Conversion Process Guide - XPLAN: XPLAN Conversion Guide

Conversion Process Guide - XPLAN: XPLAN Conversion Guide


XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Guide Overview

This document provides a summary of the data that will be included when data is converted from one XPLAN site to another and should be read in conjunction with the XPLAN to XPLAN Field Guide.

Please ensure that you understand the content of these two documents and contact your Transition Consultant if you have any questions.


The Conversion Process

  1. Conversion preparation

During this phase a Transition Consultant will work with you to prepare for the conversion of your data.


  1. Data Extract

IRESS extracts your client data from your current XPLAN site (the source site). Data extracts are done after business hours and will be done one day before the scheduled import date.


  1. Data Import

IRESS completes the first step to import your data into your new XPLAN site (the destination site). Data imports are done after business hours and the time required to import the data depends on the volume of the data. Your Transition Consultant will keep you informed of the progress.


  1. Post-conversion tasks (list tasks)

IRESS completes the import custom fields, choice value mappings, updating of risk profiles etc, on the next day after the data import completes.


  1. Data checking and sign-off

It is your responsibility to review your data in XPLAN after the conversion. You know your data better than anyone else and are best placed to notice any differences between your original data and the data that will reside your new XPLAN site after the conversion.


Obtaining a copy of your data for conversion

IRESS will only extract data from an XPLAN site if it has been approved by the site administrator or an authorised representative of the site. The data extracted for conversion will be based on the user list provided and the data for all the clients where the client adviser is in the user list will be extracted.  Please ensure that all users that are linked to data that needs to be converted have been specified in the authorised list of users that will be extracted, including Inactive and/or Terminated users. Notes, tasks, diary appointments [etc.] created by users excluded from the user list will NOT be converted.


User Group

By default the conversion will always create a standard import group call XPLAN Import Group that contains all the converted dat. User groups relating to extracted clients will not be converted. If you will require these to be extracted please notify IRESS.

If user groups are requested in addition to a user list, the following scenarios will apply.

  • Clients that are in the requested group, but whose adviser is not in the users list, will not be extracted.
  • All clients that have a client adviser in the user list will be extracted regardless of group membership.
  • Users which belong to the requested group that are not in the users list will not be extracted.
  • Users will be made a member (M) of imported groups. P, C, R, O and S options will need to be updated manually.


User Mapping

If a user exists on the destination XPLAN site, a user mapping can be provided so a duplicate user is not created. A mapping template will be provided.


Standard Conversions

This section explains which data elements will be converted during a standard conversion of XPLAN data. Data elements that are not included in a standard conversion are listed in Section: Key areas not converted

It is also important to be aware, any data errors (i.e. misspellings,client names, date of birth) will be transferred; therefore a practice may wish to ‘clean up’ their data before commencing with the conversion


Standard XPLAN Fields

An XPLAN to XPLAN conversion will convert standard fields and data, unless otherwise specified in this document.

Please refer to the XPLAN to XPLAN Field Guide here


Choice Fields

Choice field options will not be created during a conversion. The conversion tool will attempt to find exact matches within these fields and where no matching values exist XPLAN will apply values in the following order depending on the field definitions of the destination site:

  1. Default field value
  2. Blank
  3. First field value 

For example, in XPLAN “Client Category” is a choice field. The screen shot below shows the options available in an example destination XPLAN site.



Conversion of Client Focus data

FDS and Opt-in

Opt-in and Opt-in History fields are converted.



Associated elements such as tasks and templates can be dependent on the owner being converted. Considerations of this type will be noted in the respected areas of this document

The following scenarios will apply:

  • All tasks (including attachments) are converted for the client.
  • Where the owner of the task is not extracted they are substituted with the clients adviser.
  • All tasks created by a recurring task will be converted apart from deactivated recurring tasks
  • Email templates, XMerge and IPS results contained within a task are not converted
  • Task Templates are converted if the Template ‘owner’ is included in the list of User Ids IRESS has authorisation to extract.



  • All client file notes and attachments will be converted.
  • Where the owner of the note is not extracted they are substituted with the clients adviser.
  • Pictures inserted into the body of the file note page are not converted.
  • Note Template are converted if the Template ‘owner’ is included in the list of User Ids IRESS has authorisation to extract


Diary associated with the client

  • All associated diary events will be converted.
  • Where the organiser of the diary event is not extracted they are substituted with the clients adviser
  • Diary outcomes do not convert.
  • Diary Templates are converted if the Template ‘owner’ is included in the list of User Ids IRESS has authorisation to extract



The following scenarios will apply:

  • All open/completed tasks created by a thread will be converted. This includes tasks created by a thread whose owner is not part of the conversion.
  • Thread outcomes do not convert.
  • Threads will continue to work in the destination site. IE when you close a task the next task will be activated.
  • Threads with Email template, XMerge and IPS results will not convert
  • Thread Templates are converted if the Template ‘owner’ is included in the list of User Ids IRESS has authorisation to extract
  • Threads templates are converted if the Template ‘owner’ is included in the list of User Ids IRESS has authorisation to extract.


Document Library

The following scenarios will apply:

  • Document notes and categories created by a user in the extraction list will be converted.
  • A doc note category will be converted if it contains any converted
  • An additional root category is created (XPLAN DD MMM YYYY) on destination containing extracted categories. Templates would need to be moved to destination site template folder to make active.



  • All Xtools+ scenarios saved against a client are converted.


Key Relationships

The following scenarios will apply:

  • All referrers and professional advisers that are associated with a converted client will be migrated across.
  • All referrers and professional advisers created by a user on the extraction list will be converted.
  • Suppliers are converted when created by a user on the extraction list.
  • Visibility Setting should be set for all Key Relationship entities before conversion, when converting into a shared XPLAN site. This will ensure that these entities are only visible to your practice


Risk Profiles

Investor risk profile agreed asset allocations will convert by default in a standard conversion. Investor risk profile names are generally different in each XPLAN site so mapping may be required post conversion. For example:

  • 50% Growth “mapped to” Balanced
  • 85% Growth “mapped to”  Growth


Conversion of IPS data

By default IRESS converts all non datafed IPS data, however, selected datafeed can be requested to convert. IRESS recommend that datafeeds be used to create IPS data where ever possible. All datafeed data is then refreshed from inception after the conversion is completed. The conversion can also attempt to create external account information against client, when requested.


If IPS information is required then please take into account the following:

  • All portfolios (including Client, Partner and Joint accounts), subfunds and cash accounts are extracted.
  • All used products from the source site are extracted with their pricing.
  • All used external accounts and cash accounts that have transactions are extracted.
  • Broker feeds and direct investments are converted e.g. E-TRADE.
  • All settings such as CGT method, registered GST and default cash account are extracted.
  • CGT linking within cash accounts is not converted.
  • No foreign currency settings are converted. For example, if a client is using US dollar equivalent for cash transaction (eg 0.78 cents is not converted ).
  • We create any "used" custom securities from the source.
  • Custom pricing for securities that IRESS already having pricing for is not brought across (eg wanting to change the price of CBA on 4th July).
  • We convert the GST registered and CGT linking as long as it is FIFO. We set the configuration so any trade is made using the set method.
  • IOS connections are not converted. Transactions belonging to IOS accounts are converted.


Note: The conversion process removes the linkage between the transaction and the corporate action.  It’s important to choose a specific date and ensure all your corporate actions are processed up to this date. Transactions created by corporate actions in XPLAN are converted as manual transactions and post conversion are not identifiable as corporate actions and cannot be reversed in XPLAN.


Optional Components

Invoices and Campaigns are optional.  If you would like them to be included in your conversion, these will need to be requested.

Note that the conversion tool only allows you to nominate both sections together. One or the other cannot be requested.



The following scenarios will apply:

  • Invoices will only be converted if the clients part of the conversion.
  • All invoice products used in the converted invoices will be created
  • The date of service for the invoice will be created as the date of the import into the new site.
  • The invoice numbers will be different in your destination Xplan site. Invoice numbers are unique and generated by XPLAN per site. The source invoice number is converted to the invoice comments section.
  • Recurring invoices do convert.


Note: If going to a centralised site there may be restrictions on importing this data due to the fact both items create invoice products on the destination site. If applicable your IRESS representative will be able to advise further.



The following scenario will apply:

  • Campaigns and campaign templates are converted if the ‘creator’ is included in the list of extracted user list.


Note: If going to a centralised site there may be restrictions on importing this data due to the fact both items create invoice products on the destination site. If applicable your IRESS representative will be able to advise further.


IPS Datafeeds

Datafeed data are optional.  If you would like them to be included in your conversion, these will need to be requested. If specific datafeeds have been requested to convert, date locks will need to be added when setting up these datafeeds on the destination Xplan site to avoid duplicated data


Key Areas Not Converted

This section contains ‘key’ XPLAN data elements which will not be converted during the conversion. If there are any areas of particular concern please raise this with your Transition Consultant for clarification.

  • The following client details are NOT converted:
    • Fee for service details
    • Financial objectives
    • Advice container
    • Social Network details
  • The following XPLAN functionality is NOT converted.
    • Custom IPS reports
    • Custom Searches
    • Risk Profile Questionnaires and their responses are not converted.
    • Corporate Action settings within the Portfolio account
    • Notification settings within task, diary, invoices ect.
  • The following template types are NOT converted:
    • Merge Templates (eg. SOA, Fact Find, client letters).
    • Email Templates
  • FUM Scales are NOT converted
  • Wizards are NOT converted
  • Scenario Wizards are NOT converted, including
    • Xtools Scenarios
    • Risk Researcher Scenarios
    • Debt Qualifier Scenarios
    • XPLAN Calculator Scenarios
  • Site Themes are NOT converted
  • Custom fields are NOT converted
  • Report Filters and Exclusions are NOT converted
  • Target Sets are NOT converted
  • Risk Profile Assumption Sets
  • XPORT Reports are NOT converted
  • Client On line access are NOT converted
  • Service Benchmarks are NOT converted
  • All Xtools scenarios are NOT converted
  • SuperSolver and IQM+ scenarios are NOT converted
  • Alerts are NOT converted
  • Product assets allocation are NOT converted
  • Audit Trail entries are NOT converted. For example: The “Created date” for clients is the conversion date and not the actual date in the previous XPLAN site.


Custom Requirements

If you require any data converted that is outside the scope of this document and the associated XPLAN to XPLAN Field Guide, IRESS will be happy to assess your requirement to determine whether or not the conversion is possible. This includes custom fields that have been created in the source site and could contain data that you wish to convert. Please note that if you are converting from a centralised site the extraction of data from customised fields is subject to approval by the site administrator, or another authorised representative of the site

If the conversion is indeed possible IRESS will notify you of the estimated cost and time to complete the work. The conversion of data associated with custom requirements will always be done after the standard data import has been completed.

Please notify your Transition Consultant if you have any custom requirements.



Post conversion: How to check your data

Once the conversion has taken place you will need to go through the data to ensure that everything has converted correctly. We recommend that you run a client list as well as check a 10-20 clients in full, comparing software to software where possible.


If any issues are discovered, the conversion analyst will need the following information to investigate and resolve the issues:

  • Client examples – experiencing the problem.
  • New site screen shots – of the issue, a number if applicable.
  • Original site screen shots – if you will no longer have access to your site, make sure to take screen shots of some sample client records.


This information will be submitted in the Feedback Form provided in Appendices F.

The screen shots below illustrate how you should run your post conversion data check.

  • Run a ‘Client List’ management report.


This will allow you to produce a client list report to check all clients have converted.

  • Go through a client file from start to finish.






  • If IPS data has been converted.



Conversion Forms

  • Conversion Feedback Form

    Complete this form if you have identified an issue with your converted data and wish IRESS to investigate if there was a problem with the conversion.

    Complete your XPLAN Transitions Conversion Feedback Form here

  • Conversion Sign Off Form

    This form must be completed and returned to your transition consultant once you have checked your converted data in XPLAN and verified that all has been converted. In the absence of feedback, your conversion will be considered finalised after a period of ten working days.

    Complete your XPLAN Transitions Data Conversion Sign Off Form here

  • Permission to Extract Form

    In order for IRESS to action your request for an XPLAN to XPLAN conversion, the form must be completed by an authorised representative of your current XPLAN Site and returned to your transition consultant prior to your conversion date. 

    Complete your XPLAN Permission to Extract Form here




IRESS Wealth Management | XPLAN Transitions | XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Guide

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