New User Manual - Administrator

New User Manual - Administrator

Table of Contents


Welcome and Introduction ..................................................................................................4

Using this Guide ...................................................................................................................... 5

Session Focus ............................................................................................................................ 6

Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 6

Expectation ................................................................................................................................. 6

Session outcomes .................................................................................................................... 6

1.0 XPLAN and the Advice Process .................................................................................... 6

2.0 Navigating XPLAN .............................................................................................................. 7

3.0 Dashboard ............................................................................................................................ 14

4.0 Creating a Prospect/New Client in XPLAN .............................................................. 18

5.0 Client Management ............................................................................................................21

6.0 Case Study: Dylan & Jackie ............................................................................................. 28

7.0 Entering Client Information into Client Focus .......................................................... 31

8.0 Entering Existing Insurance .............................................................................................. 42

9.0 IRESS Portfolio System (IPS) ............................................................................................. 44

10.0 Datafeeds ............................................................................................................................... 49

11.0 Client Relationship Management .................................................................................. 50

12.0 Document Library ................................................................................................................. 64

13.0 Merge SOA / Using the SOA Wizard ............................................................................. 66



Welcome and Introduction


Welcome and Introduction
Navigating XPLAN 
Creating a new client 
 Client Management – Task and Diary
 Entering client information (Client Focus)
Entering existing insurance 
 Entering existing investments (Portfolios/IPS)
Searching for clients / Client lists
Management Reports / File Notes / Email and Email Templates
Document Library
Merging SOA and using SOA Wizard
Consolidation of learning and questions


Using this Guide

This guide has been written and structured to be as easy to follow as possible. To help you to navigate through this guide, a number of symbols are used to help identify key points or sections.


Session Focus

This course is aimed at providing new users with an overview of XPLAN and its client management and administrative capabilities.

In this session, you will see how XPLAN and the client management functions within XPLAN will fit in with your current business practices.

This is an interactive session where you will observe demonstrations as well as participate in activities that are structured to provide you with an understanding of XPLAN, and how you could use the system to provide advice to your financial planning clients.



There is no prerequisite to this course



What you can expect from today’s session?

  • Demonstrations
  • Case study
  • Hands on activities


Session outcomes

After completing this session, you will be able to:

  • Navigate XPLAN efficiently
  • Create a new client in XPLAN
  • Enter client information into Client Focus
  • Enter financial assets into IPS
  • Use Client Management Tools available in XPLAN including:
    •  Diary management
    • Task and workflow management
    • Client file notes
    • Correspondence including emails
    • Document library
    • Coding (emails only)
  • Merge a document
  • Have an overview of how to administer the system in your practice. 


1.0 XPLAN and the Advice Process

1.1 Introduction


Many advisers use the Advice to Client process to manage the advice process in their business.

To enable participants to be able to relate to the different modules in XPLAN, this course is structured along the line of the Advice to Client process.


XPLAN and Financial Planning

The components and tools in XPLAN have been created to support and complement the process of providing quality and efficient recommendations to clients.


2.0 Navigating XPLAN

2.1 XPLAN Overview

XPLAN is a web based financial planning software package that brings together the different stages in the advice process through the use of a number of modules and tools.

XPLAN enables delivery of advice to clients through integrated client management, modelling and portfolio management tools and applications.

The facilitator will demonstrate and take you through each of the modules and tools, and explain their function to you.


2.2 XPLAN Components

Client Focus A comprehensive Fact Find and Client Relationship Module. This is where client data is entered.
Underlying these functions is the task management capability, which is
designed to support the workflow process within a business.

A suite of tools which not only provides users with standard document templates but also the functionality to build customised templates.

These tools provide the ability to manage the templates as well as to merge data from the system into the templates.

Xtools A suite of tools which can be used for projection and analysis. Some of the calculators can be used in a client facing situation.
XTOOLS+ XTOOLS+ is a powerful modelling tool that can be used to model and
compare cashflows and projections.
IRESS Portfolio System (IPS) IPS is used to manage and provide reporting on client portfolios
Risk Researcher A fully interactive risk research tool that provides both qualitative and
quantitative analysis for personal risk insurance products.
SuperSolver A superannuation comparison tool that provides product specific comparisons of costs and intangible plan features. It provides data on hundreds of retail, industry, government and corporate superannuation funds, and allows for the creation of new plans or deriving new plans from existing plans.
Debt Qualifier It is a mortgage-qualification and analytics system. It provides a single point solution for Debt and Risk Management for existing and new clients.


2.3 Logging into XPLAN

  1. To login, access your designated website by typing in your website address
  2. The login page for your website is displayed
  3. Enter your User ID and Password and click  .



2.4 Navigating the XPLAN Interface

The XPLAN interface is composed of three areas, the Title bar, the Navigation menu, and the Main Page.

Title Bar

The title bar contains a number of links and functions, and is always displayed.

Home, Add and Quicklinks lists:

Xplan – This button name can be customised and the default name is XPLAN. It contains links to your User Dashboard, News and administration and module functionality (depending on your User Capabilities only some links may display)

Add - allows for creating a new:

  • Client
  • Group
  • Professional Adviser
  • Referrer
  • Supplier
  • User
  • Case
  • Diary Event
  • Note
  • Task
  • Thread

(Depending on your User Capabilities only some links may display)

Quicklinks - a customisable list where you can add links that you frequently access. All links in the XPLAN list can be added as Quicklinks.

The Instant Search  icon allows you to search for any key heading within your XPLAN system. Once you have searched, hyperlinks will be shown to take you directly to that location.



  Notification messages are commonly generated by XPLAN when a report has been generated. The number of unread notification messages displays beside the icon (as shown)
  Sticky Notes allows you to write short on screen notes which stay attached to a client or a specific page. When you load a page with a Sticky Note a small icon displays that is clicked to open the Note.
   Open a Time Taken Ticker
   Access XPLAN Help
   Access your Preferences
   Logout from XPLAN



The Quick Search box allows you to search for entities, notes or tasks.

Navigation menu

The navigation menu displays on the left of the currently accessed Page. It allows for navigation between modules and within the current module. When using a Wizard, the navigation menu can also display the pages within the Wizard, allowing you to move between pages as required.


You can collapse and expand the navigation menu by clicking the expand/contract button:

When collapsed, the current page expands horizontally to fill your web browser.


Main Page

The current page displays in the Page area.


Client name - when a client has associated entities, such as a companies, trusts or SMSF, you can click the client's name and select an entity to access it


Control buttons - buttons for the current page, such as for editing fields or moving between Wizard pages, are always located on the top-right.

Panels - some interface elements display as panels. Each panel is controlled by panel buttons. Like pages, panels can also have control buttons for editing the data within the panel.

Panel buttons - each panel has its own control buttons. Depending on the functionality offered by a panel, some or all of the following buttons may display:

 Button  Function
  Close Close the panel
  Collapse Collapse the panel. Only the panel title displays.
  Expand Expand a panel title to display the whole panel.
  Configuration Access the panel configuration settings, such as the information displayed.
  Download Download the contents within the panel, such as a chart.


 Any time you see  click on the arrow to access additional options and sub menus.


2.5 Getting Help


XPLAN has an Online Help function which provides the most up to date information on the different components and tools in the system. Interactive Tutorials are also available for viewing Training Workshops. The Help files also provide updates on all new software versions.

Accessing Help

  1. Click on the Help function located on top of the Title bar 

  2. The ‘Help’ screen is displayed

  3. Navigate using the menu bar located on the left.

  4. You may also want to use the “Search” function available.


Accessing Interactive Tutorials from within the Help Files

  1. Select “Video Tutorials” followed by “Workshops” from the menu bar located on the left:

  2. Click on the workshop you would like to view.

  3. Follow the online prompts to view individual videos.

    Dashboard is the default ‘home’ screen to load. To navigate back to the ‘home’ screen, just click on the site logo. You can also open additional windows by holding down the ‘Shift’ key and click on the logo. ‘Ctrl’ and click will open new tabs. News is also available through a dashboard tab.


3.0 Dashboard

3.1 Introduction

Dashboards can be created for:

  • Users - User Dashboards allow a user to display information on clients and other users that they can view.

  • Clients - Client Dashboards display targeted information for a specific client. They display in Client Focus, allowing you to view a snapshot of client data while accessing the client.

  • Referrers - Referrer Dashboards allow referrers to view information about themselves, such as clients they have recently accessed and tasks that are assigned to them.


  1. While accessing a client, in the client navigation menu select Dashboard:

  2. Click the dropdown box next to the Main tab and select Add Widget.

  3. In the Add Widget dropdown you can make your selections.

  4. Select the Parameters within the Fields you would like to view.



  • Widgets can be moved to other positions on the screen by clicking and dragging the widget to the desired location.

  • A default Dashboard can be created for all users and clients to have the same Dashboard Setting. This is created from the XPLAN menu by selecting Administration Functions > System Settings. You will need the “System Setting” capability to have access to this function.


3.2 Scenario

You wish to set up your own dashboard items and have the dashboard as your default login page.


3.3 Setting up the Dashboard

  1. To set up Dashboard you can a) Click on the site icon as the default screen is Dashboard; b) Click on the XPLAN button and select Dashboard (depending on your User Capabilities)

  2. Click the dropdown button next to the Main tab and select Add Widget.

  3. In the Add New Widget dropdown select Outstanding Task and then OK.

  4. Select the Parameters within the Fields you would like to view regarding Outstanding Tasks then click OK:

  5. The widget will then fully display:

  6. Repeat steps 2 – 4 and select Upcoming Reviews

    mceclip12.png Widgets can be moved to other positions on the screen by clicking and dragging the widget to the desired location.


3.4 Adding additional Tabs to the Dashboard

  1. Click the  dropdown box next to the Main tab and select Add Tab.

  2. In the Add New Tab box, type in a title of Client Snapshot and select OK.

  3. In the Add New Widget dropdown select Client Birthday and then OK.

  4. Select the Parameters within the Fields you would like to view regarding client’s Birthdays then click OK:

  5. Repeat steps 3 – 4 and select Alert Summary:

  6. The Widgets will then fully display:


Dashboard is the default ‘home’ screen to load. To navigate back to the Dashboard, just click on the site logo. You can also open additional windows by holding down the ‘Shift’ key and click on the logo. ‘Ctrl’ and click will open new tabs.



4.0 Creating a Prospect/New Client in XPLAN

4.1 Introduction


Each practice deals with leads, referrals and potential clients differently. However, most practices have a system regarding the way client information is recorded and relationships with clients are managed.


In this section, we will learn how a new client is created in XPLAN.


Robert from the law firm next door has referred Dylan and Jackie to your as potential clients. He has given you some information about them.

As they are potential clients, you have decided to create them as new clients in XPLAN.


Client Details

Name Dylan (Surname) Jackie (Surname)
Gender  Male Female 
Category Prospect Prospect
Telephone 07 4567 1234 Same
Email -
Address   88 Johnson Drive, Sunnybank Hills, QLD 4109


4.2 Create Client

mceclip15.pngWork with the facilitator to enter the client’s details. Use your own surname when you enter the client’s name.

  1. On the Title bar, click on the “Add” button and from the dropdown select Add Client.

  2. The New Client page is displayed:

  3. Select Individual and click 

  4. In the Basic Information screen, enter the prospect’s details.

  5. To enter Jackie’s details, tick 

  6. In the Category field, scroll down and select Prospective.

  7. To enter contact details, click 

  8. Enter Dylan and Jackie’s contact details and click  

  9. Dylan and Jackie have been created as new clients in XPLAN. Click on the View/Edit Client Information button to view the details you have entered 


 You have:

  • Created a new client entity

  • Created a new partner client entity

  • Used an Add Client Wizard

mceclip12.pngIn the default Add Client Wizard, the required details for a new client are:

  • Surname

  • First Name

  • Gender

While the required fields can be changed when creating a custom Add Client wizard, it is  recommended that the minimum requirements to create a client are the client’s first name, surname and gender.


5.0 Client Management


Dylan and Jackie have been created as clients in XPLAN.

Robert Law (referring solicitor) has told you that they wished to be contacted in 2 weeks for an appointment to meet an adviser. As per your normal practise, you want to ensure that someone in the business will ring the clients to arrange the appointment.


5.1 Creating a Task

You have decided to allocate this task to yourself.

We will assume that you are not currently accessing the client’s file, and will use XPLAN’s quick search function to find them.

The quick search box is located on the far right of the application menu.

  1. In the quick search box, make sure that the Clients choice is selected. You can change the entities that are searched by clicking the icon and selecting the entity type:

  2. Type in part of the client’s name. In this case, we will search your client. Enter the clients name into the search box in the top right corner of your screen. Hit the ENTER key or click on the magnify glass.

  3. The Search Result page displays, listing all found clients.

  4. Click the name you want, Dylan. The client information of Dylan and Jackie displays.

  5. On the navigation menu select Administration > Tasks.

  6. Click The Edit Task screen displays for a new task.

  7. From the Templates list, select the Call new client to make appointment template. This will fill in some text and settings for the task. If no template is available then enter the details manually.

  8. Set the Due Date to 2 weeks in the future. You can click  to display a calendar.

  9. In the Assigned To area, click Assign to me to assign the task to you.

  10. Click on the  tab, to enter the outcome of the phone call made to the client. There will be two outcomes from the Task.

    • One – the client will come in for a meeting with the Adviser, so we will need to create a Diary Event for the Adviser as an action to be taken.

    • Two - the client does not want to meet with the Adviser, in this case we will create a File Note to record the same.

  11. Edit the default outcome ‘Complete Normally’ and Add the second outcome. To add an outcome click on 

  12. Enter ‘Wants Appointment’ as the name of the outcome we are creating.

  13. In the Action section select Add New Diary. Click on

    mceclip15.png Work with your trainer to create another outcome for the client, in the event that Not Interested is to be made and a File Note is to be created. You can also reset fields e.g. Change [Key Details] Category to Archived.

  14. Click ‘Save’ to save the task.


4.2 Accessing and Completing a Task

Once the task is created, we assume that you have contacted the clients and they have accepted the offer of an appointment. Now you need to complete the task:

  1. On the Title bar click on the XPLAN button and select Diary & Workflow then select Task. The task manager displays.

    This link, as with all links on the application menu, is available from all areas within XPLAN.

  2. If you are not currently on the Tasks to do page, on the navigation menu click Tasks to do.

  3. Displayed tasks can be filtered by task type and date range. Adjust the filtering to display the task you created previously e.g. All Incomplete then click on Search.

  4. In the Status column, select Complete. (Or if the prospect is not home when you tried to phone you may select Actioned and add a comment). The Status dialog box displays,

  5. In the Outcome list, select Wants Appointment. You can also enter a Comment and the Time Taken for the task. This information can be used for management reporting.

  6. Click 


4.3 Creating a Diary Event

When you select Wants Appointment as your Outcome and click  you will be directed to Add Diary Event screen. Here you will create the Diary event for the Adviser.

  1. Fill out the following details for the diary event:

    • Title – New client appointment

    • Description – a description of the event

    • Category – select Meeting

    • Start Time – select 10:00am

    • End Time – select 11:30am

  2. Go to the Attendees/Resources Tab and select the Diary Attendees

  3. The Clients section tab will display the clients name as this diary event screen has opened from Client Focus

  4. Go to Notifications tab and check any notifications that should be turned on

  5. Click . The new diary event will display in the diary.


4.4 Creating a New Diary Event 

  1. On the Title bar click on the XPLAN button and select Diary & Task>Diary.

  2. The Diary can be viewed either in Month, Week or Day format.

  3. The month can be changed by either clicking the arrows next to the month name or using the filters section.

  4. The Diary menu has 2 main areas; My Diary and All Diary. My Diary displays all XPLAN Diary Events for you. All Diary allows you to view other XPLAN users Diary Events (subject to permissions).

    If other User’s Diary events are not presently viewable, click on the dropdown button next to “current participant” to search for and add other Users or your Group.

  5. To add a Diary Event, click on  at the top of the page or click in the date box and select Add New Event.

  6. Complete the details for the time and place for the Diary Event.

  7. The Attendees and Client tabs are used to define who will be attending the meeting. This can be either an employee of the practice (User) or a Client.

  8. The Notifications area dictates who will be notified by email of the creation or changes to the Diary Event.

  9. Select 

  10. Details relating to the Diary Event can be seen by clicking on the event as well as access to the client’s menu.



You have:

  • Searched for a client

  • Created a new task or

  • Used a task template

  • Accessed the task manager

  • Accessed an existing task

  • Completed a task

  • Accessed your Diary

  • Created a Diary event


6.0 Case Study: Dylan & Jackie

6.1 Introduction


In the first meeting, the adviser collects relevant information from clients. This information is then used to formulate appropriate recommendations.

In XPLAN, client information is entered in Client Focus. These details are then transferred to other components, such as XTools+ and Risk Researcher and are used to craft appropriate financial planning and risk recommendations.


The Clients

 The clients for this case study are Dylan and Jackie.


Fact Find Details

Client Details

Name Dylan (Surname) Jackie (Surname)
Gender  Male Female
Marital Status Married Married
Nationality Australian Australian
Date of Birth 30/03/1975 02/12/1980
Address Title Mr D and Mrs J (Surname)


Employment Details

Employer Fresh Bread Bakery Logan Library
Work Status Full time Casual
Occupation Chief Baker Library Assistant
Start Date 01/11/1995 15/04/2006


Additional Information

Smoker No No
Health Good Good
Tax Resident Yes Yes


Risk Profile


Investment Balanced Balanced


Lifestyle Assets

Asset Owner Value
Principle Residence Joint $700,000
Contents Joint $40,000
ANZ Bank Account Joint $10,000



Type Home Loan – Joint Ownership
Remainder to be paid  $270,000
Lender ANZ
Interest Rate 8.2% (principle and interest)
Remaining Term 15 years
Repayment Amounts $2,582 Monthly



Superannuation Fund Owner Value Other Details
MLC Super Horizon 4 – Balanced Portfolio Dylan $125,000 SG – 9%
Perpetual WealthFocus Super -Balanced Growth Jackie $30,000 SG – 9%
Host Plus Balanced Jackie $10,000 Nil


Income and Expenses

Name Dylan Jackie
Income $80,000 p.a. $30,000 p.a.
Expenses (Joint) $35,000 p.a. (Excludes mortgage).


Insurance – Held under MLC Super

Underwriter Insured Type Benefit Value Other Details
MLC Dylan Life $100,000 Linked
MLC Dylan TPD $100,000 Linked

Total Premium $350p.a.


Family Trust Details

Name (Surname) Family Trust
Owner Dylan & Jackie (Surname)


Financial Assets for IPS

Investment Owner Value Other Details
Telstra (TLS.ASX) Dylan 1000 units 100%
BHP (BHP.ASX) Dylan 1000 units Purchased
13/04/1999, 100%


Client Aims

  • To ensure that their superannuation fund is invested and managed appropriately

  • Tax effectiveness both within and outside of their superannuation is important to them

  • To achieve wealth through geared investments

  • Dylan has indicated that he is interested in getting some income protection cover

  • They have decided that at this point in time, they will not require any insurance for Jackie


7.0 Entering Client Information into Client Focus

7.1 Introduction

In this section, you will learn how to enter a client’s personal information into Client Focus. For the purpose of this scenario, we will use the Client Menu to enter in the clients data. However, a Fact Find Wizard can also be used.



You have created Dylan and Jackie as clients in XPLAN. You will search and locate them, then enter all their details.

mceclip15.png Work with your trainer to search for your client.


7.2 Editing a client’s personal details

To edit the client’s personal details:

  1. In the navigation menu select Key Details > Client Details. The Personal Details screen displays.

  2. Click  on the right hand side of your Xplan Key Details screen.

  3. Enter the remaining personal details that were not entered when setting up the client’s accounts:

    • Date of Birth

    • Marital Status

    • Nationality

    • Tax Resident Status

    • Salutation and Address Title

    • Health

  4. Click 


7.3 Editing a client’s contact details

Some basic contact information was added when the clients were initially entered into XPLAN, through the ‘Add New Client’ Wizard. Types of Contact now include Skype Address.

To modify a client’s contact details:

  1. While accessing a client, on the navigation menu select Key Details > Contact.
  2. The following actions are available: , Edit , Delete , Add Comment , and  Copy to Client/Partner. The Copy to Client/Partner button allows easy transferal of a specific contact to the other entity.

    If you have added a comment, you will see a comment icon . Clicking on the icon will allow you to view you comment.


7.4 Editing a client’s employment details

To enter the client’s employment details:

  1. On the navigation menu select Key Details > Employment Details

  2. Click  located on the top right hand side of the Client’s Employment panel.

  3. Enter the provided employment information for the client.

  4. Click 

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the partner, in the Partner’s panel.


7.5 Uploading a Client’s Identification information

  1. Move to

    Key Details > Identity Check screen in the navigation menu.

  2. Use the  icon to upload the I.D you have viewed for the client,

  3. Enter the Identification Information, then click 

  4. A pre populated FSC Identification Form can then be downloaded using the  button, either with or without a copy of the ID attached.


7.6 Entering the Client’s Risk Profile

  1. In the navigation menu, locate and select Risk Profiling and then Investment.

  2. Click  located on the top right hand side of the page.
  3. In the Investor Profile field, scroll down and select Balanced for Dylan, Jackie and Joint, then click on Update from client profile:

  4. Click on 


mceclip12.pngIf you have The IRESS Risk Profiler as a risk-tolerance measuring tool. This is utilised as a questionnaire designed to assist Financial Advisers in assessing a client’s financial risk tolerance.

You can also select whether to assign a Risk Profile by Individual Entity OR Client Group.



7.7 Editing a client’s assets and liabilities

To enter the client’s assets and liabilities:

  1. On the navigation menu select Financial Information > Assets and Liabilities.

  2. Click  under the Asset Panel.

  3. Set the following details for the ANZ bank account:

    • Type – Liquid Assets

    • Sub-type – Current Savings

    • Description – ANZ Bank Account

    • Percentage Ownership – set both to 50%

    • Current Value - $10,000

  4. To add another Asset, tick the  box before clicking . This will save the first asset before giving you a blank template to add the next asset.

  5. Add the following details for the primary residence:

    • Type – Real Estate

    • Sub-type – Primary Residence

    • Real Estate Type – Lifestyle Asset

    • Description – Family Home

    • Percentage Ownership – set both to 50%

    • Current Value - $700,000

  6. Tick the  box  before clicking .

  7. Add the following details for the home contents:

    • Type – Lifestyle

    • Sub-type – Household Contents

    • Description – Home Contents

    • Percentage Ownership – set both to 50%

    • Current Value - $40,000

  8. Click  and you’ll be taken back to the summary page.

mceclip15.png Work with your trainer to add in the details of the Home Loan liability from the case study.


 The nature of the Asset will determine whether it goes in Client Focus or IPS, but do not put in both.


7.8 Editing a Clients Income and Expenditure

To enter the current Income and Expenditure details for the client/s:

  1. On the navigation menu select Financial Information > Income and Expenses

  2. Click on  under the Income Panel

  3. Enter the following details for Dylan’s Wages:

    • Type: Income

    • Sub-Type: Ordinary Wages

    • Description: Dylan Wages

    • Owner: Client

    • Frequency: Annually

    • Amount: 80000 (NOTE: don’t enter a $ or, marker between the thousands XPLAN will do that for you).

  4. To add another Income, tick the  box before clicking . This will save the first Income before giving you a blank template to add the next Income.

  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to enter Jackie’s Income details. Ensure to select Partner under the Owner option when entering Jackie’s income.

  6. Once all Income details have been added, click  and you’ll be taken back to the summary page.

mceclip15.png Work with your trainer to add in the details of the Expense/s from the case study.


7.9 Editing a client’s superannuation details

To enter the current superannuation holdings for the clients:

  1. On the navigation menu select Financial Information > Superannuation. The superannuation page for Dylan displays.

  2. Click 

  3. Here you can edit basic details for Dylan’s superannuation. Set the Employer Contribution Rate to SGC.

  4. Click 

  5. Scroll down the page and click  under the Existing Fund Panel to add in the client’s existing super fund.

  6. Enter the details for Dylan’s superannuation. At a minimum, you should enter:

    • Super Plan Selection - MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals

    • Balances Tab > Taxable - Taxed & Preserved Elements – $125,000

  7. Click . The MLC superannuation fund is added to the list of Dylan’s super funds.

  8. Click  at the top right corner of the page to add in Jackie’s Super details.


mceclip15.pngWork with your trainer to repeat steps 2-7 for Jackie, who currently has two superannuation funds.


7.10 Adding a Client’s Trust to XPLAN

In Xplan, a client may have a Trust, SMSF or Company also in the database. For convenience Xplan has the functionality to group these entities to the main client.


Adding the Trust

  1. On the Title bar click the Add menu. Then select Add Client.

  2. Select Trust as the Client Type.

  3. Click . The Basic Information screen displays.

  4. Enter the Trust’s details.

  5. In the Category list, scroll down and select Prospective.

  6. Click . The Contact Details screen displays.

  7. For the Trust’s contact details we will use the client’s contact details and link later. Click Next.

  8. Click  to display the Trust’s details.

The Trust has been created as a separate entity to the clients in XPLAN.


Linking the Trust to the clients

Entities that have their own XPLAN files, such as Children, Trusts, SMSF’s, or Companies can be grouped with a client. Grouped entities are displayed together in areas such as IPS, to allow for quick access between each entities’ portfolio.

To link the Trust to the client’s file you need to be within the main entity’s account details.

  1. While accessing the client (Dylan), select Administration > Groups/Client Relationships > Client Relationships in the navigation menu. Client Groups management displays.

  2. Click on . Now click on the  icon next to the client’s name to add relationships. A pop-up box will appear to select the relationship – select Trust.

  3. Now click on  button to search for your trust. Type in the name you want to search then hit the Enter button.

  4. Select the searched entity and click on . The Trust is selected so now click on to  save it.

  5. The client group will now show. Tick the box next to the Trust.

  6. Then click on . This gives you control over group membership.


7.11 Client Mind Map

For a graphical representation of your Client’s fact find information, select Key Details > Mind Map from your Navigation Menu.


Note: You can Add and Edit client information in the mind map.



You have:

  • Searched for a client

  • Edited a client’s:

  • Personal details

  • Contact details

  • Employment details

  • Superannuation details

  • Assets and liabilities

  • Created a new entity & attached it to the client’s file.


8.0 Entering Existing Insurance

8.1 Introduction


Details on a client’s existing insurance coverage can be recorded in their client file.



According to the Client Details given previously, Dylan has the following existing insurance coverage:

  • Dylan has linked Life and TPD coverage through his MLC super, valued $100,000 each.

We will add this to Dylan’s client file.


8.2 Enter the Insurance

  1. To enter Dylan’s Term and TPD cover held within his super, in the left Navigation Menu, scroll and locate Insurance > Existing. On the Sub-section menu below click on By Policy.

  2. As Dylan owns the Policy we will use the Add button on the right of the Policies panel to enter details of Dylan’s insurance policy.

  3. This area is for adding Insurance Policy details. Use the case study information to add in these Policy details.

  4. To add in the cover details, click on the Cover Tab and the expand button to the right hand side

  5. The click on  to add the cover details.

  6. Work with your facilitator to enter in Dylan’s Life and TPD Insurance. You should have both the Life and TPD cover as per below. You need to save each cover.

  7. Back at the Insurance Group screen click on Save at the top of page to fully save the client’s policy details.

  8. You can view the details of the saved policy by clicking on the View action button .


You have:

  • Entered the client’s existing Life and TPD covers into XPLAN


9.0 IRESS Portfolio System (IPS)



9.1 Introduction

The IRESS Portfolio System (IPS) allows you to record investment securities and funds held by clients. In this section, you will learn how enter the client’s existing financial assets into IPS.


You will access IPS, create a new Portfolio Account (service) and enter the client’s currently held investments/ financial assets.


9.2 Portfolio Accounts

Portfolio Accounts can be used to group investment holdings. For example, if you have a group of securities that you manually rebalance once per year, these could be placed into a Portfolio Account to separate them from securities that are actively traded.

All entities within XPLAN have a Default Portfolio Account. While this can be edited and rename. The Default Portfolio Account can be deleted if not required as long as the client has at least one other Portfolio Account.


9.3 Setting up a new Portfolio Account

While accessing your client:

  1. On the navigation menu select Portfolios (IPS) > Portfolio > Position. This shows the client’s current position.

  2. Firstly select the entity that you want to set up the Portfolio Account for by clicking on the client name dropdown. We will select Dylan.

  3. In the top right hand corner, click on Add and select Account.

  4. Set the following settings:

    • Account: enter the name for the new Portfolio Account. In this example we have called it “Investments.”

    • Include in Corporate Actions: ‘Allow application’ (this defaults to ‘Deny application’ in the case of a platform/ when data feeds apply)

  5. Click OK. The new Portfolio Account displays in Portfolio Accounts drop down.


mceclip12.png Portfolio Accounts can be also added from the Admin > Cash & Accounts screen.

9.4 Adding existing holdings

While accessing your client:

  1. From the Portfolio > Position, the current Portfolio Position displays.

  2. Click  on the top right hand side, and then select Purchase from the Sub-menu.

  3. The Purchase Transaction screen will now appear.

  4. Select the Portfolio Account that you want to group the security into (As Above).

  5. If you do not know the security code and exchange click on Search button (As above).

  6. Enter part of the security name. For Dylan’s Telstra shares, enter Telstra. Then click Search.

     A list of found equities displays.

  7. Select Telstra by clicking on the investment name as it appears next to the Exchange code of ASX (TELSTRA CORPORATION. - ORDINARY FULLY PAID).
  8. This will fill in the Investment Code and Exchange in the Transaction screen.

  9. Enter the following details for the purchase of Dylan’s Telstra holdings:

    • Transaction Date – 13/04/1999

    • Tax Date and Settlement Date – once the Transaction Date is entered, click in the Tax Date text box to automatically enter the corresponding Tax and Settlement Dates

  10. In the Units Added textbox enter 1000 for the 1000 units purchased.

  11. Click on the calculator icon next to the Gross Amount.

    This will download the historic trading price for the transaction date and to calculate the Gross Value of the transaction.

  12. Click . Additional details for the holding displays.

  13. For the Reinvestment Percentage enter 100%.

  14. Click . The Portfolio Position displays with the new holding.


mceclip15.png Repeat steps 2-12 for the BHP holdings.



  • Enabling Corporate Actions for a Portfolio Account allows for holdings to be updated by Xplan when an event has occurred. Such events can include income distributions, share purchase plans, buy-backs or splits.

  • As well as equities, other types of investment products are available such as investment funds, options, futures, commodities and fixed interest products

  • When “Viewing All” investments on the Portfolio > Position page you can get a more transparent breakdown of what investments belong to what Portfolio Accounts by selecting

  • The column headings on the Portfolio > Position page can be customised by clicking on the Configuration icon.

  • Security editing and details can be found by clicking on the icon on the left of each security in the Position and transaction screens.


10.0 Datafeeds

10.1 Overview

Datafeeds allow for information to be imported into XPLAN from third-parties, such as fund managers by importing portfolio transactions into client portfolios.

There are two types of datafeeds:

System Datafeeds – The Datafeed stream passes through the IRESS Trusted Network (ITN), where IRESS manages the retrieval and default processing of datafeed data. This produces a ‘clean feed’ for XPLAN users. Most datafeeds are System Datafeeds.


User Datafeeds - Datafeed files are automatically obtained and processed by your XPLAN server, although the logs of datafeed processing need to be monitored by users for any processing issues. This is the old datafeed process.





You have:

  • Accessed a client’s portfolio

  • Created a new Portfolio Account

  • Searched for an investment product

  • Added an investment product to a client’s portfolio

  • Learned how datafeeds work with XPLAN.


11.0 Client Relationship Management

11.1 Introduction


XPLAN offers a number of tools to manage client relationships including the diary, client notes, sending emails, tasks and threads, generating reports and Xmerge syntax for inserting client information into documents.


Searching for Clients and Client Lists


Earlier we learned how to search for a client by typing their name within the Search box. There are a number of other ways to search for clients within XPLAN. Once the client is located various actions can be taken against the client such as sending them an email, assigning a File Note to them, amending their details within Client Focus, or including them in a management report.


11.2 Listing all clients

  1. Click on List > Entire List on the top right hand side of your Xplan Page.

  2. You will see the list of clients is filtered by the six options, Status, Adviser, User Group, Category, Type, and the View.


11.3 Quick Search

  1. Within the Search field enter the word pcode: followed by the required postcode e.g. pcode:2021 will list all clients who have an address within the postcode of 2021.

  2. Select ‘Enter’ on your keyboard.

    Other items can be searched for using this ‘Quick Search’ facility:

11.4 Advanced Search Filters

  1. It is possible to produce a list of clients that fulfil a number of different search criteria. In this example we will list all males who are 55 years or older.

  2. Click on Advanced in the Client Search area on the right side of the Tool Bar. Then select Advanced Search.

  3. Select the Add button to add search criteria.

  4. From the Field or Group tab select the Field Group of Entity. The Field Groups are all the Groups within the Client Focus module, whereas Entity is all the single fields.

  5. The Field option should be set to the category of Key Details and the field of Age e.g. [Key Details] Age

  6. The Operation should be set to Greater than

  7. The Value should be set to 55. The screen should now look like this:

  8. Select Add More 
  9. The ‘Field’ option should be set to [Key Details] Gender

  10. The Operation can be set to Equals

  11. The Value can be set to Male. The screen will look like this:

  12. Select the Add button

  13. You are returned to the main Search area and the 2 search criteria are listed.

  14. Select the Save button and save the Search Criteria and give it a name.

  15. Then click Search and your results will show in the Search Results panel at the bottom of the page. The search can be used again by clicking on Advanced and selecting the name, OR selecting Load while in the Advanced Search area.

mceclip12.png When searching for more than one criteria from the same Field i.e. (Key Details) Age Greater than 55 and (Key Details) Age less than 60, you need to select the Filter List tab and select ‘And’ in the dropdown option.

This should be done as an additional step on its own by initially selecting either Add or Add More.


11.5 Sending Bulk Emails

  1. With the client list visible, tick the box next to those clients you wish to email (or leave clients unticked to email all clients in the list).

  2. Click on Email hyperlink in the Email column heading:

  3. You can either create the email or use an existing email template.


11.6 Management Reports

  1. With the client list visible, tick the box next to those clients you wish to appear in the report.

  2. Select Reports > Management Report from the side menu.

  3. Select the report that you wish to run, along with any variables.

  4. Choose if you wish to run the report against all listed clients or only those clients that you have selected.

  5. Select 


11.7 Merge Documents (Mail Merge to your list of clients)

  1. With the client list visible, tick the box next to those clients you wish to run the document against.

  2. Select Reports > Merge Report from the side menu

  3. Choose if you wish to run the report against all listed clients or only those clients that you have selected.

  4. Select the Report Category
  5. Select Report Template by clicking the Action button 

  6. Select Execute


11.8 Activating Tasks (For your list of clients)

  1. With the client list visible, tick the box next to those clients you wish to add a task against.

  2. Click on the  button next to any one of the clients and select Add Task to All

  3. The Task can be completed as earlier illustrated in the “Client Management” Section of the Workshop Notes.


11.9 Client File Notes

Notes can be created in XPLAN and linked to any XPLAN entities. As well as allowing for the saving of simple text information, files can also be attached to notes.

When a text document, such as a PDF, plain text file or Word .doc is attached, XPLAN indexes the file as a background process and allows for searching within the attached document.


During the meeting with Dylan and Jackie, some information is mentioned that you wish to record against their client files.

While accessing Dylan’s client file:

  1. On the navigation menu select File Notes.

  2. You can choose which entity to create the note for. In this example we will leave this as Client.

  3. Click 

  4. In the Subject textbox enter a subject for the note. Make sure you also specify the Type of note in the above dropdown box.

  5. Enter the note text in the body text area of the note.

  6. The  tab allows you to browse and upload attachments to the note. Attachments can be uploaded through the  button.

  7. Click 



  • Special pasting icons allows for inserting plain text and stripping existing formatting.
  • The rich text editor allows for applying various formatting to text, such as text and background colours, bold, italic and underlined text, and HTTP links.

  • You can use the Document Filter section at the top of the File Notes page to search for particular File Notes


11.10 Sending Emails


Emails can be sent from within XPLAN. You can send emails to individual entities or a selection of entities. Files can be attached to outgoing emails, and sent emails can be attached to receiving entities as document notes.



You wish to send a follow-up email to your clients.


While accessing Dylan’s client file:

  1. On the navigation menu select Key Details > Contact Details

  2. Click the Home Email address. The email editor loads.

  3. In the Subject textbox enter a subject for the email.

  4. Enter the email text in the body text area of the email.

  5. You can check the recipients of the email, and add or remove recipients, by activating the Recipients/Clients tab.


Usually at this point you would send the email by clicking Send; however as the email address is not a real address this is not recommended.



  • SMS’s can be sent via Emails.

  • Xmerge templates and IPS reports can be generated and attached to emails during the email writing process. These are located from the navigation menu.


11.11 Email Signatures


Email signatures can be created and saved in Xplan on either a site wide level for all users or on an individual user level. Once saved the email signature will automatically populate on your outgoing emails and email templates from Xplan.



You wish to create and add your own email signature to Xplan:

  1. On the top right of screen select Preferences, OR under the XPLAN Menu select User Functions, click Administer Users, select your own User ID, then select Admin>Email>Signature Options

  2. On the navigation menu select Email > Signature Options.

  3. Click the checkbox for the Use Personal Signature option.

  4. Insert your signature. This can also be copied and pasted from other applications such as Microsoft Word:

  5. To upload an image with your signature, you will need to insert the following code where you require the image to display: <:=$sender.xmerge_signature:>

  6. In the Signature Image box, you then select  to upload the required image.

  7. Save your signature 

Note: Existing images for email signatures can be uploaded from the Xplan Document Library by selecting the  icon.


11.12 Email Templates


Email templates allow you to save frequently used email layouts, avoiding having to retype them. Any elements that can be inserted into emails, such as hyperlinks, images and XPLAN syntax, can be added into an email template.

When a template is used to fill out an email, the email can still be manually edited before sending.



We will create a Template using the Blank HTML option.


11.13 HTML Email Templates

To create a new email template:

  1. Under the XPLAN menu, select Administration Functions > Templates.

  2. On the navigation menu select Email Template. A list of any existing email templates displays.

  3. Click  and select From Blank HTML.

  4. Set the following details for the new template:

    • Recipient Type – Client

    • Dynamic Recipients – Leave blank

    • Type – Normal

    • Brief Description – Email template for confirming client’s address

    • Subject – Confirmation of Address

    • From Address – Leave blank

  5. Click inside the body text area to place the text cursor there, then insert the Xmerge syntax for the recipient’s first name by:

    1. Click . The Insert XPLAN Template Syntax dialog box displays.

    2. In the From/To list select Recipient.

    3. In the Categories list select Key Details.

    4. In the Properties list select first_name.

    5. Click . The Xmerge syntax <:=$recipient.first_name:> is inserted into the email template body.

  6. Repeat Step 5 to insert further Xmerge syntax. A recipient’s contact address can be added by selecting Recipient > Address > Address. Sender information is available by selecting Sender in the From/To list.

  7. You can copy a pre-made email body below:

    Dear <:=$recipient.first_name:> <:=$recipient.last_name:>


    As part of our regular review of your account and maintenance of complete and accurate records, we like to regularly confirm contact details.


    Our records indicate the following address details for you:

    <:for item in $recipient.address:>


    <:=item.suburb:> <:=item.state:> <:=item.postcode:>




    Would you please advise whether any information above is incorrect.




  8. Click 


 mceclip15.png You can test the email template while accessing a client by:

  1. On the navigation menu select Key Details > Contact.
  2. Click the Home Email address that you entered earlier. The email editor loads.

  3. In the list of templates select the template you created. The saved details of the template will be filled into the email. Edit as necessary.

  4. Click on Preview.

  5. Your template is now ready to test on a test client in your database. ALWAYS test before launching the template to your real Clients. This is to ensure all bugs are ironed out prior to exposing the communication to your public.


11.14 Wizard Email Templates


A new functionality is the introduction of HTML Email Templates. These can be developed either directly through the editor, or through some pre-set wizard templates.



We will create a Template using the Wizard.

  1. Under the XPLAN menu, select Administration Functions > Templates.
  2. On the navigation menu select Email Template. A list of any existing email templates displays.

  3. Click  and select From a Wizard.

  4. Select one of the pre-set designs from those available on the screen. You can see larger preview versions of each template by clicking once on the desired design. Once you have found the design you like, make sure you have clicked on it then click on .

  5. The next page allows the Customisation of the Template. You can edit things like the Email Heading, content of the different panels, fonts and colours, even images and social media links. Once all content has been edited, click on .

  6. You are then taken to the Email Editing page, where you can set the rest of the parameters for the Email Template (as per Step 4 above) or add any client specific field codes (as per Step 5 above).


12.0 Document Library


The Document Library allows for general and entity-specific notes to be stored within XPLAN. These can be placed into categories, searched and have permissions set to keep notes private or allow other users to access them.

Files can be attached to notes, and some file types, such as plain text, Word .doc, HTML and PDF’s can be indexed by XPLAN. This allows for searching within these files.



Earlier we created a client note that was linked to Dylan. We will now edit this note and also attach it to Jackie.

To access the document library:

  1. Under the XPLAN menu click Document Library.

  2. On the Document Filters panel select Client from the List drop down menu.

  3. In the clients list click  next to . The list of clients expands to show all client entities with a surname starting with M. Expand the letter of the surname of your client.

  4. Click Dylan’s name. The note previously created displays in a new window.

  5. Select the note you wish to edit clicking on the Subject of the note.

  6. You can now edit this note, and save any changes.

  7. Select the Related tab.

  8. To add Jackie click on the Add button. A ‘Lookup Client’ box will appear. Type in the name to search and hit the Enter button.

  9. Select Jackie from the list, and then click on Ok.

  10. The note is now attached to Jackie as well as Dylan.



You have utilised XPlan’s Client Relationship Management Functions by:

  • Using simple and advanced searching techniques for clients.

  • Running and Merging Reports against client lists.

  • Creating Tasks.

  • Creating File Notes.

  • Emailing Clients using Templates and Signatures which you have created.

  • Accessing the Document Library.


13.0 Merge SOA / Using the SOA Wizard

13.1 Introduction

In this section, you will learn how to merge personal data stored in XPLAN into a Statement of Advice. This can is done by either merging a document via the Merge Report section, or by using the SoA Wizard.


When all of a client’s financial information has been entered into XPLAN, an adviser can use the various functions within XPLAN to generate proposals for the client.

A Statement of Advice can be generated for the client, where XPLAN will compile all of the required information together and produce a single document.

We will use an existing XPLAN SoA template to generate a SoA document for the clients. It should be noted that as we haven’t fully filled out the clients’ financial details or proposals, the generated SoA document will contain errors and missing text.


13.2 Generating a SoA report using Merge Report

While accessing your client:

  1. On the navigation menu select Merge Report.

  2. Select the Report Category you want and click on the arrow button against the required template.

  3. On the next screen, tick the box of the template and click on 

    If a Confirmation dialog box displays due to missing data, click Yes. This refers to the Variables Page on the Navigation menu which allows Risk Researcher and XTools+ scenarios to be imported into the document.

    The SoA document is generated as a background process.

  4. When the SoA document has been created click on  to display the new system message.

  5. Click  to download the generated SoA report.

13.3 Generating a SoA using the SoA Wizard

A wizard is a user interface element where the user is presented with a sequence of pages to enter information. You can also use Merge Reports functionality to reach the same result without using the wizard. However, to ensure that all information is present in the Statement of Advice, it is better to perform this task using the wizard, especially if you are writing the Statement of Advice for the client for the first time.

Wizards allow site administrators to create custom procedure paths to collect data.


Launching the SOA Wizard

While accessing a client:

  1. In the Left Navigation Menu Bar in Client Focus, click on Wizards > Statement of Advice.
  2. To navigate within the wizard you can use  the functions on the top right hand side of the screen or use the navigation menu bar on the left hand side.

    Note: All wizards are different and have been customised to meet your needs. The best practice is to navigate using the Previous and Next buttons and enter all information into the wizard pages.

  3. Once you have navigated through all the pages within the SOA wizard, on the last page of the wizard, the navigation buttons on the top right hand side of the page will display

  4. Click on 

  5. You will be directed to the ‘Variable Substitution’ screen (if applicable).

  6. This screen is where you select the Xtools+ or Risk Researcher scenarios which you wish to include in your report. Select  the next to Xtools+ or Risk Researcher to select the scenario:

  7. Once you have selected the scenario/s, click .

    If a Confirmation dialog box displays due to missing data, click Yes. Under normal circumstances,  you should make sure the required Scenario is not needed for the Advice, OR ensure the Scenario is completed.

    The SoA document is generated as a background process.
  8. When the SoA document has been created, click  to display the new system message.

  9. Click  to download the generated SoA report



  • All wizards are different and have been customised to meet your needs

  • Clicking on  will save the wizard and take you back to Client Focus. You can return to the wizard again from Client Focus.



You have:

  • Run an Xmerge template

  • Generated a merged document.

  • Generated a document using the SoA Wizard








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