Risk Researcher - Premium Modelling

Risk Researcher - Premium Modelling

Premium Modelling Overview

Understanding Premium modelling for product recommendations including product replacement advice


Select the Scenario

Understand the Risk Researcher page and create the scenario file.

  • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)


Prior to making a product recommendation the client's needs analysis should have been entered into a scenario within Risk Researcher. 

  1. Once a scenario has been created and the needs analysis completed for the client, select the scenario that you are making the recommendation for by clicking on the Scenario Name.

  2. If you are creating a new scenario, click on the Create Scenario button. A pop up screen will appear as shown below.


  3. Enter the Scenario Name into the text box.

  4. Click OK. You will be taken to the Details page.



Understand how to enter the clients personal details.

  • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)


  1. Ensure the fields in the Personal Details panel are correct. The data in these fields will be populated from the data entered into Client Focus. Edit if required.

  2. If a Needs Analysis has been completed, the current situation panel will show the Shortfall Summary as shown in this example. 

  3. Click on the Existing Tab to view existing policies.

    Learn how to use the Existing tab in Risk Researcher Details screen when reviewing/replacing a policy.

    • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on Feb 25, 2018)


The client's existing insurance that has been entered into the Insurance Details section of Client Focus will populate into this Tab.

  1. Click on the dropdown box and select the recommendation you are making for this policy, either Hold, Increase, Decrease or Replace. In this example we will select Replace.

  2. If you want to review the existing policy, tick the Review checkbox. The existing policy will be added to the Cover Selection allowing you to review the policy against other policies.

If you are recommending increases or decreases to the client's existing cover, a popup will display where you can enter the changes to cover amount and premium. These values are then added to the Policy Recommendations for the scenario.


  1. Click on the Needs Analysis tab and you will now see the client's shortfall for Life Cover has increased to $500,000 as we are recommending the client replaces their existing cover.

    Understand how to complete the Needs Analysis page.

    • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)
  2. The next step we have to complete is selecting the cover we are recommending the client should obtain. This is done in the Cover Selection panel. Click on the dropdown box in the Select Cover Required field and click on the type of cover being recommended. In this example, we will select Life with linked TPD/Trauma.

  3. Then click on the + icon to add this type of cover to the cover selection. We will be directed to a screen where we can enter the recommended cover amount as well as select any options available with the chosen cover we wish to include.

    Understand how to enter the Cover Selection details in a Risk Researcher scenario.

    • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)


The top panel will list the types of cover selected. In this example Life with linked TPD and Trauma.

  1. Select the Life Insured.

  2. The Shortfalls column will display the shortfall amount determined from the client's Needs Analysis. (Please note, if a needs analysis was not completed the amounts here will be $0.)

  3. The values in the Sum Insured column are automatically populated from the client's Needs Analysis (if the needs analysis was completed). If we want to recommend a different amount from what was calculated in the needs analysis or a needs analysis was not completed, we can enter the recommended amount into these fields.

  4. Select the TPD Definition.

  5. Enter any Loadings applicable.

  6. Select the Premium Type.

  7. The Flexi-linked field provides you the ability to model flexi linked TPD or trauma products that are outside of super but linked to a life cover within super. If the TDP definition is set to super linked, then the Flexi-linked field will be disabled and set to No.

    The second panel is the Cover Options panel.

  8. The Premium Frequency is set at the cover level and is selected in the cover options panel.

    Select the frequency the premium will be paid.

  9. The weighting profile can be used to produce product scores tailored to the client and to filter out any products that don’t contain features that meet the client's specific needs. If you select 'Neutral Weighting' this means the adviser and/or client believe that every evaluated provision is equally as important, therefore the product scores will be calculated on this basis.

  10. If the recommended policy is a multi life policy, you’ll need to select yes in this field. Additional fields will populate where you will need to specify the number of lives insured and if this is the primary life insured for the policy.

  11. The age entered into the Up to what age to you wish to illustrate premiums field determines the age the premiums are projected up to and is also used to calculate the cumulative premium amount.

    Scroll down the page to select the Life, TPD and Trauma options specific to the cover.


  1. Review each of the options available for each type of cover. To select an option to be included in the cover, click on the drop down box select Yes.

  2. Click on the i icon next to the option to display information related to the selected option.

    Once you have selected the required options to be included in the cover, scroll to the top of the page.


Once you have completed the fields for the cover options, you have the option to return back to the Details page to add another type of cover and complete the General options section or you can go directly to the Premium Estimates.

  1. To proceed directly to the Premium Estimates screen click Save and Quote.

  2. Alternatively, click the Save button to return to the Details page.

We will now demonstrate how to add an additional type of cover.


Repeat this process to add additional types of cover being recommended.

  1. Click on the dropdown box in the Select Cover Required field and click on the type of cover being recommended. In this example, we will select, Income Protection (Agreed Value).

  2. Then click on the + icon to add this type of cover to the cover selection. We will be directed to a screen where we can enter the recommended cover amount as well as select any options available with the chosen cover we wish to include. 


The top panel will list the types of cover selected. In this example, Income Protection (Agreed Value).

  1. Complete the fields in the top panel including the Life Insured, the Sum Insured, Loadings applicable, Premium Type, Super-Linked, Waiting Period and the Benefit Period. (If the needs analysis was completed, the amount will automatically populate into the Sum Insured field.)

  2. Complete the fields in the Cover Options panel.

  3. Select the options to be included in the Income Protection cover.

  4. Click Save once all required fields have been completed to return to the Details page or Save and Quote to go directly to the Premium Estimates screen. 


  1. The types of cover selected will now appear in the Cover Selection panel.

  2. The next step is to complete the General Options Panel. You may find when you access this screen, no fields will be displayed. Click on the icon to expand the screen. Here, information such as indexation, S&P ratings, super or non super can be entered to filter out the search results for the list of Insurance products that are available through the different Insurance companies.

    Understand how to enter the General Options details in a Risk Researcher scenario.

    • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)
  3. Click on the checkbox if a Fee for Service / Nil Commission is applicable to this policy. When Fee for Service / Nil Commission has been selected here, you will only be able to set the Plan Preparation Fee and Fee Notes.

    Learn how to set the Commission structure for your Risk Researcher scenario.

    • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on Feb 25, 2018)
  4. Select the Risk Product type, either “Ordinary and Superannuation”, “Ordinary only” or “Superannuation only”.

  5. The Scoring Methodology option gives you a choice between 'General' and 'Scenario' scoring. The setting applies to Premium Modelling. Whilst these options take into account the A-B-C ratings awarded to each policy definition, the underlying calculation differs. General scoring provides an indication of the feature richness of a policy as a whole, without taking into account specific parameters of the scenario that is being modelled. Scenario scoring provides a product score which is directly linked to premium option(s) that have/have not been selected as part of the scenario. Inbuilt benefits are automatically included under this method.

  6. Enter the rate of indexation to apply to the projections in the What rate of indexation do you wish to apply to projections? field.

  7. Select if the client is an existing AIA Vitality member in the Do you have an existing AIA Vitality membership field. AIA Vitality is a health and wellness program, encouraging members to get healthier and earn rewards including discounts on premiums and cashback in certain circumstances.

  8. In the Are you planning to apply for AIA Vitality field select if the client is planning to apply if they are not currently an AIA Vitality member. They may still be eligible for a premium discount.

  9. Select the S&P financial strength in the What S&P financial strength requirements do you wish to apply? field. The financial strength rating provides an indication of a life company's credit worthiness. Insurers rated ‘BBB’ or higher are regarded as having financial security characteristics which outweigh any vulnerabilities and are highly likely to have the ability to meet financial commitments. Not Rated or Better provides the largest choice available for the recommended Insurance.

  10. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Select Approved Product List to use field to make the choice of whether the Insurance is to be within a certain approved product list, or from an unrestricted list. 


Premium Estimate

Understand the Premium Estimates page in a Risk Researcher scenario.

  • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)


The steps within the Details section of the Risk Researcher Scenario are now complete.

  1. Click on the Premium Estimates option in the left menu or Next to proceed to the Premium Estimates screen.


  1. XPLAN will search for the insurance products that meet the required cover based on the options selected in the Details screen. The products will be listed for each type of cover selected and can be viewed by clicking on the tabs at the top of the screen.

  2. To filter the list of options, tick the checkbox next to the products then click on the filter button and select Show Selected Only.

  3. The following features are available for each product by clicking on the Action button:

    • Calculation Notes - a pop up screen will appear with the premium calculation notes for that product.

    • Product Summary Report - select this option to generate a product summary report.

    • Dial-Down - a Commission Dial Down pop-up window will appear. Use the drop down box to select the amount (in percentage), then Click OK.

    • Stepped v Level - to compare graphically Stepped versus Level premium.

  4. The products can be sorted by premium, scenario score or cumulative premium by clicking on the header

  5. There is an Edit button available so you can easily update the cover request details . The button will open the Cover Request page with the current details populated and you then have the ability to update and save as required.

  6. Click the Validate Premium button to validate the calculated premium for a product. Please note this is not available for all product providers.

Note: Policies that include Flexi-linked or Super-linked structures disclose the splitting of the premium to show the amounts that are payable inside and outside of Superannuation.


  1. Premium Estimate reports can be generated by clicking on the Reports button and selecting from the report types available.


  1. Click on the Actions button and select from the options available in the menu. The Actions button allows users to view projections and graphs for each of the products. Users can also compare the product ratings, features, medical underwriting and other features as well as filter the product lists.

We have the option to recommend a product for each type of cover or select a packaged product. We will now demonstrate how to select a product using each of these methods.

How to select a product for each type of cover:

  1. Whilst in the first tab (in this example, Life with linked TPD/Truama), click on the check box in the Select column for product you are recommending.

  2. If you have another product, click on the next tab (in this example, Income Protection) to view the products for this type of cover.

  1. Click on the check box to select the product you are recommending for the Income Protection cover. Once you have selected the products for each type of cover, the next step is to click on the Next button or select Recommend in the left menu. However, we will firstly demonstrate how to select a Packaged product rather than individual products for each cover.


How to recommend a packaged product:

  1. Click on the Package tab.

  2. Click on the check box next to each cover to be packaged. In this example we have selected Life with linked TPD/Trauma to be packaged with Income Protection (Agreed Value).

  3. Click on the Apply button. A list of products that can package the cover selected will be listed. 


  1. Click on the check box next to the product you are recommending.

  2. Click on the Next button or Recommendations link in the left menu.

You have the ability to model Flexi-linked Trauma within Risk Researcher. Flexi-linked Trauma is a new product combination in which a single package is available for Life (with or without TPD) within Super and Trauma outside of Super. When you see a product that has Connected Criticall Illness, this indicates that it is a Flexi-linked Trauma policy.

Please note, we have just shown two methods for selecting products. It is important to note that if you are recommending a packaged product you do not need to select a product within the tabs for each individual types of cover.



Understand how to complete the Recommendation page in a Risk Researcher scenario.

  • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)


The product we have just selected will now appear in the Policy Recommendations panel.

  1. To select the cover within the policy that you are recommending, ensure you’ve selected “Recommend and Acquire” for each type of cover under the recommendation column. You can also update the status of the recommendation to “Client Request” if the client has specifically requested the product and cover or to “Not Accepted” if the policy has not been accepted by the client.

  2. In some instances, the premium that appears in the recommended panel, can be different to the quote. If required, you can edit the premium by clicking on the edit button in the Premium column.

  3. The owner can be set at cover level by clicking on the dropdown box in the Owner column. This give provides clarity on ownership structure (also caters for ownership both inside and outside of Super). You can also set the owner to a hidden client if required.

  4. If the cover is held via a super fund click on the check box. This checkbox will be "read only" depending on the options selected in the cover and product recommendations.


There are a number of other actions that may need to be completed before the SoA can be merged. Some of these actions will be illustrated over the next few steps.

  1. Click on the Actions button and a menu will appear with the actions that can be performed within the Recommendations section. These include:

    • Replacement Advice
    • Fee Disclosure
    • Recommendation Details
    • Notes
    • Compare with Existing
    • Manual Recommendation
    • Quick Merge 


Replacement Advice


The Replacement Advice option will only be available in the situation where a client has an existing Insurance cover and the user has selected "Replace" whilst in the Details section of Risk Researcher.

  1. Click on the Action button.

  2. Select Replacement Advice from the menu.


  1. Click on the Link button to select the product to be replaced if it is linked to Risk Researcher. By linking the existing product Risk Researcher can provide a comparison of the features. A pop up screen Link Existing Policy will appear.


  1. Select the underwriter of the client's existing policy from the available list in the Select an Underwriter field.

  2. A Tab will appear for each of the types of cover held under the policy.

  3. In each Tab select the policy cover the client currently holds by clicking on the appropriate tick box. It is important that you select the correct policy cover as Risk Researcher will compare the features for the selected policy cover.

  4. You also have the option to filter the listed policies to show current product only, closed (expired) products, or both current and expired products by clicking on the options in the Show field.

  5. Click OK once you have finished selecting the policy covers. You will return to the Replace screen.


  1. Click on the tick box next to the products you will be recommending to replace the existing policies.

    The next step is to complete the replacement advice details by completing each of the Tabs for the Costs of Replacement, Reasons for Replacement, Differences in Benefits and Other Consequences of Replacement.

  2. Enter text into the text box for the Costs of Replacement of the insurance products. Important - Please note this tab does not flow through to the SOA.

  3. Click on the Reasons for Replacement tab.


  1. Enter text into the text box for the Reasons for Replacement of the insurance products. Important - Please note this tab does not flow through to the SOA.

  2. Click on the Differences in Benefits tab.


  1. Click on the checkbox for the difference in benefits and features lost that you would like to be included in the SOA.

  2. Click on the Other Consequences of Replacement tab


  1. Enter text into the text box for the Other Consequences of Replacement of the insurance products. Important - Please note this tab does not flow through to the SOA.

  2. Click on the Save and Close button once completed.


Commission Details


The Commission Details option is used to enter the commission details.

  1. Click on the Action button.

  2. Select Fee Disclosure from the menu.


What needs to be included within the SoA is the upfront and ongoing commissions.

  1. Click on the check box icon for Premium Year 1 and Premium Renewal.

  2. Check the commission details in the other fields are correct and amend if required.

  3. Click Save and Close when all required fields have been completed. 


Notes Screen_Shot_2018-11-26_at_3.04.14_PM.png

The Notes option can be used to enter any other information regarding the recommendation being made.

  1. Click on the Action button.

  2. Select Notes from the menu.


  1. Enter any notes you wish to make into the text box.

  2. Click Save and Close once completed.


Compare with Existing


The Compare with Existing option allows the user to generate a report that compares the differences between the existing and the proposed products.

  1. Click on the Action button.

  2. Select Compare with Existing from the menu.


  1. Select the products you are comparing. The existing and recommended products should automatically be selected in the fields.

  2. Click the Report button.



Manual Recommendation


There may be instances when you are preparing a Risk Researcher recommendation and the insurance you are recommending is not maintained within the Risk Researcher tool. Examples of this could be a wholesale or group insurance policy that is not maintained within Risk Researcher. This can be achieved using a Manual Recommendation which ensures consistency within the advice process.

  1. Click on the Action button.

  2. Select Manual Recommendation from the menu. The Add Manual Recommendation pop up screen will appear. 


  1. As we are entering a ‘manual’ product into the recommendations, we are required to entered all the information pertaining to that product including the policy description, the underwriter and the life insured. The premium details need to be obtained from the relevant insurance provider.

    Once the quote has been obtained select the frequency of the premium and enter the initial premium amount into the text box. Next, we are required to enter the sum insured for each type of cover included within the policy and the options applicable to the cover such as waiting periods etc.

  2. Once all the require information has been entered, click Save to save this policy into the recommendations. 

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