Task Templates Overview

Tasks are essential components of XPLAN. Threads are the workflow management system and relevant tasks will be assigned to users when threads are activated.

XPLAN’s task component offers a powerful way to track work requirements including simple one off tasks through to tasks that form part of workflows (threads).

  • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016) 


How to Create a Task Template

To create a task template:

  1. Click on the XPLAN 
  2. Select Administration Functions. 

  3. Select Templates

  4. Select Tasks & Thread Templates in the left menu. 

  5. Select Tasks and you will be taken to the Tasks Templates screen. 

  6. Click on the Add button to add a new template.

  7. Enter the Subject name for the task. 

  8. Enter a Description for the task. 

  9. Each Tab will contain a tick box option called Hide Tab. This allows you to select if you wish to make this Tab visible or not when being used.

    The fields within each Tab are outlined below.


Details Tab

Within each Tab, you will be given the option to hide specific fields from the end user. Click on the checkbox to hide a field if it is not required. Hidden fields are not displayed in any Tasks created from a template. 

  1. Type - Select from the type of task you are creating. E.g. meeting, letter, advice etc.
  2. Subtype - Select the subtype of the task. The options available in this field are dependent on 
the type of task you selected. 

  3. Priority - You can set the priority level of the task to High, Normal or Low. 

  4. Group - Select the assignees group (optional). 

  5. Assigned To - Select a user to assign the task to or assign the task to yourself. Alternatively 
you can use Dynamic Assignees by clicking on the drop down box and selecting Dynamic Assignee. When this option is selected, XPLAN will automatically assign the task to either the clients selected adviser type or a group role user. Choosing No Dynamic Assignee from this field displays a list of members in the Group chosen or if no Group has been selected, it will list all users. 

  6. Entity - This field is used to select who the Task refers to. You are not required to complete this field, unless the task template is being created for a specific entity only.

  7. Permission - To allow the assignee to change the due date, click on the checkbox in the field Assignee can change due date. Click on the checkbox Only Assignee can change task status to only allow the Assignee to change the status of the task. 

  8. Private/Share - You have the option to make this task private so only you can use the template share the template with users in your group, a specific group or all users.
  9. Due Date - Enter the number of days the task is due to be completed within. 

  10. Has Due Time - If you select yes, additional fields will appear to allow you to enter the time 
the task is due. 

  11. Reminder Days - This field allows the user to enter how many days prior to the tasks due 
date that the assignee will be notified of the task once the task is activated.


Supplementary Tab

  1. Force Comment when Complete - Forces the user to add a comment to the task when they change the task status to complete. 

  2. Force Forecast when Complete - Forces the user to fill out the Forecast values when they set the task status to complete. 

  3. Forecast - Estimates the financial results of this task.
  4. Default Time Taken - Allows you to enter a default time for the time taken to complete this task. 

  5. Force Time Taken - Forces the user to add the time taken to complete the task when they change the task status to complete. 

  6. Lock Time Taken Type - Allows you to force the Time Taken to be chargeable or non- chargeable. 

  7. Benchmark Days - Set the benchmark time required for the task. 

  8. Benchmark Minutes - Set the benchmark minutes for the task.


Attachments Tab 

The Attachments Tab is used to store additional instructions on what is required to complete a task.

When some tasks are activated or completed, related word documents are automatically merged and can be downloaded from the Envelope Icon at the top of your page. A copy of these automated documents will also be stored in the attachments tab of the related task.


Important Note: The Attachments Tab should only be used to store general information to assist with completing the task. It is important that all information pertinent to a client file is stored in the Notes section of Xplan for easy retrieval. 


  1. To attach an external file from your server, click Choose File. A pop up will appear for you to select the document you wish to upload. Select the file location on your computer then click on the file name and click open. The document file name will appear in the choose file field. 

  2. Click Attach File. All attached documents will be listed in the field below.
  3. Click Attach Document File to attach a document from XPLAN's Document Library. A pop
up with the DocNote file browser will appear. Locate and click on the required document and click OK. The document you have selected will appear in the field below. 


Please note: If you upload a particular file to this template, the same document will be attached every time the template is used. 

Outcomes Tab

You can add an outcome to the task so that when the task is completed, different actions such as tasks/threads etc. can be activated or entity fields updated.

  1. Click on the Add New Outcome button.

  2. Primary Action - click on the dropdown box to select an action XPLAN is to perform upon completion of this task. 

  3. Entity Field - use the fields in this tab to select an entity field to be updated automatically upon completion of this task. 

  4. Multiple Actions - use the fields in this tab to add multiple actions to be performed by XPLAN. 

  5. Click OK to save the outcome to the task. 


Email Tab

Emails can be sent from tasks from an Outcome or by using the Email Tab.

  1. To add an email template to the task, click Add. A pop up screen will appear - Email Template.

  2. Select the email template from the drop down options. 

  3. Select when the email is to be sent. 

  4. Click on the check box to select the intended Recipient/s of the email. 

  5. Click Ok to save the email template to the task.


XMerge Tab

XMerge templates can be attached to tasks, thread tasks and task templates. XMerge reports utilize coded XMerge templates (Letters, Documents, Reports) that have previously been uploaded to XPLAN.

The documents will merge with the client details and will be available to the Assigner/Assignee. The XMerge reports can then be activated on the tasks due date or when the task is completed. 

  1. Select who the XMerge report is to be sent to, the Assigner or the Assignee of the task
  2. You can choose for all Xmerge outputs for the task to merge into one document.
    To activate this option, select Yes in the Merge Into One Document field.
  3. The report will be saved as a file note against the client in XPLAN. Set the Note Type, the Note Subtype and the Note Subject for the automatic saving of the file note. 

  4. Click on the Add new template button to add an XMerge report to the task. 

  5. Select the Report Category the XMerge report is located in. 

  6. Click on the icon to select the report. 

  7. Select the Files to be merged.

  8. Select the Format of the merged output. PDF or Word.
  9. Select When the document is to be merged. When the task is Due, Activated, Completed or on the Due Date.
  10. Click Save to save the XMerge document to the task template.



IPS Reports can be attached to tasks, thread tasks and task templates. The IPS reports can then be activated on the tasks due date or when the task is completed.

  1. Click on the Add button to select the IPS report to be attached to the task.

  2. Enter a name for the report in the Report Name 
  3. Select to Include Related Entities portfolio data in the report. 

  4. In the Type field, select when the report is to be generated automatically in XPLAN. Either 
when the task is due, when the task is activated or when the task has been completed. 

  5. Select the Format the report is to be generated, PDF or CSV. 

  6. Click on the checkbox to select the report to be generated with this task. 

  7. Click Save. 


Notification Tab

The Notification Tab is where you set the notifications for a task. By ticking an option against a user or selecting Notification All, the relevant user will receive an email notifying them that the task has either been Created, Changed or is Due Not Complete or Complete. For tasks that are part of a thread these notifications will already be preset.

  1. Click on the checkbox to select the user that is to be notified.


Save the Task Template

  1. Once you have entered all the details required for the task, click on the Save button at the top right of the Edit Task Template page.

  2.  The task template you have created will be listed in the Tasks Templates panel. Access the task here to edit the template if required.


Using the Task Template

Task Templates can be used at anytime by creating a task and selecting the required template from the options in the dropdown box.