Conversion Process Guide - XPLAN: XPLAN Field Guide

Conversion Process Guide - XPLAN: XPLAN Field Guide


XPLAN to XPLAN Field Guide Overview

Key Details

Entity type individual

Figure 1: Key Details - Main (Individual)

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Title entity_title  
Surname entity_last_name  
First Name entity_first_name  
Second Name  entity_middle_name  
Preferred Name  entity_preferred_name  
Maiden Name entity_maiden_name  
Last Previous Name entity_last_previous_name  
Marriage Date entity_marriage_date  
Initials entity_initials  
Gender entity_Sex  
Date of Birth entity_dob  
Marital Status  entity_marital_status  
Nationality entity_nationality  
Religion entity_religion  
Native Language entity_native_language  
Tax File Number entity_tfn  
Privacy entity_privacy  
Client reference/File number entity_reference_file_number  
Resident Status entity_resident_status  
Housing Status entity_housing_status  
Tax Resident Status  entity_tax_resident_status  
First Home Buyers Grant entity_first_home_buyers_grant  
Next of Kin entity_nok  
Relationship entity_nok_relationship  
Health entity_health  
Smoker entity_is_smoker  
Salutation entity_salutation  
Address Title entity_address_title  
Client Attachments   Converted
No Contact entity_no_contact  
Comments entity_comment  


Entity type company

Figure 2: Key Details - Main (Company)

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Company Name  entity_company_name  More details here
 Company Type  entity_company_type  More details here
 Company Liability  entity_company_liability  
 Has Super Plan  entity_has_super_plan  
 Trading Name  entity_trading_name  
 Company Number  entity_company_number  
 Tax File Number  entity_tfn  
 Privacy  entity_privacy  
 ABN  entity_abn  
 Date of Incorporation  entity_dob  
Total Issued Shares   entity_company_total_shares  
 Business Value  entity_company_valuation  
 Date of Valuation  entity_company_date_of_valuation  
 Valuation Type  entity_company_valuation_type  
 Method of Valuation  entity_company_method_of_valuation  
 Valuation Provided By  entity_company_valuation_provided_by  
 Name  entity_company_accountants_name  
 Firm  entity_company_accounting_firm  
 Directors  director _lname  
 Shareholders shareholder_lname  
 Salutation  entity_salutation  
 Address Title  entity_address_title  
 Client Attachments    Converted
 Comments  entity_comment  


Entity type super fund

Figure 3: Key Details - Main (Super Fund)


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Name of Fund  entity_superfund_name  
 Type of Fund  entity_superfund_type  
 Complying  entity_compling  
 Superfund Number  entity_superfund_number  
 Tax File Number  entity_tfn  
 Privacy  entity_privacy  
 Client reference/File number  entity_reference_file_number  
 ABN  entity_abn  
 Legal Exception s17A  entity_legal_exception_s17a  
 Establishment Date  entity_establishment_date  
 Wind-up Date  entity_windup_date  
 Register Location  entity_register_location  
 Accountant  entity_accountant  
 Seal Location  entity_seal_location  
 Date of Deed  entity_superfund_dod  
 Location of Deed  entity_superfund_loc_deed  
 Address Title  entity_address_title  
 Comments  entity_comment  
 Trustees       trustee_lname  
 trustee_ trustee_entity_id  
 Trustee Deeds     entity_trustee_deeds_trust_deed_type  
 Members      fundmember_lname  
 Actuarial Certificate      entity_actuarial_certificate_actuarial_cert_date  More details here


Entity type trust

Figure 4: Key Details - Main (Trust)


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Trust Name  entity_trust_name  More details here
 Business Name  entity_business_name  More details here
 Country of Establishment  entity_country_establishment  
 Trust Type  entity_trust_type  
 Trust Number  entity_trust_number  
 Tax File Number  entity_tfn  
 Privacy  entity_privacy  
 ABN  entity_abn  
 Date of Deed  entity_dod  
Location of Deed  entity_loc_deed  
Beneficiaries identified by class membership  entity_is_class_membership  
 Membership classes  entity_membershipclass  
 Trustees       trustee_lname  
 Beneficiaries  beneficiary_lname  
 Salutation  entity_salutation  
 Address Title  entity_address_title  
 Client Attachments   Converted
Comments  entity_comment  


Entity type partnership

Figure 5: Key Details - Main (Partnership)


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Partnership Name  entity_partnership_name  
 Partnership Type  entity_partnership_type  
 Partnership Liability  entity_partnership_liability  
 Partnership Number  entity_partnership_number  
 Client reference/File   number  entity_reference_file_number  
 Association  entity_partnership_assiociation  
 Tax File Number  entity_tfn  
 Privacy  entity_privacy   
 ABN   entity_abn  
 Business Value  entity_business_risk_business_value  
 Date of Valuation  entity_company_date_of_valuation  
 Valuation Type  entity_company_valuation_type  
 Method of Valuation  entity_company_method_of_valuation  
 Valuation Provided By  entity_company_valuation_provided_by  
 Name  entity_company_accountants_name  
 Firm  entity_company_accounting_firm  
 Business Partners       partner_lname  
Salutation  entity_salutation  
Address Title  entity_address_title  
Client Attachments   Converted
Comments entity_comment  


Personal Habits

Figure 6: Key Details - Personal


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Smoker  entity_is_smoker  
Smoked in last 6 months entity_smoked_in_last_6_mth  
Number of cigarettes per day entity_cigarettes_per_day  
Cigars per day entity_cigars_per_day  
Pipe Smoker entity_pipe_smoker  
Drinker entity_is_drinker  
Beers per week entity_beers_per_week  
Wines per week entity_wines_per_week  
Spirits per week  entity_spirits_per_week  
Height entity_height  
Weight entity_weight  
Hazardous Pursuit - Type entity_hazardous_pursuits_type  
Hazardous Pursuit - Participation  entity_hazardous_pursuits _participation  



Figure 7: Key Details - Contact


Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Telephone/Email   Type  contact_type  
Value  contact_value  
Preferred contact_preferred  
 Address       Address  address_type  
Suburb address_suburb  
State address_state   
Postcode address_postcode  
Country address_country  
Preferred address_preferred  



Employment history is converted

Figure 8: Key Details - Employment

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Occupation (Standard)  entity_iqm2_occupation  
 Job Title  entity_jobtitle  
 Employer  entity_employer  
 Status  entity_emp_status  
 Hours Worked Per Week  entity_hours_worked_per_week  
 Start Date  entity_start_date  
 End Date  entity_end_date  
 Date of Next Salary Review  entity_iqm2_occupation  
 Comment  entity_emp_comment  
 Employer Phone  entity_employer_phone  
 Employer Street  entity_employer_street  
 Employer Suburb  entity_employer_suburb  
 Employer State  entity_employer_state  
 Employer Postcode  entity_employer_postcode  
 Employer Country  entity_employer_country  
 Administrative  entity_duty_split_admin  
 Supervisory   entity_duty_split_supervisory  
 Travel  entity_duty_split_travel  
 Manual  entity_duty_split_manual  



Figure 9: Key Details - Category


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Adviser  entity_client_adviser  
Secondary Adviser entity_client_adviser_secondary  
Paraplanner entity_client_adviser_paraplanner  
Administrator entity_client_adviser_administrator  
Insurance Adviser entity_client_adviser_insurance  
Investment Adviser entity_client_adviser_investment  
Mortgage Adviser entity_client_adviser_mortage  
Client Services Manager entity_client_adviser_service  
General Insurance Adviser entity_client_adviser_general _insurance  
Accountant entity_client_adviser_accountant  
Client Category entity_client_category  
Client Active Date entity_client_active_date  
Financial Status entity_financial_status  
Personal Status entity_personal_status  
Annual Fee entity_annual_fee  
Frequency entity_frequency  
Payment Method entity_payment_method  
Comments entity_comments  
Receiving Mailing List entity_mailing_type  
Method entity_mailing_method  



Figure 10: Key Details - Estate


Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
  Will Exists  entity_will_exists  
  Is Will Current entity_is_will_current  
  Date of Will entity_date_of_will  
  Location entity_will_location  
  Notes entity_will_notes  
  Funeral Plan entity_funeral_plan  
 Beneficiary Surname ebeneficiary_lname  
  First Name ebeneficiary_fname  
  Age of Entitlement ebeneficiary_ageofentitlement  
  Notes  ebeneficiary_notes  
Executor of Will Surname executor_lname  
  First Name executor_fname  
  Notes executor_notes  
 Power of Attorney Type attorney_type  
  Surname attorney_lname  
  First Name attorney_fname  
  Notes attorney_notes  



Figure 11: Key Details - Dependent


Group Field Name  Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Dependant Title entity_dependent_dep_title  
Entity entity_dependent_dep_entityid  
Surname entity_dependent_dep_name  
First Name entity_dependent_dep_name  
Relation entity_dependent_dep_rel  
Related To entity_dependent_dep_related_to  
Date of Birth entity_dependent_dep_dob  
Financial Dependant entity_dependent_financ_dep  
Gender  entity_dependent_dep_sex  
Dependant until Age entity_dependent_dep_until_age  
Comment entity_dependent_dep_comment  
Pre School Fees entity_dependent_dep_preschool_fees  
Primary School Fees entity_dependent_dep_prim_school_fees  
Secondary School Fees entity_dependent_dep_second_school_fees  
Tertiary School Fees entity_dependent_dep_tertiary_school_fees  
Tertiary Boarding entity_dependent_dep_tertiary_boarding_fees  
Pre School Start Year entity_dependent_dep_preschool_start_year  
Primary School Start Year entity_dependent_dep_prim_school_start_year  
Secondary School Start Year entity_dependent_dep_second_school_start_year  
Tertiary School Start Year entity_dependent_dep_tertiary_school_start_year  
Pre School End Year entity_dependent_dep_preschool_end_year  
Primary School End Year entity_dependent_dep_prim_school_end_year  
Secondary School End Year entity_dependent_dep_second_end_year  
Tertiary School End Year entity_dependent_dep_tertiary_school_end_year  



Figure 12: Key Details - Centrelink


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Centrelink Benefit entity_centrelink_benefit  
Centrelink Relationship Number entity_centrelink_relationship_number  
Centrelink Notes entity_centrelink_notes  


Identity Check

All identity check information and their attachments are converted

Figure 13: Key Details - Identity Check




Figure 14: Objectives - Financial


 Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Short-Term Objective     Choice stobjective_obj_st_choice  
Priority stobjective_obj_st_priority  
Time Frame (Months) stobjective_obj_st_timeframe  
Target Amount stobjective_obj_st_amount  
Short Term Objective Notes entity_obj_st_notes  
Long Term Objective    Choice ltobjective_obj_lt_choice  
Priority ltobjective_obj_lt_priority  
Time Frame (Months) ltobjective_obj_lt_timeframe  
Target Amount ltobjective_obj_lt_amount  
Long Term Objective Notes entity_obj_lt_notes  



Figure 15: Objectives - Income/Expense


Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Anticipated Expense  Type expense_type  
 Description expense_desc  
Time Frame (Months) expense_timeframe  
Amount expense_amount  
Income Requirements Type income_type  
Description income_desc  
Amount income_amount  



Figure 16: Objectives - Interests


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Interests client_interests  
 Notes entity_interests_note  


Risk Profiling


Risk profile values are converted.

Figure 17: Risk Profiling - Investment


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Investor Profile entity_risk_profile Risk profile descriptions are mapped to those on the destination site based on descriptive title
Agreed Asset Allocations  entity_profile_c<1-10>_min  
Comment entity_profile_comment  




Figure 18: Insurance - Existing - By Policy



 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Type insurance_group_type  
Owners insurance_group_policy_owner  
Policy Number insurance_group_policy_number  
Underwriter insurance_group_coy  
Plan Name insurance_group_plan_namez  
Policy Purpose insurance_group_policy_purpose  
Policy Status insurance_group_policy_status  
Start Date insurance_group_inception_date  
Beneficiaries    Converted
Premium Payer insurance_group_premium_payer  
Payment Method insurance_group_payment_method  
Credit Card Type insurance_group_card_type  
Credit Cards Number insurance_group_card_number  
Expiry Date insurance_group_expiry_date  
Name on Card insurance_group_card_name  
Bank Account Name insurance_group_account_name  
Bank Branch Code insurance_group_account_bsb  
Bank Account Number insurance_group_account_number  
Premium Frequency insurance_group_frequency  
Premium Waiver insurance_group_premium_waiver  
Policy Fee insurance_group_policy_fee  
Total Premium insurance_group_benefit_premium Where “Set Premium at Policy Level” is ticked
Next Review Date insurance_group_next_review_date  
Supplier Revenue insurance_group _commission  
Commission insurance_group_commission  
Commission Comments insurance_group_commission_comment  
Life Sum Insured insurance_group_life_sum_insured  
TPD Sum insured insurance_group_tpd_sum_insured  
Trauma Sum Insured insurance_group_trauma_sum_insured  
Income Protection Benefit Amount insurance_group_ip_benefit_amount  
Business Expense Benefit Amount insurance_group_be_benefit_amount  



 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Description insurance_description  
Life Insured insurance_life_insured  
Type insurance_type  
Definition insurance_definition  
Cover Escalation  Insurance_cover_indexation_type  
Is Super  insurance_is_super  
Buy Back insurance_buy_back  
Issue Date insurance_issue_date  
Submit Date to Underwriter insurance_submit_date_to_coy  
Renewal Date insurance_renewal_date  
Term insurance_term  
Maturity Date insurance_maturity_date  
Expiry Date insurance_expiry_date  
Loading Expiry Date Insurance_loading_expiry_date  
Exclusions Expiry Date Insurance_exclusions_expiry_date  
Issue Status insurance_issued_date  
Exclusion Notes insurance_loading_exclusion_notes  
Loading Notes Insurance_loading_note  
Benefit Amount insurance_benefit_amount  
Benefit Frequency insurance_benefit_frequency  
Accident/Benefit Period insurance_accident_period  
Sickness Period insurance_sickness_period  
Waiting Period insurance_waiting_period  
Accident Short Waiting Period insurance_accident_short_wp  
Indexed Claim Benefit insurance_indexed_claim_benefit  
Sum Insured insurance_value  
Base Sum Insured insurance_base_sum_insured  
Total Bonus insurance_total_bonus  
Cash Surrender Value insurance_cash_surrender_value  
Loan Value insurance_loan_value  
Benefit Status insurance_benefit_status  
Premium Structure insurance_premium_structure  
Instalment Premium insurance_benefit_premium  
 Notes insurance_notes   


By Cover

Figure 19: Insurance - Existing - By cover


Group Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Life Insurance  Contingent liabilities entity_risk_life_liability_con  
Comment entity_risk_life_comment  
Trauma Insurance  Cover Required entity_risk_trauma_required  
Comment entity_risk_trauma_comment  
TPD Insurance  Cover required entity_risk_disab_required  
Comment entity_risk_disab_comment   
  Income Insurance   Required Monthly Disability Benefit  entity_risk_income_disability entity_risk_income_disability_period  
Required Monthly Hospital Cash Benefit entity_risk_income_hospital entity_risk_income_hospital_period  
Sustainable Period without Replacement Income entity_risk_income_sustainable  
 Comment entity_risk_income_comment  



Figure 20: Insurance - Existing - General



 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Description insurance_description  
Underwriter insurance_group_coy  
Type insurance_type  
Plan Name insurance_group_plan_name  
Policy Number insurance_group_policy_number  
Owners insurance_group_policy_owner  
Policy Fee insurance_group_policy_fee  
Policy Date insurance_policy_date  
Issue Date insurance_issued_date  
Submit to Underwriter insurance_submit_date_to_coy  
Renewal Date insurance_renewal_date  
Loading Expiry Date insurance_loading_expiry_date  
Exclusions Expiry Date insurance_exclusions_expiry_date  
Issue Status insurance_issue_status  
Sum Insured insurance_value  
Benefit Status insurance_benefit_status  
Premium Payer Name insurance_premium_payer  
Premium Structure insurance_premium_structure  
Instalment Premium insurance_benefit_premium  
Premium Frequency insurance_group_frequency  
Currency Applied insurance_currency  
Payment Method insurance_group_payment_method  
Excess insurance_excess  
GST insurance_gst  
Payment Comment insurance_group_payment_comments  
Notes insurance_notes  
Adviser Comments Insurance_adviser_comments  
Loading Notes insurance_loading_notes  


Property Cover 

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Property Type  insurance_property_group_type  
 Address  insurance_property_group_address  
 Occupation Status  insurance_property_group_occupation_status  
 Furnished insurance_property_group_furnished   
 Mortgage  insurance_property_group_mortgage  
 Construction Type  insurance_property_group_construction_type  
 Property Age  insurance_property_group_property_age  
 Sum Insured  insurance_property_group_sum_insured  
 Buildings Sum Insured insurance_property_group_sum_insured   
 Contents Sum Insured  insurance_property_group_contents_sum_insured  
 Accidental Damage  insurance_property_group_accidental_damage  
 Excess  insurance_property_group_excess  
 Current Value  insurance_property_group_current_value  
 Number Of Rooms  insurance_property_group_number_of_rooms  
 Number Of Bedrooms insurance_property_group_number_of_bedrooms  
 Building Size  insurance_property_group_building_size  
 Building Size Measurement  insurance_property_group_size_measurement  
 Building Wiring  insurance_property_group_building_wiring  
 Building Condition  insurance_property_group_building_condition  
 Historic Building  insurance_property_group_historic_building  
 Security  insurance_property_group_security  
 Owner  insurance_property_group_owner  
 Status  insurance_property_group_status  


Vehicle Cover

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Make   insurance_vehicle_group_make  
 Model  insurance_vehicle_group_model  
 Year  insurance_vehicle_group_year   
 Registration Number  insurance_vehicle_group_rego   
 VIN or Chassis  Number  insurance_vehicle_group_vin_or_chassis_number  
 Engine Number  insurance_vehicle_group_engine_number  
 Colour  insurance_vehicle_group_colour  
 Regular Driver Name  insurance_vehicle_group_driver_name  
 Safety Requirements  insurance_vehicle_group_safety_req  
 Policy Type  insurance_vehicle_group_policy_type  
 Classes of Use  insurance_vehicle_group_classes_of_use  
 Excess  insurance_vehicle_group_excess   
 Cover Type  insurance_vehicle_group_cover_type  
 Market Value  insurance_vehicle_group_market_value  
 Sum Insured  insurance_vehicle_group_sum_insured  
 Alarm  insurance_vehicle_group_alarm  
 Cabriolet  insurance_vehicle_group_cabriolet  
 Turbo Charged  insurance_vehicle_group_turbo_charged  
 Imported  insurance_vehicle_group_imported  
 Carrying Capacity  insurance_vehicle_group_carrying_capacity  
 CC Rating  insurance_vehicle_group_cc_rating  
 Normal Parked At  insurance_vehicle_group_parked_at  
 Financed By  insurance_vehicle_group_financed_by  
 Type of Finance  insurance_vehicle_group_finance_type  
 Account Number  insurance_vehicle_group_acc_number  
 Expiry Date  insurance_vehicle_group_expiry_date  
 Modifications  insurance_vehicle_group_modifications  
 Extras  insurance_vehicle_group_vehicle_extras  
 Owner  insurance_vehicle_group_owner  
 Driver(s)  insurance_vehicle_group_driver  
 Status  insurance_vehicle_group_status  


Other Cover 

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Item Type  insurance_other_group_item_type  
 Item Identifier  insurance_vehicle_group_item_identifier  
 IM Number  insurance_other_group_item_im_number  
 Make  insurance_other_group_item_make   
 Model  insurance_other_group_item_model  
 Serial Number  insurance_other_group_item_serial_number   
 Value  insurance_vehicle_group_value  
 Excess  insurance_vehicle_group_excess  
 Premium  insurance_other_group_item_premium  
 Cover Extent  insurance_vehicle_group_cover_extent  
 Owner  insurance_vehicle_group_owner  
 Sum Insured  insurance_other_group_sum_insured  
 Status  insurance_other_group_status  



Figure 21: Insurance - Existing - Medical



 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Plan Name  medical_insurance_name  
 Policy Number  medical_insurance_policy_number  
 Policy Type  medical_insurance_policy_type  
 Renewal Date  medical_insurance_anniversary_date  
 Policy Status  medical_insurance_policy_status  
 Provider  medical_insurance_insurer  
 Owners  medical_insurance_owner  
 Insured  medical_insurance_insured  
 Start Date  medical_insurance_start_date  
 Cover  medical_insurance_cover  
 Cover Notes  medical_insurance_cover-notes  
 Excess  medical_insurance_excess   
 Premium – Individual  medical_insurance_premium_individual  
 Premium – Employer  medical_insurance_premium_employer  
 Premium – Total  medical_insurance_premium_total  
 Premium Payer  medical_insurance_premium_payer   
 Premium Frequency  medical_insurance_premium_frequency  
 Escalation Percentage



 Premium Payback   Benefit  medical_insurance_premium_payback_benefit  
 Payment Method  medical_insurance_payment_method  
 Bank Account Name  medical_insurance_account_name  
 Bank Branch Code  medical_insurance_account_bsb  
 Bank Account Number  medical_insurance_account_number  
 Premium Next Due Date  medical_insurance_premium_next_due  
 Policy Fee  medical_insurance_policy_fee  
 Cover Notes  medical_insurance_cover_notes  
 Loading Comments  medical_insurance_loading_comments  
 Commission Comments  medical_insurance_commission_comment  
 Waiting Period  medical_insurance_waiting_period  
 Waiting Period Type  medical_insurance_waiting_period_type  
 Comments  medical_insurance_comments  


Medical group fields

Group  Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Optional Benefits  Optional   Benefit  medical_insurance_optional_benefit_optional_benefit  
 Waiting   Period  medical_insurance_optional_benefit_waiting_percentage  
 Benefit   Limitations  medical_insurance_optional_benefit_benefit_limitation  
 Maximum   Benefit  medical_insurance_optional_benefit_maximum_benefit   
Exclusions  Exclusion   Type  medical_insurance_exclusions_type  
 Life Excluded   medical_insurance_exclusions_life_excluded  
 Review Date   medical_insurance_exclusions_review_date  



 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Current Health  entity_current_health  
 Medial History Details  entity_medical_history_details  
 Cover under a Group Policy  entity_medical_group_cover  
 Group Cover Notes  entity_medical_group_cover_notes  
 Cover under a Private   Policy  entity_medical_private_cover  
 Medical Private Cover Notes  entity_medical_private_cover_notes  



Existing Super

Figure 22: Key Details - Super


 Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Superannuation   Phase entity_supera_phase   
Retirement Date  entity_retire_date  
 Employee Contributions   (Pre Tax)  entity_employee_ctr_pre  
Employee Contributions (Post Tax)  entity_employee_ctr_post  
Employee Contributions Rate  entity_employee_ctr_rate  
 Existing   Funds                                              Fund Name/ Super Plan  fund_fund_name  
Type  fund_fund_type  
Reference Number  fund_fund_refnum  
Supplier  fund_supplier  
Beneficiary  fund_fund_beneficiary  
Eligible Service Date  fund_e_serv_date  
Taxable - Taxed Element  fund_fund_taxable  
Taxable - Untaxed Element  fund_fund_taxable_untaxed  
Tax Free  fund_fund_tax_free  
Preserved Amount  fund_preserved_amt  
Restricted Non- Preserved  fund_restricted_non_preserved   
Unrestricted Non- Preserved  fund_unrestricted_ non_preserved  
Insurance Policy  fund_insurance_policy_group_id  
Date of Balance  fund_date_of_balance  
Status  fund_fund_status  
Date Submitted  fund_date_submitted  
Date Commenced  fund_date_commenced  
Under Advice  fund_under_advice  
Life Cover  fund_life_cover  
TPD Cover  fund_tpd_cover  
Salary Continuance   fund_salary_continuance  
Insurance Premium  fund_insurance_premium  
Contributions (pa)  fund_annual_contributions  
Salary Sacrifice Contributions (pa)  fund_sal_sac_contributions  
Post Tax  Contributions  fund_post_tax_contributions  
Personal Deductible Contributions (pa)  fund_personal_deductible   
Total Contributions (pa)  fund_total_contributions  
Payment Method  fund_payment_method  
Bank Account   Existing bank account
Bank Account Name   fund_bank_account_name  
Bank Branch Code  fund_bank_branch_number  
Bank Account Number  fund_bank_account_number  
Values Last Updated  fund_values_last_updated  
Adviser Comments  fund_adviser_comments  
Type  retirement_income_type  
Account Number  retirement_income_account_num  
Values Last Updated  retirement_income_values_last_updated  
Description  retirement_income_desc  
Provider  retirement_income _provider  
Transition To Retirement  retirement_income_ tran_to_retirement  
Inception Date  retirement_income_ inception_date  
Pension Balance  retirement_income_ pension_balance  
Purchase Price  retirement_income_ purchase_price  
Tax Free %  retirement_income_pension_tax_free_percentage  
Purchase Date  retirement_income _puchase_date  
Reversionary Pension  retirement_income _is_reversionary_pens  
Beneficiaries  retirement_income _linked_beneficiaries  
Next Payment Date  retirement_income _next_payment_date  
Payment Type  retirement_income _payment_type  
Payment  retirement_income_payment  
Frequency  retirement_income_frequency  
Payment Indexation



Tax Deductible %  retirement_income_tax _deductible_percentage  
Centrelink Deductible Amount  retirement_income _ctrlnk_deductible_amt  
Comments  retirement_income _reversionary_comments  
Benefits Received      Date of Benefit  benefit_date_of_benefit  
Source  benefit_source  
Payee  benefit_payee  
Tax Free  benefit_benefit_tax_free  
Taxable  benefit_benefit_taxable  
Available for Investment  benefit_avail_invest  
Benefit Total  benefit_benefit_total  
Comments  entity_supera_comment  
Type  benefit_benefit_type  




Figure 23: Analysis - Cashflow


Group Field Name  Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Income/Expenditure Type  cashflow_type_group  
Sub-Type cashflow_type  
Description cashflow_desc  
Owner cashflow_owner  
Fixed/Variable cashflow_fixed_or_variable  
Tax Type cashflow_expense_tax_type  
Frequency cashflow_freq  
Amount cashflow_amount  
Start Date cashflow_startdate  
End Date cashflow_enddate  
Cashflow Notes entity_cashflow_notes  


Balance Sheet

Figure 24: Analysis - Balance Sheet


Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Assets  Valuation Date  entity_balancesheet_val_date  
 Type  asset_type_group  
 Sub-Type  asset_type  
 Account/Client Number  asset_account_client_number  
 Supplier  asset_supplier_string  
 Status   asset_status  
 Description  asset_desc  
 Product Code  asset_product_code  
 Owner   asset_owner_string  
 Initial Value  asset_initial_value  
 Establishment Date  asset_establishment  
 Acquisition Date  asset_acq  
 Units  asset_units  
 Cost  asset_cost  
 Current Value  asset_amount  
 Valuation Type  asset_valuation_type  
 Valuation Date  asset_valuation_date  
 Valuers Details  asset_asset_valuer  
 Maturity Value  asset_maturity_value  
 Maturity Date  asset_maturity_date  
 Disposal Date  asset_disposal_date  
 Amount  asset_contribution_amount  
 Frequency  asset_contribution_frequency  
 Annual Escalation  asset_contribution_escalation  
 Capital Cost  asset_equity  
 Comments  asset_comments  
 Adviser Comments  asset_adviser_comments  
 Amount  asset_income_amount  
 Frequency  asset_income_frequency  
 Start Date  asset_income_start_date  
 End Date  asset_income_end_date  
 Payment Method  asset_payment_method  
 Asset Notes  entity_asset_notes  
Asset - Investment              Policy Number  asset_investment_policy_number  
 Product Name  asset_investment_product_name  
 Product Code  asset_investment_product_code  
 Status  asset_investment_status  
 Disposable  asset_investment_disposable  
 Number of Units  asset_investment_units  
 Unit Price  asset_investment_unit_price  
 Unit Price Date  asset_investment_unit_price_date  
 Current Value  asset_investment_current_value  
 Establishment Date  asset_investment_establishment  
 Maturity Date  asset_investment_maturity_date  
 Disposal Date  asset_investment_disposal_date  
 Initial Investment  asset_investment_initial_investment  
 Fund Contribution Percent  asset_investment_fund_contribution  
 Fund Contribution Value  asset_investment_fund_contribution_value  
 Liabilities                                          Package/Product Name  Package/Product Name  
 Policy Number  Policy Number  
 Type  Type  
 Sub-Type  Sub-Type  
 Account/Client Number  Account/Client Number  
 Institution  Institution  
 Status  Status  
 Owners  Owners  
 Type of Business  Type of Business  
 Security  Security  
 Security Value  Security Value  
 Original Balance  Original Balance  
 Limit  Limit  
 Principal Repaid  Principal Repaid  
 Outstanding Balance  Outstanding Balance  
 Valuation Date  Valuation Date  
 Interest Rate Type  Interest Rate Type  
 Interest rate p.a.  Interest rate p.a.  
 Start Date  Start Date  
 End Date  End Date  
 Loan Term  Loan Term  
 Fixed – Rate  Fixed – Rate  
 Fixed – Amount  Fixed – Amount  
 Fixed – Commence  Date  Fixed – Commence Date  
 Fixed – End Date  liability_end_date  
 Repayment Amount  liability_repayment  
 Repayment Frequency  liability_frequency  
 Repayment Type  liability_repayment_type  
 Payment Method Type  liability_payment_method  
 Bank Account Name  liability_account_name  
 Bank Branch Code  liability_account_branch_identifier  
 Bank Account Number  liability_account_number  
 Deductible  liability_deductible  
 Residual Value  liability_residual  
 LVR  liability_lvr  
 Comment  liability_comment  
 Adviser Comments  liability_adviser_comments  
 Liability notes entity_liability_notes  
 New Business Commision liability_upfront_commission  
 Ongoing Commission liability_trail_commission  
 Advice Fee  liability_advice_fee  
 Referral Fee  liability_referral_fee  



Figure 23: Analysis - Annuities


Group Field Name Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Annuity                           Type annuity_type  
Owners annuity_owner  
Policy Number annuity_policy_number  
Policy Status annuity_policy_status  
Payment Type annuity_payment_type  
Annuity Id annuity_annuity_id  
Asset Code annuity_asset_code  
Asset Name annuity_asset_name  
Asset Exchange annuity_asset_exchange  
Product Provider annuity_product_provider  
Description annuity_description  
Life Insured annuity_life_insured  
Sum Insured annuity_sum_insured  
Payees    Converted
Beneficiaries    Converted
Inception Date annuity_inception  
Maturity Date annuity_maturity_date  
Guarantee Term annuity_guarantee_term  
Values Last Updated annuity_values_last_updated  
RCV annuity_rcv_percentage  
RCV Amount annuity_rcv_amount  
Complying annuity_complying  
Initial Purchase Amount annuity_initial_amount  
Purchase Type annuity_purchase_type  
Income Amount annuity_income_amount  
Escalation Percentage



Tax Deductible Amount  annuity_tax_deductible_amount  
Capital Portion  annuity_capital_portion  
Interest Portion  annuity_interest_portion  
Income Terms annuity_income_terms  
Frequency annuity_frequency  
Commutation Value annuity_commutation_value  
Commutation As At annuity_commutation_as_at  
Tax Withheld By Product Provider  annuity_tax_withheld_by_product_provider  
 Payment Method  annuity_payment_method  
 Comments annuity_notes  




Figure 24: Service - Reviews


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Type review_type  
Description review_desc  
Date review_date  
Start Time review_time  
End Time review_end_time  
Responsibility review_adviser  
Frequency review_frequency  
Comment review_comment  


Opt - In 

 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Opt-in Required entity_opt_in_required  
Disclosure Statement Required entity_disclosure_statement_required  
Next Disclosure Statement Date entity_disclosure_statement_date  
Client Subject to Grandfathering: entity_opt_in_grandfathering  



All professional advisers’ types are created along with their contact and address details

Figure 25: Service - Advisers


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Type entity_profadviser_adviser_type  
Title entity_title  
Surname entity_profadviser_last_name  
First Name entity_profadviser_first_name  
Company entity_profadviser_employe  
Position entity_profadviser_jobtitle  
HIN entity_profadviser_adviser_hin  
Website Details entity_profadviser_adviser_website  
First point of Contact entity_profadviser_adviser_fpoc  
Comments entity_comment   



Figure 26: Service -Diary


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Title diary_title  
Time Zone diary_event_timezone  
Start Date/Time diary_startdate  
End Date/Time diary_enddate  
Description diary_description  
Category diary_category  
Subcategory diary_subcategory  
Priority diary_priority  
Permission diary_priv  
Outcome diary_outcome  
Organiser diary_organiser  
Attachments   Converted
Notifications diary_notification  



Figure 27: Service - Referral


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Source referral_source  
Name client_referral  
Generated By referral_generated_by  
Client active date entity_client_active_date  
Comments referral_comment  




Figure  28: Admin - Tasks


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Subject task_subject  
Description task_subject  
Due Date task_duedate  
Assigned By task_assigner  
Group task_group  
Assigned To task_assignee  
Permission task_permission  
Entity task_client  
Type task_taskkind  
Subtype task_subtype  
Priority task_priority  
Status task_status  
Reminder Days task_reminderdays  
Benchmark task_benchmark  
Force Time Taken task_forcetimetaken  
Time Taken task_timetaken  
Activated Time    Time of conversion
Created Time    Time of conversion
Last Modified Time    Time of conversion
 Last Modified By task_modifiedby  
Notification task_notification  
Comment task_comment  
Time Taken Type task_ctimetaken  



Figure 29: Admin - Note


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
TypeType entity_note_type  
Subtype entity_note_subtype  
Date: entity_note_date  
Subject: entity_note_subject  
Body entity_note_data  
Attachment   Converted
Owner: entity_note_owner  
Modified: entity_note_modified  
Created: entity_note_created  



Figure 30: Threads


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes



Assignee Required


Assigned To


Override Assignee




Is Joint


Base Date


Base Date2


Complete When




Created By


Created Time


Activated Time


Actual Funds Under Management


Display Expected Values On All Tasks




FSG history is converted

Figure 31: Admin - FSG


Bank Details

Figure 32: Admin -mBank Details


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
Type bank_type  
Bank bank_bank  
Branch bank_branch  
Branch Code bank_bsb  
Account Number bank_acct_no  
Account Name bank_acct_name  
Account Holder First Name bank_acct_first_name  
Account Holder Initials bank_acct_initials  
Account Holder Surname bank_acct_name  
Preferred bank_preferred  



User Groups

By default IRESS imports ALL entities into a new group named “XPLAN import group”.

Figure 33: Groups - User Group


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Name entity_group_name  


Client Group

As long as a related entity is assigned to either an adviser or group to be extracted, then all client groups are imported.

Figure 34: Groups - Client Group



All Suppliers are created along with their contact and address details

Figure 35: Suppliers


 Screen Field Name XPLAN Field Name Notes
 Surname entity_last_name  
First Nmae entity_first_name  
Preferred Name entity_preferred_name  
Comment entity_comment  


Optional Items


Figure 36: Invoices



Figure 37: Payments



Figure 38: Campaigns




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