Portfolio Recommendations Overview
The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of the Portfolio component, specifically the clients Recommendations.
This section allows you to make recommendations within the client portfolio. You can add new investments and increase/decrease exposure to existing assets, you can also create an investment strategy that will meet the client’s objectives and target asset allocation.
How to Access Portfolio Recommendations
To access the Portfolio Recommendations screen:
- In the client navigation menu, locate and click on Portfolios. The menu will expand.
- Click on Portfolio. The menu options will expand.
- Click on The menu options will expand.
- Click Recommend, and you will be taken to the client’s portfolio Recommend screen.
Portfolio Recommendations Components
Entity - You can select the entity for which you wish to access their portfolio by clicking on the drop down arrow beside the client name. Any entity that is part of the client's group will be listed to select from. If the client has a partner you have the ability to select from either the individual entity, the joint entity (Client and Partner) or by View All. When you select view all, tick box options will appear in the Filter Options for Holdings Overview panel to select which entities you wish to include.
Filter Options for Portfolio Proposal Model
Portfolio Account - If an account has been created for the portfolio, you can select to view by the individual account or by all accounts. Please note this option will only appear if an account has been created.
Proposal Date - Enter the proposal date into this field
Grouping - Allows you to select how you would like the data in the investment recommendations to be grouped. In this example the data is grouped by Portfolio, then account.
Lock Recommended Volume – Prevents recommendation volume from changing
Exchange - Enables you to filter the securities displayed in the holdings overview panel by a specific exchange
Add – Add is used to make new recommendations for the clients Portfolio
Holding – Allows you to add a recommended investment Holding (any exchange available)
Account – Allows you to create a new Portfolio Account for modelling purposes
Cash Adjustment – Allows you in add in a cash injection that would otherwise not be available in the portfolio
Investment Recommendations - This will show all investment recommendations, including positive and negative adjustments.
Analysis – Chart views of the recommended portfolio.
Goal Based Analysis
Understand how to analyse the clients investment goals.
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)
Portfolio Recommendation Snapshots
Learn how to save and load a Portfolios snapshot.
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on Feb 19, 2018)
Model Recommendations to a Clients Portfolio
Understand how to make recommendations to a clint portfolio
Further information on Model Recommendations to a Clients Portfolio here
Implement Portfolio Recommendations to a Clients Portfolio
Once an acceptable proposal for changing a clients Portfolio has been finalised on the Recommend page, the next step is to apply these changes to their Portfolio. To understand how to implement a recommendation:
- To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 28, 2016)
It is not recommended that you Implement recommendations for holdings that are received via datafeeds. Once the provider has finalised the implementation, the appropriate transaction will be automatically applied to the holding in IPS via the Datafeed.
Note: Implementing a Portfolio proposal to a client Portfolio will alter the Adjustment values on the Recommend page to account for the changes. If you plan to also implement to CommPay, IOS or eApplications, you should perform those actions before implementing to the client Portfolio.
While accessing a client's Portfolio:
- In the navigation menu, select Portfolio > Model > Recommend. The Recommend page displays, with a list of each holding change or Perform Model Portfolio recommendations
- The Portfolio Account list can be used to display each Portfolio Account's changes, or View All to display all changes.
- For each holding to be implemented, click the Action arrow button on a holding for a list of actions that can be performed.
- Select Implement to Transaction from the action list. A tick marks the holding change to be implemented.
- Click the Action arrow button on the top left of the table of holdings, then select Implement to Transaction.
- The Adjustment columns are updated on the Recommend page to account for the Portfolio changes.
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