 

Add the postal and residential address details for the client. To enter in a client’s address details, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button

  1. In the Address Details enter the Type of address, CountryStreet, State, Post Code, and Preferred status. You can also add Comments if required. 
  1. If required utilise the Add More tick box to add multiple contact types.   
  1. Click Save.

  • Multiple address types can be added (e.g. Residential, PO Box) against both the client and partner. 

  • Only one Residential and PO Box for each entity can be flagged as the preferred.

  • Utilise the Action buttons where required

  • Edit Action button to update or modify the entry
  • Delete Action button to delete the entry
  • Comment Action button to update or add a comment against the entry
  • Copy to Partner Action button to automatically copy a address type to the Partner (and vice versa). Note: Updating one entry will not automatically update the corresponding entities entry.

Enter in all the required information and select Next

Financial Dependants 

To fill in the Financial Dependants section, complete the following steps:

  • Do you have financial dependants? If the clients have Financial Dependants, select Yes from the drop down menu. If they haven’t, then select No.

  • Do any of your dependants have any special needs? If the clients have Financial Dependants with special needs, select Yes from the drop down menu. If they haven’t, then select No.

  • Do any of your dependants receive any social security benefits, i.e. youth allowance, pension, etc? If the clients have Financial Dependants whom receive social security benefits, select Yes from the drop down menu. If they haven’t, then select No.


In this section, add the dependants for the client. To enter in a client’s dependants, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Dependant Details: enter the Title, Surname, First Name, Preferred Name, Relation and Related To, of the dependant.

  • Further details can be input in the Details and Schooling tabs. Date of Birth, Age, Gender, Financial Dependant, and Dependant until Age are input into the Details Tab and School Fees and Years in the Schooling Tab

    • Details Tabmceclip9.png

    • Schooling Tabmceclip10.png

  1. Utilise the Action buttons where required

    • Edit Action button to update or modify the entry
    • Delete Action button to delete the entry

Enter in all the required information and select Next

Goals & Objectives 


In this section, add the objectives for the client(s). These can be found in the Fact Find.

IMPORTANT: if goals & objectives have not been provided, follow up with the adviser to get them. It is a compliance requirement that goals & objectives relatable to the advice have been provided.

To enter in a client’s objectives, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Objective Details, enter the following details.

    • Client/Adviser stated objective: select Client stated objective if the objective was stated by the client or Adviser stated objective if it stated by the adviser.

    • Type: select either Lifestyle or Financial depending on what type of objective it is.

    • Category: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

    • Option: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

    • Description: enter the objective as outlined in the Fact Find.

      Note: all objectives must be entered as closely as possible in the clients’ or advisers’ own words. You can change the wording a little bit (for example, to provide a bit more detail or to make an objective clearer) but the objective must resemble what the client states. THIS IS A COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT.

      We cannot change objectives to make them, for example, sound better or more in line with a recommendation. If the objective in the SOA does not match the clients’ stated objective, this can make the SOA non-compliant.

    • Amount required: if the client or adviser has provided a dollar value for the objective, enter it here

    • Owner: select the relevant owner for the objective. This could be client, partner or both.

    • Not in scope reason: if provided, enter the reason why a particular goal or objective has not been considered for advice by the client or adviser. For example, sometimes a client may state they don’t wish to consider advice in a particular area.

    • Proposed timeframe: if provided, enter the estimated timeframe for the goal or objective to be achieved.

      this must be provided by the client or adviser. If no timeframe has been provided, DO NOT enter one.

    • Referral Required: select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown options, depending on whether the goal or objective requires a referral (for example: referring the client(s) to a solicitor for Estate Planning).

    • Key benefits: if the adviser has provided an outline of the benefits of the goal or objective, enter them in the text box.

      Once the details have been added, confirm they are correct and click the save button.

      Note: if you have multiple goals & objectives to enter, tick the ‘Add More’ checkbox and repeat the process until all objectives have been entered.

  • Further details can be input in the additional tabs below:

    • Details Tab

      • Timeframe: select the relevant timeframe from the dropdown menu

      • Date Goal Captured: enter the date the goal was captured. If no specific date provided, then enter the date the Fact Find was signed.

      • Importance: if provided, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

        Note: if no option has been provided, do not add one.

      • Feelings: if provided, outline the way the client feels about the objective

      • Due date: enter the due date for the goal or objective to be achieved. If no date provided, do not enter one.

      • When to be addressed: if outlined, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

      • Tracking: if outlined, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

    • Adviser Notes: if the adviser has provided notes regarding the clients’ objectives, enter them into the Adviser Notes text box.


      How your adviser can help you Tab: if the adviser has provided notes regarding how they can help the client, enter them into the Have you thought of the following text box.

    • Values Tab: if provided, tick the checkbox next to each relevant option.


    • Bucket Tab

      • Wealth Bucket: If provided, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

      • Wealth Bucket per month: if provided, enter the $ amount the client(s) are saving towards their Wealth Bucket goal in the text box.


      • Needs and Concerns Tab: if provided, tick the checkbox next to each relevant option.


  • Notes: for ‘Have you identified conflict in needs, goals or objectives?’ select the relevant dropdown option. If you have selected ‘Yes’ enter the notes relating to areas where you have identified a conflict in needs, goals or objectives. If you have selected ‘No’ then move to the next step.


Enter in all the required information and select Next

Social Security 

In this section, add the Social Security details for the client(s).

To enter in the client(s) social security details, follow these steps:

  • Centrelink Relationship Number: If provided, enter the client(s) existing Centrelink Relationship Number
  • Name/Type of Payment: If provided, select from the payment(s) received from the dropdown menu.
  • Payment Amount: if provided, enter the amount of payment received.
  • Asset and Income Tested: If the payment received is Income and/or Assets Tested, select Yes from the dropdown menu or No if it has not been tested.
  • Have you been in continuous receipt of any benefits from 31 December 2014? If Yes tick the checkbox. If the client(s) have not been in continuous receipt of any benefits, then leave the checkbox unticked.
  • Do you currently have a social security card? Select Yes from the dropdown if the client(s) have a social security card (Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, etc.) or select No if they do not have one.
  • Social Security Card Type: If you selected Yes for the previous question, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

Gifting (last 5 years record)

In this section, if the client(s) have gifted money or assets in the last 5 years, add the Gifting record details.

  • To add a record, click the Add button

  • In the provided text boxes, enter the Amount of the Gift and the Date that the gift was made.

  • Click Save when completed

    Note: If the client and/or partner has made more than one gift in the last five years, make sure to repeat the process for each of the gifts made.

Pension Bonus Scheme

In this section, if the client or partner is eligible for the Pension Bonus Scheme add their details.

Note: the Pension Bonus Scheme was closed to new applications from 1 July 2014, so it will be rare to come across a client(s) who is still eligible.

  • Are you registered for Pension Bonus Scheme?: select Yes from the dropdown menu and enter the date that the client(s) registered. If they are not registered, select No from the dropdown menu.


In this section, add any Notes that have been provided by the adviser in relation to the clients’ existing Social Security entitlements.



Enter in all the required information and select Next

Employment Details

In this section, add the current and previous employment records for the client(s).

Current Employment 

To enter in the client(s) current employment details, enter detail in the following fields as required;

  • Qualifications (Tertiary, Trade): Select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

  • Have you changed occupation in the last 12 months? Select Yes if the client has changed occupation in the last 12 months or select No if there has been no change.

  • Have you recently been retrenched? select Yes if the client has recently been retrenched select No if they haven’t been retrenched.

  • Do you expect your employment situation may change in the next 5 years? select Yes if the client(s) expect change in employment over the next 5 years or select No if they don’t expect any change.

  • Details of Accrued Sick, Annual or Long Service Leave: if provided, enter the details of all accrued sick, annual and long service leave.

Employment Record 

To enter in a client(s) employment record, follow these steps:
  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Employment Details page, enter the following details:

    • Occupation (Standard): select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

      Note: if you are unable to locate the clients’ occupation, then select the option that most closely resembles the occupation from the options at the top of the list.

    • Job title: enter the clients’ job title in the text box

    • Entity: Can be linked to an existing entity in XPLAN if required. 

    • Employer: enter the name of the clients’ employer in the text box

      Note: if the client is self employed, then enter Self Employed

    • Status: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Primary Employment: select Yes if the job for which you are entering details is the clients’ primary job or select No if it is their secondary job.

    • Hours worked per week: enter the number of hours worked per week in the text box.

    • Main Occupation: select Yes if the job for which you are entering details is the clients’ main occupation or select No if it is not.

    • Linked Income: if the client’s income has been entered in another section, click the chain link button. A pop up will appear; then select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.


      If the clients’ income has not been entered, click the ‘+’ button. The ‘Add Income’ pop box will appear. Enter the information in as follows:

      • Sub-Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

      • Description: enter the description for the Income (eg: Salary, Investment Income, etc.) in the text box

      • Frequency: select the relevant option from the drop down menu.

      • Amount: enter the amount the client receives relative to the Frequency in the text box provided.

      • Start Date: if known, enter the date that the client began receiving the income.

      • End Date: if known, enter the date at which the income will stop.

    • Start Date: if known, enter the date that the client began working at their current place of employment.

    • End Date: if known, enter the date at which the client will stop working for their current employer.

    • Duty Split: if provided, enter the percentage split for each option, depending on how much of the clients’ job is related to that option.

    • Industry: if known, enter the industry the client works in, in the text box provided.

  • If you need to add more income options, check the Add More tick box and repeat the process.

  • If applicable, repeat the process for the partner.


Enter in all the required information and select Next

Termination Payments 

In this section, add the Termination Payments record for the client(s). A Termination Payment is a lump sum paid 'in consequence of the termination' of an employee's employment. 

To enter in the client(s) Leave & Termination payment details, review and update the following fields as required:
  • Start Date with Employer: if provided, enter the date the client started their job with their employer (current or former).

  • Termination Date: if provided, enter the date the client ceased or intends to cease their job with their employer.

  • Payment Due Date: if provided, enter the date the client received or expects to receive their termination payment.

  • Leave Payments: if provided, enter the number of days owing in the text box for each of the Leave Types.


Golden Handshake

Golden handshakes are special payments above any salary entitlements that are paid to senior or valued employees in circumstances such as retirement, the end of a contract or being retrenched or made redundant. 

  1. Amount ($): if provided, enter the $ amount of the golden handshake the client / partner has received or is contracted to receive.

Termination Payments Detailed

To enter in the client(s) detailed Termination payment details, review and update the following fields as required:
  • Transitional Agreement: if adviser has confirmed the payment is under the terms of a Transitional Agreement, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Previous Termination Payment: if the payment is from the previous financial year, but paid in the current financial year, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Tax Free Portion: if provided, enter the $ value of the tax free portion of the termination payment.
  • Taxable Portion: if provided, enter the $ value of the taxable portion of the termination payment.
  • Other: if provided, enter any value that neither falls under the Tax Free of Taxable Portion of the Termination Payment.
  • Leave Payments: if provided enter the number of days owing. If the balance is to be reinvested, select Yes from the dropdown menu. Do this for each of the Leave types. 
  • Annual Leave
  • Re-invest balance: if the balance is to be reinvested, select Yes from the dropdown menu or if not (or the adviser has not confirmed), select No.


Enter in all the required information and select Next

Estate Planning 


In this section, add the relevant details for the client(s), by adding or updating the following fields where required:

  • Do you need a valid Will?: if the client(s) has a valid Will, then select Yes from the dropdown menu.

    Note: the options below will only appear if you select Yes.

  • Does it need to be changed or reviewed?: Only if the adviser has determined that the Will needs to be changed or reviewed,

  • Date prepared: if provided, enter the date the Will was prepared (use the calendar icon to make it easier).

  • Whom was it prepared by?: if provided, enter the details of the person or legal firm that prepared the Will.

  • Location of Will: if known, enter the location of the Will (usually the clients’ home or solicitors’ office).

  • Date Last Reviewed: if known, enter the date the Will was last reviewed (use the calendar icon to make it easier).

  • Have your personal circumstances changed since this was reviewed? If the adviser has outlined that the clients’ circumstances have changed, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Allows for testamentary trust: If the adviser has outlined that the Will allows for a Testamentary Trust, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.


Executor of Will

This section is only available if Do you have a valid Will? is flagged Yes. To enter in a client’s Executor of Will, follow these steps:

  •  Click the Add button in the top right corner

  1. In the Executor of Will section, enter the required information;
    1. Name: Enter the Surname and First Name as required
    1. Entity: Where the Executor of the will is also in XPLAN you can link accordingly
    1. Add More: can be utilised as required

  1. Click Save.

This section is only available if Do you have a valid Will? is flagged Yes. To enter in a client’s Beneficiary, follow these steps:

  •  Click the Add button in the top right corner

  1. In the Beneficiary section, update the following fields as required;
    1. Entity: Where the Executor of the will is also in XPLAN you can link accordingly
    1. Name: Enter the Surname and First Name as required
  • Age of Entitlement: if the beneficiary/ies must reach a certain age prior to receiving their portion of the estate, select the age from the dropdown menu.

  • Notes: if provided, enter any notes outlined by the client or adviser in the text box.

  • Preferred Name: if known, enter the beneficiary’s preferred name in the text box.

  • Allocation: if known, enter the $ amount of the beneficiary’s share of the estate in the text box.

  1. Click Save.

Expected Inheritance

In this section, add details of any expected inheritance.

  • Is there any expected inheritance? If the client or adviser has provided details regarding a expected inheritance, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • How much? If provided, enter the $ amount the client(s) expect to receive from the inheritance.

  • Approximate Date: if known, enter the approximate date they expect to receive the inheritance.

  • Will this affect your Will in any way?: if the client has outlined any reasons as to how or why the inheritance will affect their own Will, then select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Reason: if you selected Yes for the option above, then enter the reason in the text box.


In this section, answer the following question in relation to the client(s):

  • Do you have advanced care/health directive?: if the client or adviser has indicated that they have an Advanced Health Care directive, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Funeral plan?: if the client has a Funeral Plan, select In place from the dropdown menu or if they don’t, select Not in place from the dropdown menu.

  • Do you own any funeral bonds?: if the client or adviser has indicated that they own Funeral Bonds, select Yes from the dropdown menu menu, otherwise select No.

  • Do you hold any prepaid funeral expense?: if the client or adviser has indicated that they have arranged for prepaid funeral expenses, select Yes from the dropdown menu menu, otherwise select No.

  • Do you have a Power of Attorney?: if the clients have indicated that they have a Power of Attorney (of any kind), select Yes from the dropdown menu menu, otherwise select No.

  • Do you have an appointment of guardianship?: if the clients have indicated that they have an appointment of guardianship for their children, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

Power of Attorney

In this section, add details of any Power of Attorney for the client(s).

  • In the Power of Attorney section, select Add and enter the following details;

  • Type: select the type of Attorney from the dropdown menu.

  • Surname: enter the surname of the Attorney in the textbox.

  • First name: enter the first name of the Attorney in the textbox.

  • Notes: if provided, enter any notes outlined by the client or adviser in the text box.

  • Preferred Name: if known, enter the Attorney’s preferred name in the text box.

  • Exercising poa: if the Power of Attorney is currently in force, then select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Location: if known, enter the location of the Power of Attorney (usually the clients’ home or solicitors’ office).

  • Need review: if the adviser has outlined that the Power of Attorney needs to be reviewed, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Relevant State: select the state where the Power of Attorney is enforceable from the dropdown menu.

  • Year last updated: if known, enter the year the Power of Attorney was last updated.

  • Once completed, confirm all details are correct and click the Save button


Guardian for Minor

In this section, add the nominated Guardian for the client(s) children. To enter the Guardians’ details, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner


  • In the Guardian for Minor section, enter the following details.

  • First name: enter the first name of the Guardian in the textbox.

  • Surname: enter the surname of the Guardian in the textbox.

  • Location: if known, enter the location of the Guardianship (usually the clients’ home or solicitors’ office).

  • Need review: if the adviser has outlined that the Guardianship needs to be reviewed, select Yes from the dropdown menu, otherwise select No.

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button.

Estate Planning Notes

Only if applicable, add any comments the adviser has made in the text box.

Click Next to continue. 

Professional Adviser 

In this section, add for the details of any other advisers the clients may have (e.g: Accountant, Solicitor, Mortgage Broker, etc.). To enter the details of an adviser, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Add Professional Adviser section use the search function to find previously added details. Otherwise client the Create New button;

  • Adviser Type
    • Type: select the type of adviser from the dropdown menu.
  • Key Details

    • Title: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

    • Surname: enter the advisers’ surname in the text box.

    • First Name: enter the advisers’ surname in the text box.

    • Company: enter the name of the company the adviser works for in the text box.

    • Position: enter the advisers’ position at the company in the text box.

  • Adviser Information

    • HIN: if the adviser has a HIN number, enter it in the text box.

    • Website Details: enter the advisers’ website address in the text box.

    • First point of Contact: enter the name of the primary contact at the company.

  • Professional Adviser Access

    • Access Level: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu. NOTE: This is only required if you wish to provide XPLAN access to this Professional Adviser. 


  • Contact Details

    • Contact 1: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu and enter the details in the text box.

    • Contact 2: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu and enter the details in the text box.

  • Address Detail

    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

    • Country: select the country the adviser lives/works in from the dropdown menu.

    • Street: enter the address details for the company in the text box.

    • Suburb: enter the suburb the company is in, in the text box.

    • State: enter the state the company is in, in the text box.

    • Postcode: enter the postcode in the text box.

  • Notes: if the client or adviser has provided any notes relating to the adviser, then enter them in the text box.


  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button.

  • Add further Professional Advisers as required or click on Next to continue.


Portfolio Data 

The following is the available data for your clients’ portfolio, which can be used as linked data within the Asset, Superannuation, and/or Retirement Income pages.

Note: It is not recommended that you add or update Assets within this page of the Fact Find Wizard. Any underlying investments should be added in the Asset, Superannuation, or Retirement Income pages. Once a datafeed is available for that particular account, you should be able to remove the manually entered data, which will be replaced by the datafeed information. 

For further information on how to use and navigate within Iress Portfolio System click here.


Filter Options for Holdings Overview

This section has the following filter options to view a client’s holding:

  1. Date Range - Enter a date into this field and the Holdings Overview panel will display the portfolio valuation as at the selected date.

  2. Grouping - Allows you to select how you would like the data in the investment recommendations to be grouped. In this example the data is grouped by Portfolio, then account:

  3. Aggregation - Allows you to select if you wish to aggregate accounts, aggregate GICS or no aggregate.

  4. Portfolio Account - If an account has been created for the portfolio, you can select to view by the individual account or by all accounts. Please note this option will only appear if an account has been created. Click on the "edit" button to edit the account details if required.

  5. Security - Allows you to select if you would like to display only current securities i.e. non-zero holding, or show all securities (includes all current and zero holdings).

  6. Cost - Enables costs to be viewed either as Gross or Net amounts. 

  7. Exchange - Enables you to filter the securities displayed in the holdings overview panel by a specific exchange.

  8. 20 Minute Delayed Pricing - Click on the tick box to display live pricing data. 

  9. Settled - Click on the tick box to select to view only transactions that have been settled.

  10. FUM Only - Click on the tick box to select if only Funds Under Management (FUM) are displayed in the holdings overview panel.


Holdings Overview

This panel outlines the details of the investment holdings within the portfolio. The details displayed include:

  • the Sector

  • Product Name

  • Units held

  • the Native Current

  • the total cost of the holding

  • Cost Base

  • the Unit Price

  • the Native Price

  • the Date the price was last updated

  • the Market Value of the Investment

  • the Native Market Value

  • the Profit

  • the Portfolio Weight

The data available to view includes;
  • Account: Type of account (e.g. Managed Fund, bank product)

  • Exchange: Marketplace in which securities are traded (e.g. ASX, NAS).

  • Security Name: the name of the company/managed fund/security, etc.

  • Units: Number of units of a particular asset that are held by the client.

  • Total Cost: the overall cost of acquiring the asset (not including additional costs such as: brokerage, buy/sell spread, etc.)

  • Cost Base: Cost of an asset at the point of purchase plus additional costs of acquiring the asset at the point of purchase (eg; brokerage, buy/sell spread, etc.)

  • Price: Current cost of an individual share/unit, etc. of a given asset

  • Native Price: Cost of an asset at the point of purchase

  • Price Updated: Period in which the price was updated in XPlan

  • Market Value (AUD): Total current value of total units held of an asset 

  • Native Market Value: Total value of total units held of an asset at the time of purchase

  • Unrealised Gain: A profitable position in an asset that is yet to be sold in return for cash.

  • Excl from Fees: States whether the fees are included/excluded in the holding 

  • Rec: rating for the underlying asset based on research houses (e.g. Morningstar)

    Add button: Click on this button to access the following functions:

  • Quick Entry: Click on this option to add multiple purchases with the minimum details i.e. investment code, exchange, units and market value.

  • Purchase: Click on this option to add a purchase to the portfolio. Details of the purchase can be added via this method i.e settlement date, transaction status, if a cash account is to be debited by this transaction etc.

  • Sale: Click on this option to sell an investment holding.

  • Account: Click on this option to create a new account.


For further information on Adding a transaction/holding click here.


This panel contains several tabs allowing you to further analyse the client portfolio. 


  • Summary: Displays total cost, market value, cash balance etc.

  • Asset Class Allocations: Weighting/allocations between the various asset classes within a client's portfolio.

  • Security Type Allocations: Weighting/allocations between the various type of security within a client's portfolio

  • GICS Sector Allocations - Weighting/allocations between the various GICS sectors within a client's portfolio

  • Simulated Returns - Projections over time of the potential returns/losses on the client's portfolio

  • Analytics - Different financial information to view and analyse the client's portfolio (e.g. Risk and Return, Portfolio Back test)

Assets (Business)

If the client(s) have Business Assets that you wish to add, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu.

Note: if you select Disclosed an additional section will pop up labelled (Filters applied) in which you can add information.

If the client does not have Business Assets or the adviser does not want them included, select Not Disclosed or Not Applicable from the dropdown menu.


In this section, if you wish to add a Business Asset for the client(s), follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner


  • In the Add Asset section, add the following information as required;

    • Type: select Business Assets from the dropdown menu

    • Company Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Policy Number: if applicable, enter the Policy Number for the asset in the text box

    • Current Value: enter the current $ value of the asset in the text box

    • Recommended Value: leave blank

    • Account/Client Number: if applicable, enter the Account and/or Client Number in the text box

    • Supplier: if applicable, enter the name of the supplier in the text box

    • Status: select Existing from the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a description of the asset in the text box

    • Product Code: if applicable, enter the product code of the asset in the text box (could be: the ASX code, APIR code, etc.)

    • Linked Bank Account: if the asset is linked to a specific bank account, click the chain button and from the Select Account pop up, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu, then click the Ok button.

      If the account is not listed, you can click the + button and enter the details into the Add New Bank pop up box.

    • Liabilities: if applicable, select the relevant liability from the dropdown menu. If the liability is not available in the list, then it needs to be created and you will need to come back and add it in later.

    • Owners: confirm that the % ownership is correctly weighted between the client(s). If one client is the sole owner, enter 100 for their percentage allocation, if it is owned equally, enter 50 for each client.

    • mceclip55.png

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button.

    Note: if you need to add more than one asset, tick the Add More button in the bottom left hand corner prior to clicking the Save button and a new instance of the page will appear where you can add the details of the next asset.

Assets (Investment)

In this section, if you wish to add details for Investment Assets, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu.

Note: if you select Disclosed an additional section will pop up labelled (Filters applied) in which you can add information.

If you do not wish to add any investment assets or there aren’t any to add, select Not disclosed if there are assets, but the client has not disclosed them or Not applicable if the clients do not hold any investment assets.

IMPORTANT: an investment property is included as an asset, however the clients’ home is not.


In this section, if you wish to add an Investment Asset for the client(s), follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Add Asset section, update or add the following details as required;
    • Type: select ‘Investment Assets’ from the dropdown menu

    • Company Type: select the relevant investment option from the dropdown menu

    • Policy Number: if applicable, enter the Policy Number for the asset in the text box

    • Current Value: enter the current $ value of the asset in the text box

    • Recommended Value: leave blank

    • Account/Client Number: if applicable, enter the Account and/or Client Number in the text box

    • Supplier: if applicable, enter the name of the supplier in the text box

    • Status: select Existing from the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a description of the asset in the text box

    • Product Code: if applicable, enter the product code of the asset in the text box (could be: the ASX code, APIR code, etc.)

    • Linked Bank Account: if the asset is linked to a specific bank account, click the chain button and from the Select Account pop up, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu, then click the Ok button.

      If the account is not listed, you can click the + button and enter the details into the Add New Bank pop up box.

    • Liabilities: if applicable, select the relevant liability from the dropdown menu. If the liability is not available in the list, then it needs to be created and you will need to come back and add it in after this has been done.

    • Owners: confirm that the % ownership is correctly weighted between the client(s). If one client is the sole owner, enter 100 for their percentage allocation, if it is owned equally, enter 50 for each client, etc.

    • mceclip58.png

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button.

    Note: if you need to add more than one asset, tick the Add More button in the bottom left hand corner prior to clicking the Save button and a new instance of the page will appear where you can add the details of the next asset.

 Assets (Lifestyle)

In this section, if you wish to add details for Lifestyle Assets, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu.

Note: if you select Disclosed an additional section will pop up labelled (Filters applied) in which you can add information.

If you do not wish to add any lifestyle assets or there aren’t any to add, select Not disclosed if there are assets, but the client has not disclosed them or Not applicable if the clients do not hold any lifestyle assets.


In this section, if you wish to add a Lifestyle Asset for the client(s), follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Add Asset section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select Lifestyle Assets from the dropdown menu

    • Company Type: select the relevant lifestyle option from the dropdown menu

    • Policy Number: if applicable, enter the Policy Number for the asset in the text box

    • Current Value: enter the current $ value of the asset in the text box

    • Recommended Value: leave blank

    • Account/Client Number: leave blank

    • Supplier: if applicable, enter the name of the supplier in the text box

    • Status: select Existing from the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a description of the asset in the text box

    • Product Code: leave blank

    • Linked Bank Account: leave blank

    • Liabilities: if applicable, select the relevant liability from the dropdown menu. If the liability is not available in the list, then it needs to be created and you will need to come back and add it in after this has been done.

    • Owners: confirm that the % ownership is correctly weighted between the client(s). If one client is the sole owner, enter 100 for their percentage allocation, if it is owned equally, enter 50 for each client.

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save

    Note: if you need to add more than one asset, tick the Add More button in the bottom left hand corner prior to clicking the Save button and a new instance of the page will appear where you can add the details of the next asset.


Assets (Liquid)

In this section, if you wish to add details for Liquid Assets, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu.

Note: if you select Disclosed an additional section will pop up labelled (Filters applied) in which you can add information.

If you do not wish to add any liquid assets or there aren’t any to add, select Not disclosed if there are assets, but the client has not disclosed them or Not applicable if the clients do not hold any liquid assets.


In this section, if you wish to add a Liquid Asset for the client(s), follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner
  • In the Add Asset section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select Liquid Assets from the dropdown menu

    • Company Type: select the relevant investment option from the dropdown menu

    • Policy Number: if applicable, enter the Policy Number for the asset in the text box

    • Current Value: enter the current $ value of the asset in the text box

    • Recommended Value: leave blank

    • Account/Client Number: if applicable, enter the Account and/or Client Number in the text box

    • Supplier: if applicable, enter the name of the supplier in the text box

    • Status: select Existing from the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a description of the asset in the text box

    • Product Code: if applicable, enter the product code of the asset in the text box

    • Linked Bank Account: if the asset is linked to a specific bank account, click the chain button and from the Select Account pop up, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu, then click the Ok button.

      If the account is not listed, you can click the + button and enter the details into the Add New Bank pop up box.

    • Liabilities: if applicable, select the relevant liability from the dropdown menu. If the liability is not available in the list, then it needs to be created and you will need to come back and add it in after this has been done.

    • Owners: confirm that the % ownership is correctly weighted between the client(s). If one client is the sole owner, enter 100 for their percentage allocation, if it is owned equally, enter 50 for each client.

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button.

    Note: if you need to add more than one asset, tick the Add More button in the bottom left hand corner prior to clicking the Save button and a new instance of the page will appear where you can add the details of the next asset.

Assets (Real Estate)

In this section, if you wish to add details for Real Estate Assets, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu.

Note: if you select Disclosed an additional section will pop up labelled (Filters applied) in which you can add information.

If you do not wish to add any real estate assets or there aren’t any to add, select Not disclosed if there are assets, but the client has not disclosed them or Not applicable if the clients do not hold any liquid assets.


In this section, if you wish to add a Real Estate Asset for the client(s), follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Add Asset section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select the relevant ‘Real Estate’ asset from the dropdown menu

    • Company Type: select the relevant real estate option from the dropdown menu

    • Policy Number: if applicable, enter the Policy Number for the asset in the text box

    • Current Value: enter the current $ value of the asset in the text box

    • Recommended Value: leave blank

    • Account/Client Number: if applicable, enter the Account and/or Client Number in the text box

    • Supplier: if applicable, enter the name of the supplier in the text box

    • Status: select Existing from the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a description of the asset in the text box

    • Product Code: if applicable, enter the product code of the asset in the text box

    • Linked Bank Account: if the asset is linked to a specific bank account, click the chain button and from the Select Account pop up, select the relevant option from the dropdown menu, then click the Ok button.

      If the account is not listed, you can click the + button and enter the details into the Add New Bank pop up box.

    • Liabilities: if applicable, select the relevant liability from the dropdown menu. If the liability is not available in the list, then it needs to be created and you will need to come back and add it in after this has been done.

    • Address: if the address has been entered already, select the relevant address from the Address from Contacts button. This will pre-populate the details into the relevant boxes.

      If the address has not been entered previously, then enter the address details into the text boxes provided.

    • Owners: confirm that the % ownership is correctly weighted between the client(s). If one client is the sole owner, enter 100 for their percentage allocation, if it is owned equally, enter 50 for each client.

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button.

    Note: if you need to add more than one asset, tick the Add More button in the bottom left hand corner prior to clicking the Save button and a new instance of the page will appear where you can add the details of the next asset.


Assets Details

Do you expect any changes to your asset position over the next 2 years?: Select Yes or No from the dropdown menu and if applicable, enter any notes provided by the adviser or client(s) in relation to their assets.


Liability Details

In this section, if you wish to add details for Liabilities, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu.

Note: if you select Disclosed an additional section will pop up labelled (Filters applied) in which you can add information.

If you do not wish to add any real estate assets or there aren’t any to add, select Not disclosed if there are assets, but the client has not disclosed them or Not applicable if the clients do not hold any liquid assets.

In this section, add a Liability for the client(s). To enter in a client’s Liability, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Add Liability section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select the relevant liability type from the dropdown menu

    • Sub-Type: select the relevant loan option from the dropdown menu

    • Package/Product Name: if known, enter the name of the loan in the text box

    • Policy Number: if applicable, enter the Policy Number for the asset in the text box

    • Outstanding Balance: enter the current $ value of the outstanding balance in the text box

    • Under Value: select Yes or No from the dropdown menu depending on whether the loan is under advice from the adviser

    • Account/Client Number: if applicable, enter the Account and/or Client Number in the text box

    • Institution: enter the name of the loan provider in the text box

    • Status: select Current from the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a description of the asset in the text box

    • Product Code: if applicable, enter the product code of the asset in the text box

    • Owners: confirm that the % ownership is correctly weighted between the client(s). If one client is the sole owner, enter 100 for their percentage allocation, if it is owned equally, enter 50 for each client.

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button.

    Note: if you need to add more than one asset, tick the Add More button in the bottom left hand corner prior to clicking the Save button and a new instance of the page will appear where you can add the details of the next asset. 

  • Do you expect any changes to your asset position over the next 2 years?: Select Yes or No from the dropdown menu and if applicable, enter any notes provided by the adviser or client(s) in relation to their assets.



Risk Profile

Your Risk Tolerance

In this section, allocate the appropriate risk profile for the client(s) by following these steps:

  • Investor Risk Profile: Select the relevant Risk Profile option for the client(s) from the dropdown menu.

    Note: The clients’ risk profile can be obtained from their risk profile questionnaire.

  • Update target from Risk Profile: Once the risk profile is selected, click Update from Client Profile to update the risk profile

    Important: you must click the button, otherwise the risk profile will not recorded.

  • Agreed Asset Allocations: Once the risk profile has been updated, the asset allocation percentage will automatically update.

  • Repeat the process for the Partner and Joint options as required.


Risk Profile Segments

If the client or adviser has stated multiple risk profile types for different investment options, then update this section as outlined below, otherwise move on to the next step.


In this section, allocate the relevant risk profile for the client(s) for the following segments from the dropdown menu:

  • Investments Risk Profile

  • Superannuation Risk Profile

  • Pension Risk Profile




Risk Profile Variation Reason: if the client or the adviser has outlined an investment recommendation that is not in line with the clients’ risk profile, then tick the relevant option/options from the list as to why the variance applies.

Click Next to continue.

Superannuation Plan

In this section, if you want to add Superannuation Fund details, select Disclosed from the dropdown menu., If the clients have not provided details, select Not Disclosed of if there are no superannuation fund details to add, select Not Applicable.

If you select Disclosed from the dropdown menu, the Existing Fund(Client) and / or the Existing Fund(Partner) options will appear.


In the Existing Fund(Client) / Existing Fund(Partner) sections, add an existing fund for the clients. To enter in a client’s existing fund, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner
  • In the Superannuation Plans section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Super Plan Selection: select the super platform from the dropdown menu

    • Super Plan: enter the name of the super plan in the text box

    • Reference Number: enter the reference number (usually account number) in the text box

    • Eligible Service Date: if provided, enter the Eligible Service Date by using the calendar icon

    • Date of Balance: if provided, enter the date of the balance

    • Status: select Active from the dropdown menu

    • Link to Portfolio Account: if you have entered the details of the account into IPS, click the Link button, select the relevant account from the dropdown menu in the Select Account pop up box, then click the Ok

    • Under Advice: select Yes or No as relevant

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button


Super Contributions

In this section, allocate the amount of super contributions the client(s) has contributed over a period of time for both Concessional and Non-concessional Contributions. This includes for this financial year ending as well as the previous financial year

 Review and update the information as required then click on Next to continue. 

Retirement Income

In this section, select the status for Retirement Income Details as Disclosed if you want to add an existing retirement income stream. If not select Not Disclosed or Not Applicable.

To enter in a client’s existing retirement income steam, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Retirement Income section, enter the following details.
  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button

  1. Add as many as is required for each of the client and partner. 
  2. Click on Next to continue.


Private health

In this section, enter the client(s) Private Health information.

To enter in a client’s existing private health insurance policy, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  1. Click the Add button in the top right corner
  1. Enter in the Policy TypeOwnersPolicy Number and any other relevant information. 
  1. Utilise the Add More feature if adding multiple policies otherwise click on Save.

  1. Click on Next to continue.


General Insurance

In this section, add General Insurance for the client(s). To enter in a client’s existing general insurance policy, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner
  • In the General Insurance section, enter all relevant information including the Type, Owners, Policy Number and Sum Insured.
  • Utilise the Add More feature if adding multiple policies otherwise click on Save.

  • Add Notes to make additional comments on changes or conflicts in the sections above for the client(s).

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Next button


Life Risk Insurance

Life Risk Insurance: in this section, add the relevant details for the client and partner.

  • Number of weeks that you could maintain your standard of living without your primary income: if provided, enter the number of weeks the client could cover their expenses without receiving an income.

  • Have you had an application for personal insurance rejected for any reason? select Yes or No from the dropdown menu

  • Are you claiming or have you ever claimed a benefit from any source? select Yes or No from the dropdown menu

  • Are you aware of any reason or impediment to you obtaining life or disability cover from an insurer? select Yes or No from the dropdown menu


  • Notes: enter in any notes provided by the client(s) or adviser in relation to their existing Life insurance cover.


  • In this section, add the Life Insurance policies for the client(s). To enter in a client’s existing policy, follow these steps:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner
  • In the Insurance Group section, enter the following details regarding the Insurance held by the client(s):
    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Policy Number: enter the policy number in the text box.

    • Underwriter: select the relevant underwriter from the dropdown menu

    • Plan Name: enter the name of the policy in the text box

    • Policy Status: select from the following options, depending on current state of policy:

      • Inforce – select if the policy is currently valid

      • Lapsed – select if the client(s) has not paid the premium, but the policy has not been cancelled yet

    • Under Advice: select Yes if existing client and policy is part of advice service or select No if existing client and policy is not part of service or if this is a new client

    • Total Premium: enter the $ value of the premium in the textbox

    • Premium Frequency: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

  • To add Insurance Cover into the Insurance, expand the insurance options in the Cover Tab and click Add
  • In the Life Insurance section, enter the following details.

    • Term: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Sum Insured: enter the $ amount of the sum insured in the text box

    • Life Insured: select the relevant client from the dropdown menu

    • Benefit Status: select from the following options, depending on current state of policy:

      • Inforce – select if the policy is currently valid

      • Lapsed – select if the client(s) has not paid the premium, but the policy has not been cancelled yet

    • Premium Structure: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

  • Details Tab

    • Is Super: if policy is held in super, select Yes or if held outside super, select No

    • Owner: select the Owner of the policy from the dropdown menu

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button

  • In the TPD Insurance section, enter the following details.


    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Sum Insured: enter the $ amount of the sum insured in the text box

    • Life Insured: select the relevant client from the dropdown menu

    • Benefit Status: select from the following options, depending on current state of policy:

      • Inforce – select if the policy is currently valid

      • Lapsed – select if the client(s) has not paid the premium, but the policy has not been cancelled yet

    • Waiting Period: skip this step

    • Premium Structure: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

  • Details Tab

    • Is Super: if policy is held in super, select Yes or if held outside super, select No

    • Owner: select the Owner of the policy from the dropdown menu

    • Flexi-Linked: if the TPD policy is Flexi-Linked, select Yes otherwise select No

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button

  • In the Trauma Insurance section, enter the following details.


    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Sum Insured: enter the $ amount of the sum insured in the text box

    • Life Insured: select the relevant client from the dropdown menu

    • Benefit Status: select from the following options, depending on current state of policy:

      • Inforce – select if the policy is currently valid

      • Lapsed – select if the client(s) has not paid the premium, but the policy has not been cancelled yet

    • Waiting Period: skip this step

    • Premium Structure: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

  • Details Tab

    • Is Super: if policy is held in super, select Yes or if held outside super, select No

      Note: Legacy Trauma policies can be held in super (usually SMSF). They are not very common, though.

    • Owner: select the Owner of the policy from the dropdown menu

    • Flexi-Linked: if the TPD policy is Flexi-Linked, select Yes otherwise select No

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button

  • In the Income Insurance section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Life Insured: select the relevant client from the dropdown menu

    • Benefit Status: select from the following options, depending on current state of policy:

      • Inforce – select if the policy is currently valid

      • Lapsed – select if the client(s) has not paid the premium, but the policy has not been cancelled yet

    • Definition: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Benefit Amount: enter the $ amount of the amount that would be paid on claim in the text box

    • Benefit Frequency: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Accident/Benefit Period: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Waiting Period: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Premium Structure: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

  • Details Tab

    • Cover Escalation: if the policy has cover escalation (the amount payable on claim increases each year) select the relevant option from the dropdown menu and enter the % value of the escalation in the text box

    • Is Super: if policy is held in super, select Yes or if held outside super, select No

      Note: Legacy Trauma policies can be held in super (usually SMSF). They are not very common, though.

    • Owner: select the Owner of the policy from the dropdown menu

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button

  • In the Business Insurance section, enter the following details.

    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Life Insured: select the relevant client from the dropdown menu

    • Benefit Status: select from the following options, depending on current state of policy:

      • Inforce – select if the policy is currently valid

      • Lapsed – select if the client(s) has not paid the premium, but the policy has not been cancelled yet

    • Benefit Amount: enter the $ amount of the amount that would be paid on claim in the text box

    • Benefit Frequency: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Accident/Benefit Period: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Waiting Period: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Premium Structure: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

  • Details Tab

    • Cover Escalation: if the policy has cover escalation (the amount payable on claim increases each year) select the relevant option from the dropdown menu and enter the % value of the escalation in the text box

    • Owner: select the Owner of the policy from the dropdown menu

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button

  • Click on Next to continue.



The Cashflow section provides the ability to enter detailed information pertaining to the clients cashflow. This includes various types of income and expense details. 


In this section, add the client(s) Income details. To add an income stream:
  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Income Cashflow section, enter the following details


    • Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Sub-Type: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Owner: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Frequency: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • Amount: enter the $ value of the income in the text box

    • Link to Employment: if applicable and the relevant employment details have been entered, click the Link button and select the relevant option from the dropdown menu, then click OK

      Note: if you need to add more than one option, tick the Add More text box. After you click the Save button, a new instance of the same page will appear. Repeat the process until all expenses have been added.

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button

Income Required 

In the Income Required section, you can add details regarding the amount of income the clients require now or in retirement. To add Income Required:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Income Required section, enter the following details

    • Type: select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

    • Description: enter a short description (eg: Retirement Income) in the text box

    • Amount: enter the $ amount the client(s) have stated they require in the text box

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button

Income & Taxation Additional Details 

In the Income and Taxation Additional Details section, outline any areas related to whether the clients have tax related issues to address.



 In the Expenses section, add the client(s) current expenses . To add an expense:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner
  • mceclip44.png
  • In the Expenditure Cashflow section, enter the following details


    • Type: select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

    • Sub-Type:select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

    • Owner: select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

    • Frequency: select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

    • Amount: enter the $ amount the client(s) have stated they require in the text box

    • Tax Type: select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

      Note: if you need to add more than one option, tick the Add More text box. After you click the Save button, a new instance of the same page will appear. Repeat the process until all expenses have been added.

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button

Anticipated Expenses 

In the Anticipated Expense section, enter the client(s) stated anticipated future lump sum expenses (eg: holiday, new car, new house, renovations, etc.). To add an Anticipated Expense:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Anticipated Expense section, enter the following details


    • Type: select the relevant option in the dropdown menu

    • Description:enter a short description of the anticipated expense in the text box

    • Time Frame (Months): if provided, enter the number of months until the expense is to be made in the text box

    • Amount: enter the $ amount of the anticipated expense in the text box

  • Once completed, confirm the details are correct and click the Save button

Expenses Additional Details 

In the Expenses Additional Detail section, fill out the relevant details , if they have been provided by the client(s)


  • What is your annual cost of living?: Enter the $ value of the annual expenses as outlined by the client in the Fact Find.

  • Is the expenses likely to change in 2 years?: If the client anticipates a change in the level of expenses in the next 2 years, select Yes from the dropdown menu, if they don’t expect a change, select No.

  • How much do you or your household save each year?: If the clients have stated they are able to save $X per annum, enter the $ value in the text box.

  • Do you expect any changes to your current savings pattern?: if the clients have outlined an expected increase or reduction to the amount they can save each year, select Yes from the dropdown menu or if not, then select No.

Net Cashflow 

In the Net Cashflow section, enter the relevant details as outlined by the clients in the Fact Find.


  • Do you have any specific requirements or plans for the use of surplus income or to fund deficit position?: If the client has provided details relating to the surplus / deficit, select Yes from the dropdown menu, if they haven’t, select No. If the question is not relevant to their current situation, leave it blank.

  • How much money in cash do you need to fund potential emergenicies?: If the client has stated how much they want in a cash buffer, enter the $ value in the text box.

  • Debt Service Ratio?: enter the % value. This is calculated based on the debt repayments divided by the amount of income available to meet the repayments. Eg; $500 per month debt / $5,000 per month net income = 10%.

  • Saving Ratio?: enter the % value. This is calculated based on the amount the client is able to save divided by the amount of income earned. Eg; $500 per month savings / $5,000 per month net income = 10%.

Cashflow Notes 

In the Cashflow Notes section, add any additional comments the client has made regarding changes or conflicts in the sections above.



Aged Care

In the Aged Care section, if the client(s) are in an Aged Care facility, fill in the relevant details.


  • Name of aged care facility: enter the name of the facility the client(s) reside in.

  • Date of permanent entry into facility: if provided, enter the date the client(s) moved into the Aged Care facility using the calendar button.


In this sections, fill in the cost of aged care for the client(s) if:

  • Client(s) entered aged care AFTER 1 July 2014
    • Have you paid a lump sum Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD)?: if the client(s) have paid a RAD, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If they have not paid a RAD, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • Are you paying a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)?: if the client(s) are paying a DAP, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If they are not paying a DAP, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • Have you paid a lump sum Refundable Accommodation Contribution (RAC)?: if the client(s) have paid a RAC, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If they have not paid a RAC, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • Are you paying a Daily Accommodation Contribution (DAC)?: if the client(s) are paying a DAC, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If they are not paying a DAC, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • If your partner entered residential aged care before 1 July 2014, did they pay an accommodation bond?: if the partner moved into Aged Care before 1 July 2014 and paid an accommodation bond, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If the partner moved into Aged Care before 1 July 2014 and didn’t pay an accommodation bond or they didn’t move into residential aged care before 1 July 2014, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • Basic daily care fee: if provided, enter the clients’ basic daily care fee in the text box.

    • Means tested daily care fee (if applicable): if the client is paying a Means Tested Daily care fee, enter the $ amount in the text box.

    • Extra service fee: if the client is paying an extra service fee, enter the $ amount in the text box.

    • Total fees paid: enter the $ amount of the total fees paid in the text box.

  • Client(s) entered aged care BEFORE 1 July 2014
    • Have you paid an Accommodation Bond?: if the client(s) have paid an Accommodation Bond, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If they have not paid an Accommodation Bond, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • Is there a periodic payment on the Accommodation Bond?: if the client(s) are making periodic payments on the Accommodation Bond, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If they are not making periodic payments on the Accommodation Bond, select No from the dropdown menu.

    • Accommodation charge (if applicable): if the client(s) are paying an Accommodation charge, enter the $ value into the text box.

    • Basic daily care fee: if provided, enter the clients’ basic daily care fee in the text box.

    • Income tested daily care fee (if applicable): if the client is paying an Income Tested Daily care fee, enter the $ amount in the text box.

    • Extra service fee pre July 14: if the client is paying an extra service fee that was established before 1 July 2014, enter the $ amount in the text box.

    • Total fees paid: enter the $ amount of the total fees paid in the text box.


In the Special Residence section, enter the following details for the client(s).


  • Do you live in a retirement village? If the client(s) live in a retirement village, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If the client(s) do not live in a retirement village, select No from the dropdown menu.

  • Do you have a granny flat right?
    also known as a granny flat interest.

    If the client(s) have a granny flat right / interest, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If the client(s) do not have a granny flat right, select No from the dropdown menu.

  • Entry contribution paid (if applicable): if the client(s) have paid an entry contribution to live in a retirement village, enter the $ amount of the contribution into the text box.

  • Regular maintenance fees/rent: enter the $ amount of the fees and/or rent paid by the client(s) for living in a retirement village or granny flat into the text box.

  • Deferred Management Fee: If the client(s) have paid a Deferred Management Fee, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If the client(s) have not paid a Deferred Management Fee, select No from the dropdown menu.

  • Capital gain share?: If the client(s) are entitled to a share of the capital gain in their unit / property, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If the client(s) are not entitled to a share of the capital gain in their unit / property, select No from the dropdown menu.


Salary Packaging

In the Salary Packaging section, if the client(s) are making salary sacrifice contributions to super, add the relevant details. To add the details:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Salary Packaging section, enter the following details

    • Started: if provided, enter the date the client began making salary sacrifice contributions.

    • Ended: if provided, enter the date the client ceased making contributions (only if in current FY)

    • Ended: if provided, enter the date the client ceased making contributions (only if in current FY)

    • Fund_Refno: if provided, enter the account number of the fund that the salary sacrifice contributions are being made to.

      Note: double check the account number is correct – the contributions may be going to a different account than the SG contributions.

    • Sacrifice Amount: enter the $ amount the client is sacrificing into the text box.

    • Sacrifice Frequency: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

    • Status: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button


Gearing Schedule

In the Gearing Schedule section, add any investment loans that the client(s) have. To add a Gearing Schedule entry:

  • Click the Add button in the top right corner

  • In the Gearing Schedule section, enter the following details

    • Investment: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu in relation to which asset is securing the loan.

    • Investment Value: enter the $ value of the underlying investment

    • Cumulative Income: enter the value of the net income from the investment after the loan and other costs have been deducted.

    • Loan Provider: select the relevant option from the dropdown menu

    • PLOC: if applicable, enter the $ value of the amount that was drawn from the Personal Line of Credit.

    • ILOC: if applicable, enter the $ value of the amount that was drawn from the Investment Line of Credit.

    • Margin Loan: if applicable, enter the $ value of the amount that was drawn from the Margin Loan.

  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button.

    Note: if there is more than one loan, check the Add More tickbox prior to clicking Save and a new instance will load.


In this section, you can Add, Edit or Delete members in the Client Group. Client grouping within XPLAN allows you to group and create a relationship amongst various client entities to help display how they are associated and linked. Grouping clients allows you then to utilize further XPLAN functionality such as client reporting, template creation and analysis based on the entire group.


Adding a Member

  • To add a member to the Client Group, Click the Add Icon 

  • Select the Relationship Type and Entity

  • Click Ok when complete


Edit a Member

  • To edit a member in the Client Group, Click the Edit Icon

  • Change the Relationship Type
  • Click Ok when complete


Delete a Member

  • To delete a member from the Client Group, Click the delete icon

  • Click Ok to delete


Client Group Reports

In this section, state the Client Group Name you wish to display in the Client Group Reports


Verification Procedures 

In the Identity Check section, you must accumulate Documents from the client(s) to meet the Verification Procedure standards of 100 points. Different documents provide different amount of points


Add an Identity Check Document

  • To add a document, click the Add icon on the document you choose to add

  • In the Edit Identity Check Document, complete the following details
  • mceclip13.png
  • Once completed, confirm they are correct and click the Save button


Validation and Expiry

  • To change the date of validation or expiry date for the client(s) click the corresponding icons and change the date
  • mceclip14.png


Scope of Advice 

The Scope of Advice will automatically populate into your document based on the selections you make. For each of the areas of advice you may choose to include by ticking (or exclude by unticking). For each selection made pre-populated text will be made available relevant to that area of advice. Users will be able to review and update the text accordingly. 

  1.  Select the relevant options and review/update the applicable text from the available list, depending on the advice that is being provided.


  • Click Next to continue. 

SMSF Advice

Similar to Scope of Advice however this section relates only to advice pertaining to a SMSF. 
  1.  Select the relevant options and review/update the applicable text from the available list, depending on the advice that is being provided.

Project Management

Similar to Scope of Advice and SMSF Administration however this section relates only to advice pertaining to project related items. 
  1.  Select the relevant options and review/update the applicable text from the available list, depending on the advice that is being provided.

Terms of Agreement 

In this section, you can select the Proposed Advice Fee as well as the Ongoing Advice Fee amount. 

Proposed Advice Fee

In this section, select and update the appropriate Fee Option;

  1. Hourly Rate
    1. Add the Plan Fee Hours
    1. Add the Plan Implementation Hours

  1. Flat Fee
    1. Add the Plan Fee $
    1. Add the Implementation Fee $

  1. % Fee of FUM
    1. Add the Plan Fee %
    1. Add the Plan FUM Amount $
    1. Add the Implementation Fee %
    1. Add the Implementation FUM Amount $

Ongoing Advice Fee

In this section, select and update the Ongoing Advice Fee Option;

  1. Add the Ongoing Service Fee Amount
  1. Add the Ongoing Service Fee Payment Frequency

  1. Click on Next to continue.

The Fact Find Wizard has now been completed. Users are able to;

  1. View/Edit the Client Record
  1. Restart Wizard
  1. Merge the Fact Find

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