Managed Field Content - Managed Field Content Matrix

Managed Field Content - Managed Field Content Matrix

Managed Field Content Matrix

Managed Field Name Corresponding Field Name Location of Corresponding Field

[Advice] Alternative Strategies Considered

Alternative Strategies

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Additional & Alternative Strategies > Alternative Strategies

[Advice] Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Executive Summary > Executive Summary

[Advice] SOA Current Situation Basic Summary

Current Situation

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Current Situation > Current Situation

[Advice] Seek tax advice

Limitations and Specialist Advice

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA/ROA > Limitations and Specialist Advice > Other limitations

Insert all areas that require Tax Advice confirmation

Advice Process > MDA > MDA Contract Wizard > Service Letter > Limitations and Specialist Advice

[EO] EO Client Does Not Require Advice Details

Client Instructions: Enter Details

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > Execution Only > Client Instructions

[EO] EO Fees charged by other providers details

Enter the details of the fees charged by other providers

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > Execution Only > Fees and charges

[EO] EO Other Risks Discussed Details

Enter other risks discussed

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > Execution Only > Things to Consider

[FDS] Other Custom Services

Other Custom Services

FOFA (FDS & Opt-In) > FOFA Data > Other Custom Services

[MDA] Service Letter Other Reasons

Enter any other reasons (if applicable)

Advice Process > MDA > MDA Contract Wizard > MDA Service letter > Reasons for my Recommendations

[MDA] Service Letter Other Things To Consider

Enter any other things to consider (if applicable)

Advice Process > MDA > MDA Contract Wizard > MDA Service letter > Things to Consider

[MDA] Suitability of Investment Program MDA


Briefly explain the suitability of the Investment Program and the suitability of the MDA Service

Advice Process > MDA > MDA Contract Wizard > Investment Program/ Important Considerations > Investment Program

[ROA] Advice Limited Because

Scope of Advice

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Scope of Advice > Why has the advice been limited?

[ROA] ROA Advice Limitation Scope of Advice

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Scope of Advice > What are the limitations of the advice?

[ROA] ROA Advice Subject Matter Scope of Advice

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Scope of Advice > What is the subject matter for this advice?

[ROA] ROA Alternatives Please enter any alternatives strategies considered below. Each line creates a new bullet point in the template 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Notes / Alternative Strategies Considered / Other Comments 

[ROA] ROA Corp Action COnsiderations Corporate Action Considerations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Considerations Company Corporate Action Considerations 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Considerations Joint Corporate Action Considerations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Joint > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Considerations SMSF Corporate Action Considerations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Considerations Trust Corporate Action Considerations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > Things to consider 

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Reasons Reasons for my recommendations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Corporate Action reasons

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Reasons Company Reasons for my recommendations 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Corporate Action reasons

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Reasons Joint  Reasons for my recommendations 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Corporate Action reasons

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Reasons SMSF Reasons for my recommendations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Corporate Action reasons

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Reasons Trust Reasons for my recommendations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Corporate Action reasons

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Strategy Company Corporate Actions

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Strategy Individual Corporate Actions 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Strategy Joint Corporate Actions 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Joint > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Strategy SMSF Corporate Actions 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Corp Action Strategy Trust Corporate Actions 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Free Text Optional Introduction to our Discussion  

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > ROA Details > Optional Introduction to our Discussion

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Incomplete Reasons Incomplete Reasons: Information about the 'from' policy is incomplete or unavailable  

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Incomplete Reasons Company Incomplete Reasons: Information about the 'from' policy is incomplete or unavailable  

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Incomplete Reasons SMSF Incomplete Reasons: Information about the 'from' policy is incomplete or unavailable

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Incomplete Reasons Trust Incomplete Reasons: Information about the 'from' policy is incomplete or unavailable

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > Things to consider 

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Disadvantages Please enter details: Are there any material disadvantages that are relevant?

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual  Advice > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Disadvantages Company Please enter details: Are there any material disadvantages that are relevant? 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Disadvantages SMSF Please enter details: Are there any material disadvantages that are relevant?

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Disadvantages Trust Please enter details: Are there any material disadvantages that are relevant?

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Risk  Please enter details: Are there any material risks that are relevant?  

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Risk Company Please enter details: Are there any material risks that are relevant?

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Risk SMSF Please enter details: Are there any material risks that are relevant?

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Considerations Material Risk Trust

Please enter details: Are there any material risks that are relevant?

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Insurance Reasons Details

Complete the details of the Policy Rider additions in the text below

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Insurance Reasons Details Company

Complete the details of the Policy Rider additions in the text below 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Insurance Reasons Details SMSF

Complete the details of the Policy Rider additions in the text below

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF> My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Insurance Reasons Details Trust

Complete the details of the Policy Rider additions in the text below

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > My recommendations

[ROA] ROA Lump Sum SOurce Funds Sourced from

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > My Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Notes  Please enter Record of Advice notes below

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Notes / Alternative Strategies Considered / Other Comments

[ROA] ROA Other Comments 

Please enter any other comments below 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Notes / Alternative Strategies Considered / Other Comments

[ROA] ROA Other Considerations 

Other considerations details: Do you want to include other considerations for your Recommendations? 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Notes / Alternative Strategies Considered / Other Comments

[ROA] ROA Other Considerations Bulk Rebalance Please enter other things to consider

ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard > Things to consider

[ROA] ROA Other Considerations Company

Other considerations details: Do you want to include other considerations for your Recommendations?  

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > My Recommendations 

[ROA] ROA Other Considerations Joint

Other considerations details: Do you want to include other considerations for your Recommendations? 

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > My Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Considerations SMSF

Other considerations details: Do you want to include other considerations for your Recommendations?  

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > My Recommendations 

[ROA] ROA Other Considerations Trust

Other considerations details: Do you want to include other considerations for your Recommendations?  

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > My Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Implications Other Implications of Investing: Insert other implications in relation to your recommendations

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual > My Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Implications Company Other Implications of Investing: Insert other implications in relation to your recommendations

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > My Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Implications Joint Other Implications of Investing: Insert other implications in relation to your recommendations

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Joint > My Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Implications SMSF Other Implications of Investing: Insert other implications in relation to your recommendations

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > My Recommendations 

[ROA] ROA Other Implications Trust  Other Implications of Investing: Insert other implications in relation to your recommendations

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > My Recommendations 

[ROA] ROA Other Reasons Other reasons details

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Individual Advice > Reasons for my Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Reasons Bulk Rebalance Please enter other reasons

ROA Bulk Rebalance Wizard > Reasons for my Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Reasons Company Other reasons details 

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Company > Reasons for my Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Reasons Joint  Other reasons details

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Joint > Reasons for my Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Reasons SMSF Other reasons details 

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > SMSF > Reasons for my Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Other Reasons Trust Other reasons details

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Trust > Reasons for my Recommendations

[ROA] ROA Relevant Associations Relationships

Enter details of any relevant associations and relationships that you hold that might be reasonably expected to influence your advice

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > ROA > Important Information & Next Steps > Other Relationships

[SMSF FPQ] By directing future contributions and income?

By directing future contributions and income? 

Advice Process > SMSF Investment Strategy Workbook > Fund’s Current Investment Strategy

[SMSF FPQ] By restricting assets? By restricting assets?

Advice Process > SMSF Investment Strategy Workbook > Investment Strategy Summary

[SMSF FPQ] By selling current assets? By selling current assets?

Advice Process > SMSF Investment Strategy Workbook > Investment Strategy Summary

[SMSF FPQ] Fund's Objectives Please state the Fund's objectives

Advice Process > SMSF Investment Strategy Workbook > Investment Strategy Summary

[SMSF FPQ] What is the Fund's current investment strategy? What is the Fund’s current investment strategy?

Advice Process > SMSF Investment Strategy Workbook > Fund’s Current Investment Strategy

[SOA] Additional Insurance Strategies

Insurance Advice to Entities

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Related Entities Advice > Insurance Advice to Entities > Edit additional strategies from Managed Field Content

[SOA] Considerations Insurance SMSF Insurance Advice to Entities

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Related Entities Advice > Insurance Advice to Entities > Edit your things to consider using Managed Field Content or add your own 

[SOA] General Considerations Insurance Insurance Product

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Insurance > Risks associated with recommended policies

[SOA] Insurance Policy Considerations

Insurance Product

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Insurance > Other considerations for policy recommendations

[SOA] Insurance Things to Consider

Things to Consider

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Insurance > Things to Consider

[SOA] Material Disadvantages Insurance

Insurance Product

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Insurance > Disadvantages of recommended policies

[SOA] Policy Recommendation 

Insurance Product

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Insurance > Reasons for your policy recommendation

[SOA] Reasons for Rec Insurance SMSF Insurance Advice to Entities

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Related Entities Advice > Insurance Advice to Entities > Edit your reasons for recommendations using Managed Field Content or add your own

[SOA] Reasons for Recommendations Insurance

Reasons for Recommendations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Insurance > Do you want to include additional insurance strategies

[Next Steps] Application Details Next Steps

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Our Next Steps

[Objectives] Description Description

Advice Process > FPQ > Goals and Objectives > Description

[Objectives] How are you Currently Tracking Description

Advice Process > FPQ > Goals and Objectives > How are you currently tracking

[Objectives] Key Benefits of Recommendations


Advice Process > FPQ > Goals and Objectives > Key Benefits of Recommendations

[Other Reasons for Recommendation] Other Consideration 

Other Considerations

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Cashflow/Investment/Superannuation/Insurance > Other Reasons & Considerations > Other Considerations

[Other Reasons for Recommendation] Other Reasons

Other Reasons

Advice Process> Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Cashflow/Investment/Superannuation/Insurance > Other Reasons & Considerations > Other Reasons

[Strategy 2017] Custom Considerations  Things to Consider

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Strategy Selection > Additional Text 

[Strategy 2017] Custom My Recommendations

My Recommendations 

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Strategy Selection > Additional Text 

[Strategy 2017] Custom Reasons Reasons for my Recommendations 

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Strategy Selection > Additional Text 

[Strategy 2017] Custom Strategy Considerations

Custom Strategy Considerations (Strategy = Custom Strategy)

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Strategy Selection > Custom Strategies

[Strategy 2017] Custom Strategy Reasons

Custom Strategy Considerations (Strategy = Custom Strategy)

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Strategy Selection > Custom Strategies

[Strategy 2017] Custom Strategy Recommendations 

Custom Strategy Considerations (Strategy = Custom Strategy) 

Advice Process > Advice Docs Generator > SOA > Strategy Selection > Custom Strategies

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