The next step in the process is to complete the Business Risk Fact Find data entry and analysis for the business entity. The Business Risk Fact Find can only be used to enter data for a company or partnership
Note: For Business Risk Clients, the wizard is used to enter the business entity and risk analysis data. Any data relating to the individual entities is entered using the Client Profile.
The Business Risk Fact Find wizard has 3 main components:
1. From the Home page, click the relevant business entity.
2. From the Client Menu, Select Wizards (NAF) > Business Risk Client Profile
3. The Scenario Index page now displays.
Before beginning the Business Risk Client Profile Wizard, you will be required to create a 'Scenario Name'. The Business Risk Client Profile wizard includes the use of parts of the Business Risk Module (similar to Risk Researcher), which allows you to record and save your analysis and modelling information as a unique scenario. This retains the analysis information for use within your advice document, and as an electronic record for the client file.
1. Enter a Scenario Name
IMPORTANT! Creating a scenario within the Business Risk Client Profile wizard creates a scenario of the same name in the Business Risk Module (refer Section 6 of this guide). The information you enter on the risk analysis pages (refer page 17 of this guide) of the business Risk Client Profile will be shared with the Business Risk Module scenario of the same name.
TIP! When creating the scenario name, consider including the type of advice output required, along with the advice month and year. This then allows you to easily locate previous advice scenarios.
2. Click on Create Scenario. The Introduction page now displays
Data entered on this page flows through to:
The key data fields are:
Instruction for the 3 panels in this page:
PANEL | Details | |
1 | Introduction |
2 | Initial Scope of Advice | Record the initial reason why the client is seeking your advice |
3 | Referral Information |
This panel enables you to create, record or link an entity that referred a client, to the client's record.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
The key data fields are:
1. Key Details:
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Key data fields:
Data entered on this page flows through to:
There are 4 panels in this page. Click the Add button in the relevant panel(s) to add details for each role. Refer to instructions for each panel on the next page.
PANEL | Details | |
1 | Directors |
2 | Shareholders |
3 | Key Persons |
4 | Other Professionals and Advisers |
Professional Advisers are contacts that provide information or services to your client. These typically include accountants, solicitors, bankers and stockbrokers. Note:
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Client Menu > Client Profile > Structures
Client Menu > Client Profile > Entity Diagram (and Document Library)
The Business Structure page is used to add brief details regarding any business entities associated with the business client (e.g Company, Partnership, SMSF, Sole Trader, or Trust). If you wish to include greater detail about associated business entities, they will need to added/created as entities in XPLAN.
Diagram(s) of the overall bsuiness structures (i.e. an entity digram) can also be uploaded in this page.
Key data fields
Complete the Type, Name, Ownership, Purpose and Other Information fields. To add another associated business entity, click the Add button.
Scan the diagram to a PDF, and save to a folder in your computer.
Upload the diagram into the Document Library. Click Home > Document Library
Click the relevant Category (in the example below, Advice Constructor is selected)
In the Document List panel, click Add
Type Field:
From the first drop down list, select General
From the third drop down list, select Shared with my groups
Subject field: Enter title for image (e.g business name and diagram description)
On the icon toolbar, click the Image icon.
Click the attachment tab
Click Upload File
Locate file and click Open. Filename now displays in Attachment tab.
Click Save and Close.
File note with image now displays in the Document list panel and is ready to be uploaded into the Business Risk Client Profile:
To upload the entity diagram, click the image icon on toolbar.
Click Browse Server
In the Categories list, click the folder where the saved the diagram (refer step 2c above).
In the Document List panel, select the document folder where the image is stored. The files panel now displays the list if stored images.
In the files panel, Click the relevant image and Click OK.
The image now displays in the Preview panel.
To resize the image, in the Width field, start by entering 300. If the images sill requires adjusting so it fits correctly within the Preview panel, either increase or decrease the amount entered in the Width field.
Click Ok. The diagram/ image now displays in the Entity Diagram panel
The People page is used to enter and store any additional Information for the other people in the business that was not included in each of their individual Client Profile People pages (business employees such as a Key Person who is not an owner or director).'
Key data fields
Additional Information: Enter any additional Information collected about people in the business. Note : Existing Insurances that cover the people business are entered on the Existing Insurances page.
Clcik Next. The Existing Insurances page now displays.
This page is used for entering policy details of the Existing insurances - held for business purposes - that cover the people in the business. This information is gathered in the People section of the Business Risk Client Profile output document.
Important: Any insurance held for personal purpose should be entered under the entity in the NAF Client Profile.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Client Menu:
Client Menu > Insurance Details
Business Risk Module > Existing Policies
Your Personal and Financial Position > Insurance Policies
Your Personal and Financial Position > Expenses
Insurance portfolio recommendations
Key data fields
The policies panel displays the total summary of insurance amounts for various covers once the data has been entered.
To add existing insurance policies, click the Add button.
The Insurance Group page now displays.
Complete the following basic policy details:
Type: Select the relevant cover type from the drop down list
Policy Number: Enter the policy number, if known
Underwriter: select the relevant underwriter from the drop down list.
Plan Name: Enter the plan name for the policy.
Policy Status: Select the relevant status for the policy From the drop down list.
Under Advice: If you are listed (with the insurer) as the nominated adviser for this policy, select Yes.
Total Premium: Enter the total premium amount.
Premium Frequency: Enter the frequency on which the premium is paid.
Cover tab: Click the Add button to add details for the relevant cover.
The following pop op box displays:
Complete the cover details for the key fields noted below. Note: Refer to table on next page for key fields in the Cover tab for each cover type.
Details tab (cover level) - Owner field: Click the drop down to select the relevant policy owner. The selections that display here are based on the clients that were grouped in Section 3 of this User Guide.
Click Save.
Cover tab: Refer to the table below for key fields in each cover type:
Life Insured: This field must have an individual noted so the data flows to the business entity listed, it will not flow through.
Owner: Search to select and populate the business entity name into this field.
Life Insured: This field must have an individual noted so the data flows to the Business Risk Module (for product recommendations). if a business entity is listed, it will not flow through.
Owner: Search to select and populate the business entity name into this field.
Life Insured: This field must have an individual noted so the data flows to the Business Risk Module (for product recommendations). if a business entity is listed, it will not flow through.
Owner: Search to select and populate the business entity name into this field.
Life Insured: This field must have an individual noted so the data flows to the Business Risk Module (for product recommendations). if a business entity is listed, it will not flow through.
Owner: Search to select and populate the business entity name into this field.
Life Insured: This field must have an individual noted so the data flows to the Business Risk Module (for product recommendations). if a business entity is listed, it will not flow through.
Owner: Search to select and populate the business entity name into this field.
Life Insured: This field must have an individual noted so the data flows to the Business Risk Module (for product recommendations). if a business entity is listed, it will not flow through.
Owner: Search to select and populate the business entity name into this field.
Once all cover types have been entered in the cover tab, click the Ownership tab (policy level). Important: Check the Policy Owners field to ensure the business displays as the owner, otherwise the data will not flow through the analysis pages.
Policy Purpose: Select business Protection from the drop down list.
Business Protection Purpose: Click the magnifying glass to display the policy purpose pop up window.
Policy Purpose: Select the relevant business protection purpose checkbox and click Save and Close.
Click the Save and Close button.
The insurance purpose will flow through the Business Risk Module and, if the existing cover is to be retained, this information also flows through the relevant analysis pages.
The other tabs in this page are not used (i.e. Premium tab, Comments tab, Others tab)
Click Save.
Click Next.
The business Financials page is used for entering the financial details (assets, liabilities, profit and loss) of the business.
Important: Ensue the details entered are correct as this information is used in developing your advice and will appear in the SOA for client verification and Sign-Off.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Client Menu:
Client Menu > Financial Details > Balance Sheet
Client Menu > Financial Details > Budget
Client Menu > Financial Details > Cashflow
Thekey data fields are:
View Assets and Liabilities: Select "Yes" to display the Assets and Liability panel.
Assets: Click "Add" to add the business assets. The key data fields are:
Complete the relevant fields.
Click Save.
TIPEnsure the ownership percentage is correct. The default setting is the Client at 100% ownership. This may not always be the case.
Other than the details tab, The other remaining tabs are not required
Liability: Click Add to add the business liabilities. The key data fields are:
Complete the relevant fields
Click Save.
TIPEnsure the ownership percentage is correct. The default setting is the Client at 100% ownership. This may not always be the case.
Other than the details tab, the other remaining tabs are not required.
Income: Click Add to add the business income. The key data fields are:
Fill out the relevant fields
Click Save.
Expenses: To add an expense, Click 'Add". Refer to key data fields below:
Note: This section prepopulates with any expense information that has been entered in previous pages (e.g. insurance premiums keyed into the Existing insurances page).
Fill out relevant fields.
Click Save.
Additional information: Use the free text box to enter additional information relating to the income and expenses.
This is the first page of the risk analysis section in the Business Risk Client Profile wizard, as shown below. Data entered in this section flows into the Business Risk Module (the business risk analysis tool), provided its for the same scenario, with same name, used in the Business Risk Client Profile scenario.
Where data flows to:
Key data fields
The business Valuation is the first page on which the Refresh Details button displays.
How the Refresh Detail button works
The Refresh details button taken a snapshot of the data you've just entered in the pages highlighted in image B above and uses this data to refresh the analysis pages highlighted in image C above.
The data in the pages highlighted in image C is now refreshed, which you will now use for your analysis.
The data in the pages highlighted in image C is now refreshed,which you will now use for your analysis.This saves rekeying of data (e.g. the Business Valuation page is now refreshed with the shareholder data entered in the More Business Information page).
Important: Only use the Refreshed details button in the Business Valuation page.Refresh Details pop up window: Click OK to the message
Business Succession: Complete the following fields in this panel:
Shareholders: Data prepopulated to this panel when the Refresh Details button was clicked:
Ownership ProtectionO: Important: Use the Sharehodler panel to enter Ownership Protection cover, from the Ownership Protection section of the Business Risk Client Profile document (Turn over one page in the document to locate this section).
Additional information: Enter any additional information into the free text field.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
The Business Succession Agreement page allows you to record weather a succession agreement is currently in place, and if it needs to be reviewed.
Select the relevant options within the Business Succession Agreement panel:
Select relevant options within the further Questions panel:
Record any further details in the Additional Information panel. Note: this will not populate in the SOA however it will form part of your record keeping.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Business Risk Module
All business debt previously entered (in Business Financials Section > Liability Panel) displays here:
To edit each liability, click the Edit button. The following Business Debt Details pop up window displays:
To add the life insured that is associated with the debt, click the button. The add file insured pop up window displays:
Click the to search for entities that are already created in XPLAN. The Lookup Client function now displays:
Type your client's name in the search bar
Click the magnifying glass / Search button
From the list of search results, select the client
Click OK
The client selected now displays in the Business Debt Details pop up window (refer below)
Enter the ‘Impact on Bus Debt (%)’. In this example, the impact is 100%.
Note: The Impact on Business Debt Value and Risk Exposure will automatically populate based on Liability Amount and the percentage entered in ‘Impact on Bus Debt (%)’ field. Furthermore, the Risk Exposure will flow into the Needs Analysis and Business Risk Module.
Click ‘Save and Close’
Repeat steps 2a – 2f for each of the Business Liabilities before moving onto Step 4.
If there is any internal loan to/from the business to/from the shareholder/director, enter the loan information in the Shareholder Current Accounts panel. This will flow into the needs analysis and Business Risk Module.
The ‘Add Shareholder Account’ pop up box now displays.
Click the ‘magnifying glass’ to open the ‘Lookup Client’ search function.
Find and select the relevant client (for step by step instructions see step 2C above).
The ‘Shareholder Account Details’ pop up box now displays:
Complete all fields:
When selecting an option for ‘Balance Type’, note:
Debit - represents a debt to the business by the shareholder
Credit - represents a debt to the shareholder by the business
Risk Exposure automatically populates once all the above fields are completed.
Add all remaining internal debt by repeating the above steps (4A – 4E).
Enter and select the relevant fields in the ‘Further Questios’ panel:
If the response to the question “Have any owners provided personal Guarantees”, is Yes, the following Personal Guarantees panel will display:
Add all assets where a personal guarantee has been provided for the loan (refer to steps 2B – 2C above for step by step instructions on how to search and add a guarantor).
Enter any further information (that has not been captured) in the Additional information panel.
Click Next. The Key Person (Revenue Protection) page now displays.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
If there is a key person in the business, select ‘Yes’ from the dropdown list. If ‘No’ is selected, move the Further Questions Panel (refer Step 8 below)
Important: The Key Person (Revenue Protection) insurance is not appropriate for a business that would wind up on a key person’s death or disablement.
Complete the relevant fields in the Business Earnings panel.
The Selection made in step 2 above determines which of the panels below that now displays.
Depending on which panel is being completed, the following pop up window now displays. Populate the relevant fields:
TIP: If you are unsure about the requirements for each field, click the information icon for guidance.
In the Further Questions Panel, select the relevant options (refer below)
Note: Selections made here impact the needs analysis.
Enter any further information (that has not been captured) in the Additional Information panel.
Click Next. The Business Expenses Protection page now displays.
Date entered on this page flows through to:
In the Business Expense Details panel, enter the relevant frequency and amounts for the relevant business expense category. Note: Enter expense totals based on the frequency selected.
The Business Expenses panel automatically populates with the Key Person details. To edit the ‘Impact on Business Expenses (%)’, click the button for the relevant key person. The Impact on Business Expenses pop up window now displays:
Enter the Impact on Business Expenses (%). Note: The Risk Exposure amount is calculated by the total business expense amount multiplied by the Impact on Business Expenses % amount.Click Save and Close
In the ‘Further Questions’ panel, enter the preferred waiting period.
In the Additional Information panel, enter any further information regarding business expenses.
Click Next. The Income Protection page now displays.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
In the Personal Income panel, to add personal income, click the Add button:
The Add Income Details pop up window now displays
Search for and add the relevant Shareholder.
The Income Details pop up window now displays:
Enter the shareholder’s income (based on the frequency selected)
Select the relevant frequency
The Monthly Risk Exposure field automatically populates based on the amounts in the income Amount and % of Income Required fields.
To add all remaining personal income (as required), repeat steps 1 – 3 above.
In the Additional Information panel, enter any further information relating to Income Protection.
Click Next. The Scope of Advice page now displays.
Important: Information entered on the Scope of Advice page of the Business Risk Client Profile Wizard is for noting purposes only. Information entered here does not flow into the Advice Constructor Wizard. You will need to complete the Scope of Advice Details in the Advice Constructor Wizard.
Why? ASIC obligations require us to keep a digital record on all advice documentation. Advice given at the Client Discovery (Client Profile) stage may be different to the advice given at the Advice Preparation Stage. By not linking this page to the Advice Constructor wizard means the data will not be averridden at either stage. If they were linked, when subsequent advice is provided, it would mean:
Having to remove what was previously completed
No digital record would be available.
Key data fields:
Advice Areas: Select the relevant checkboxes for the business risk advice areas that are in scope.
Scope of Advice: Add the specific details regarding the agreed scope of advice in this free text box
Advice Limitations:
‘1. Who has limited the scope of the advice?’: If the advice has been limited, select who has limited the scope of advice. Once a selection is made, the text box titled ‘1. Details of scope limitations’ will display – refer label 3a in image above. You are required to detail the limitation of advice in this free text box.
‘2. Has the client provided all the information you require and requested’: Select an option from the drop down list.
If the ‘No, only limited details provided’ option is selected, two additional text boxes display (refer label 3b in image below). You are required to customize the details of the missing information.
‘3. Do you have the necessary expertise?’: Refer instructions below
‘4. Do you have the relevant ‘proper opportunity’?’: Refer instructions below
When ‘No’ is selected to Questions 3 and/or 4, a text box titled ‘3/4. Details of adviser expertise/authority limitations’ will display. You are required to customize details in the text box shown below. This information does not flow through to the SoA document.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Key data fields:
Note: Goals and Objectives entered in this area flows directly into the Advice Constructor Wizard.
The library page for Business Needs and Objectives now displays.
Priority: Select the appropriate priority level from the drop down list
Type: Select Protection from the drop down list.
Goal: A range of business protection goals now display in the drop down list. Select the relevant goal. Note: The Goal and and Goal label fields automatically prepopulate.
Description: The text in the free text field can be customised. Note: The text that automatically displays is compliant.
Click Save.
Planning Priorities and Preferences. Use this free text field to include any concerns and/ or preferences the client wants you to consider when formulating your advice. Note: The free entered here does not flow into the Advice Constructor Wizard.
Click Next. The Adviser Notes page now displays.
The Adviser Notes page Contains a free text field which allows the user to capture any other details that do not categorically fit into the other sections of the Business Risk Client Profile wizard. Notes: This data does not flow into the Advise Constructor.
Key data fields
Enter free text into the notes section.
Click Next. The fees and FSG Details page is now
Data entered on this page flows through:
Client Menu:
Compliance > FSG & Privacy
Compliance > FSG & Opt-in Details
Key data fields
SOA Fee and communication preference: Detail any preference the client/s may have relation to product cost, features and benefits. Note: This information does not flow into the Advice Constructor Wizard.
Current FSG: Select FSG details, including version number, version date, date on which it was provided etc. Note: this data flows through to Client Menu > Compliance > FSG & Privacy
FSG History: The panel provides a historical record of FSG provided to client.
Advice Wizards fees: This section is used to capture the fees that will be charged to the client. Refer to the licensee Standards for more details. Note: This information does not flow into the Advice Constructor Wizard.
Preferred Mailing Method: The client must expressly indicate that they wish teceive advice documents such as SoAs, RoAs, FGGs and PDSs by electronic means (i.e. Where this delivery channel is available for the document type). Note: This information does not flow into the Advice Constructor Wizard. Check the:
Preferred email field to ensure the email listed is current
Exceptions to electronic receipt and select the relevant checkbox for those documents the client wishes to receive in hard copy.
Privacy and FDS: 'Privacy discussed?' If privacy has been discuss with the client, select 'Yes' from the drop down list. Note: This data flows through to the Business Risk Client output document and also flows through to:
Client Menu > Compliance > FSG & Privacy
Client Menu > Compliance > FDS & Opt-in details
Click Next. The Tax File Number page is now displays.
Data entered on this page flows through to:
Client Menu:
Key data fields:
Tax File Number: Enter the Business entity's Tax File Number (TFN)
TFN Authority signed: If the client sign the TFN Authority, Select Yes.
TFN exemption status: Enter information relating to the business' TFN exemption status
Click Next. Submission Complete page now displays.
Submission Complete Page
Key data fields:
Merge BRCP: To generate the Business Client Profile output document, click the Merge BRCP button
Variable Substitution: A Variable Substitution pop up window now displays. Click Execute.
Confirm. Click Yes to Confirmation message then click OK to the information message.
Click the Envelope icon to download the output document.
Click thh View / Edit Entity Details button to redirect you to the clients dashboard
Click the Restart Wizard button to redirect you to the scenario Index page of the Business Risk Client Profile Wizard.