This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from PlatformPlus to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.
It is also important to be aware that IRESS will not undertake data cleansing. Any data errors (i.e. misspellings, client names, date of birth) will be transferred; therefore a practice may wish to ‘clean up’ their data before commencing with the conversion.
Please be aware that there will be a wait of a number of weeks from the time that IRESS receives your request for a data conversion. This time frame will vary throughout the year and your IRESS representative will inform you of an estimated time when your conversion will be scheduled.
If you require any data converted that is outside the scope of this document, IRESS is happy to assess the data. Once IRESS has made the assessment, a decision will be made on whether or not the conversion is possible. Once this decision has been made, an approximate quote on timeframe and additional cost will be given. Please contact your IRESS representative to discuss this further.
During this phase a Transition Consultant will work with you to prepare for the conversion of your data.
Data must be received by the end of the business day prior to your conversion date.
IRESS completes the first step to import your data into your new XPLAN site (the destination site). Data imports are done after business hours and the time required to import the data depends on the volume of the data. Your Transition Consultant will keep you informed of the progress.
IRESS completes the import of custom fields, choice value mappings, updating of risk profiles etc. on the next day after the data import completes.
It is your responsibility to review your data in XPLAN after the conversion. You know your data better than anyone else and is best placed to notice any differences between your original data and the data that will reside your new XPLAN site after the conversion.
Outlined in the following pages are details of the data within Platformplus that will be converted to XPLAN. It is important that you review this information so you are fully aware of how your Platformplus data will be converted to XPLAN.
All users are converted unless requested to be mapped, contact and address information included.
Figure 1: User list
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Surname |
entity_last_name |
Given Names |
entity_first_name |
Figure 2: Key Details – Main (Individual)
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Title |
entity_title |
Surname |
entity_last_name |
Given Name |
entity_first_name |
Preferred Name |
entity_preferred_name |
Gender |
entity_sex |
Date of Birth |
entity_dob |
Marital Status |
entity_marital_status |
Tax File Number |
entity _tfn |
Entity_ abn |
Smoker |
entity_smoker |
entity_is_smoker |
Private Health |
medical_private_cover |
Salutation |
entity_salutation |
Address Title |
entity_address_title |
Notes |
Entity_comment |
Figure 3: Key Details – Main (Company)
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Company Name |
entity_company_name |
entity_company_number |
Entity_ abn |
Tax File Number |
entity _tfn |
Company Type |
entity_company_type |
Notes |
entity_comment |
Figure 4: Key Details – Main (Super Fund)
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Name of Fund |
entity_superfund_name |
Tax File Number |
entity _tfn |
entity_abn |
Deed Date |
entity_superfund_dod |
Location Of Deed |
entity_superfund_loc_deed |
Notes |
entity_comment |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Trust Name |
entity_trust_name |
entity_abn |
Tax File Number |
entity_tfn |
Notes |
entity_comment |
Group Field Name |
Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Telephone/Email |
Type |
contact_type |
Value |
contact_value |
Preferred |
contact_preferred |
Address |
Address |
address_type |
address_street |
Suburb |
address_suburb |
State |
address_state |
Postcode |
address_postcode |
Country |
address_country |
Preferred |
address_preferred |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Occupation |
entity_employment_iqm2_occupation |
The Occupations list within XPLAN is a predefined listing that aligns with the inbuilt insurance quotation module. When no exact corresponding value is found, the occupation will be set to “Other’ and the Occupation Description field will be populated by the source value. |
Description |
entity_employment_occupation_desc |
Type Employment Status |
entity_emp_status |
Start Date |
entity_start_date |
Hours Per Week |
entity_hours_worked_per_week |
Employer |
entity_employer |
Job Description |
Entity_jobtitle |
Figure 8: Key Details – Category
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Adviser |
client_adviser |
Secondary Adviser |
client_adviser_secondary |
Paraplanner |
client_adviser_paraplanner |
Administrator |
client_adviser_administrator |
Insurance Adviser |
client_adviser_insurance |
Investment Adviser |
client_adviser_investment |
Mortgage Adviser |
client_adviser_mortage |
Client Services Manager |
client_adviser_service |
Rating |
client_category |
Status |
entity_client_status |
Third Party Disclosure |
entity_disclose_thirdparty |
Figure 9: Key Details – Estate
Group Field Name |
Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Will |
Current Will |
entity_will_exists |
Reflect Current Wishes |
Entity_is_will_current |
Last Review Date |
entity_date_of_will |
Will Location |
entity_will_location |
Executor of Will |
Surname |
executor_lname |
First Name |
executor_fname |
Notes |
executor_notes |
Group Field Name |
Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Dependant |
Given Names |
entity_dependent_dep_name |
Figure 11: Objectives – Financial
Group Field Name |
Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Long/Short term Objective |
Description |
entity_obj_lt_choice |
Cost |
entity_obj_lt_amount |
Description |
entity_obj_st_choice |
Cost |
entity_obj_st_amount |
Risk profile values are stored against the entity; as such each client’s asset class values are brought across however the descriptive title of the profile is only converted by being mapped to the existing profile descriptions on the destination site.
Figure 12: Risk Profiling – Investment
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Risk Profile |
Risk profile descriptions are mapped to those on the destination site based on descriptive title. |
Agreed Asset Allocations |
entity_profile_c<1-10>_min |
entity_profile_c<1-10>_target |
entity_profile_c<1-10>_max |
Comment |
entity_profile_comment |
Figure 13: Insurance – Existing – By Policy
Group Field Name |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Owners |
insurance_group_policy_owner |
Policy Number |
Insurance_group_policy_number |
Service Name |
insurance_group_coy |
Where matches the options available on the XPLAN site |
Policy Name |
insurance_group_plan_name |
Policy Fee |
insurance_group_policy_fee |
Policy Status |
insurance_group_policy_status |
Premium Frequency |
insurance_group_frequency |
Premium |
insurance_group_benefit_premium |
Vendor Name |
insurance_group_coy |
Policy Comment |
insurance_group_policy_comments |
Group Field Name |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Life Insured |
insurance_life_insured Type |
Commencement Date |
insurance_type |
Annual Notice Date |
insurance_inception_date |
Expiry Date |
insurance_renewal_date |
Benefit Amount |
insurance_expiry_date |
Benefit Frequency |
insurance_benefit_amount |
Waiting Period |
insurance_benefit_frequency |
Sum Insured |
insurance_waiting_period |
insurance_value |
Benefit Status |
insurance_benefit_status |
Installment Premium |
insurance_benefit_premium |
Premium Type |
insurance_premium_structure |
General Insurance ID |
insurance_group_policyid |
Insurance: Vehicle |
Description |
insurance_group_Description |
Amount Insured |
vehicle_group_sum_insured |
Vehicle Note |
vehicle_group _vehicle_notes |
General Insurance ID |
insurance_group_policyid |
Insurance: Property |
type Description |
property_group_type |
Amount Insured |
property_group_address |
General Insurance ID |
property_group_sum_insured |
Section |
insurance_group_policyid |
Description |
other_group_item_type |
Amount Insured |
other_group_item_make |
other_group_sum_insured |
Figure 14: Analysis – balance Sheet
Group Field Name |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Assets |
Type |
asset_type_group |
Sub-Type |
asset_type |
Address |
asset_desc |
Owner |
asset_owner |
Assets: Property |
Current Value |
asset_amount |
Purchase Date |
asset_acq |
Purchase Price |
asset_cost |
Notes |
asset_comments |
Assets: Non Financial Asset |
Description |
asset_desc |
Asset Value |
asset_amount |
Purchase Price |
asset_cost |
Purchase Date |
asset_cost |
Valuation Date |
asset_valuation_date |
Notes |
asset_comments |
Liabilities |
Service |
liability_package_name |
Account Number |
liability_account_client-number |
Type |
liability_type_group |
Sub-Type |
liability_type |
liability_inst |
Liability_supplier |
Owners |
Liability owner |
Current Balance |
liability_amount |
Initial Balance |
liability_original_amount |
Current Limit |
liability_residual |
Interest |
liability_repayment_type |
Interest rate p |
liability_rate |
Interest Rate Date |
liability_ commence_date |
Current payment |
liability_repayment |
Frequency |
liability_frequency |
Balance Updated |
liability_values_last_updated |
Repayment Type |
liability_repayment_type |
Commence Date |
liability_settlement |
Purchase Date |
liability_loan_settlement_due_date |
Termination Date |
liability_expire_date |
Tax Deductible Percentage |
liability_deductible |
Notes |
Liability_comment |
Figure 15: Cashflow – Balance Sheet
Group Field Name |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Expense |
Type |
Cashflow_type |
Sub Type |
Cashflow_type_group |
Owner |
Cashflow_owner |
Description |
Cashflow_desc |
Amount |
Cashflow_Amount |
Frequency |
Cashflow_frequency |
Income |
Type |
Cashflow_type |
Sub Type |
Cashflow_type_group |
Owner |
Cashflow_owner |
Description |
Cashflow_desc |
Amount |
Cashflow_Amount |
Frequency |
Cashflow_frequency |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Type |
Fund_fund_type |
Account Name |
Fund_fund_name |
Account No |
Fund_fund_refnum |
Taxable |
Fund_fund_taxable |
Commenced Date |
Fund_ date_commenced |
Date Updated |
Fund_ values_last_updated |
Payment |
Fund_ annual_contributions |
Figure 17: Service – Referral
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Title |
entity_title |
Surname |
entity_last_name |
First Name |
entity_first_name |
Firm |
entity_employer |
Type |
entity_profadviser_adviser_type |
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Appointment Type |
entity_review_type |
Description |
entity_review_desc |
Appointment Date |
entity_review_date |
Appointment Time |
entity_review_time |
Appointment Date Completed |
entity_review_date_completed |
Appointment Frequency |
entity_review_frequency |
Notes |
entity_review_comments |
All tasks that are set to a client are converted.
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Type |
task_taskkind |
Sub Type |
task_subtype |
Created By |
task_assignedby |
Assigned To |
task_assignedto |
Date Due |
task_DateDue |
Status |
task_Status |
Date Completed |
tasks_completedate |
Priority |
task_priority |
Last Updated By |
task_modifiedby |
Task Name |
task_Subject |
Hourly Rate |
task_revenue |
Duration |
task_ctimetaken |
Date Assigned |
task_activatedstamp |
All file notes and their attachments are converted.
Figure 21: Admin – Note
Screen Field Name |
XPLAN Field Name |
Notes |
Note Type |
entity_note_type |
Document Name |
entity_note_subject |
Date Created |
entity_note_date |
By default IRESS convert IPS manual data ONLY whilst attempting to create external account information against client. All datafeed data is then refreshed from inception after the conversion is completed. However, in some cases a Practice may have specific datafeed requirements which differ from the default:
If your Practice’s requirements differ from the default, please raise with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.
This intern means that manually created transactions and notes that belongs to a service will be lost. All other Products, Transactions, and comments (i.e. those not belonging to a service) should be brought across. Orphaned transactions i.e. those where the external mapping has been removed will be treated as manual transactions. FUM, CGT, Exclude from reports and reinvest income information is converted under the edit holding screen in XPLAN All products are added to the default sub fund in XPLAN. Unit price history is not converted (all transaction amounts are stored in the transaction itself). XPLAN does not support client based assumptions so intern all projected income and growth amounts are not converted.
Platformplus data is usually received as an Access database with an accompanying file with document attachments.
If your data is received in another format the conversion may be more com plex, requiring extra work by the conversion analyst and testing for the practice. There is also more chance in this scenario that relevant information may be missing. Please keep this in mind when considering the conversion timeframe.
The following table identifies common issues when converting Platformplus data. This list is not exhaustive.
Functional Area |
Description |
Portfolio Data |
Platformplus only supplies manual portfolio data. |
Past holdings and cash flows |
Platformplus allows the record of past holdings and cash flows. XPLAN only holds current information for clients in these areas.
Therefore, as a result of the conversion, records held historically in Platformplus will appear as current in XPLAN and will be required to be cleaned up manually post-conversion. |
Tasks |
Tasks and workflows have a distinct format from XPLAN.
Given this, the conversion tool works to fit information into the XPLAN format in the best way possible. |
Opt-in and fee disclosure |
Opt-in and fee disclosure details are not converted |
If you require any data to be converted that is outside the scope of this document, IRESS will be happy to assess the data and your specific requirement. If the conversion can be done IRESS will provide an estimate of the time it will take to complete the conversion and the associated cost. Please discuss any custom requirements with your Transition Consultant.
Post-conversion checking instructions
Once the conversion has taken place you will need to go through the data to ensure that everything has converted correctly. We recommend that you run a client list as well as check a 10-20 clients in full, comparing software to software where possible.
If any issues are discovered, the conversion analyst will need the following information to investigate and resolve the issues:
This information will be submitted in the Feedback Form provided in Appendices The screen shots below illustrate how you should run your post conversion data check.
Run a ‘Client List’ management report:
This will allow you to produce a client list report to check all clients have converted.
Go through a client file from start to finish:
If IPS data has been converted:
Note: The default is to ONLY bring across manual data and for all datafeed data to be refreshed from inception post conversion. |
The following are recommended settings for the Internet Explorer browser to access XPLAN.
Set the security level for Trusted Sites by:
This also has the effect of enabling downloads, disabling the Pop-up blocker and disabling the phishing filter, but only for XPLAN (and any other trusted sites) not general internet use.
You will need to exit and restart Internet Explorer.
Complete this form if you have identified an issue with your converted data and wish IRESS to investigate if there was a problem with the conversion.
Complete your XPLAN Transitions Conversion Feedback Form here
This form must be completed and returned to your transition consultant once you have checked your converted data in XPLAN and verified that all has been converted. In the absence of feedback, your conversion will be considered finalised after a period of ten working days.
Complete your XPLAN Transitions Data Conversion Sign Off Form here
IRESS Wealth Management | XPLAN Transitions | Platform to XPLAN Conversion Guide