Conversion Process Guide - Overview and Navigation

Conversion Process Guide - Overview and Navigation


Conversion Process Guide Overview and Navigation 

This document contains important information designed to guide you through the process of converting your data into your XPLAN Site and should be read in conjunction with the Conversion Guide and Conversion Fact Sheets that will be provided to you. Please take the time to read the contents of these documents and ensure all necessary actions are taken to prepare foryour upcoming conversion

Your Transition Consultant will be responsible for supporting you through this process. Please feel free to raise any questions or concerns you may have regarding your transition.

It is important to remember that data conversions are inherently complex and can be further complicated by the differences between the various data sources and XPLAN, the differences between XPLAN sites and the way in which different users utilise their systems. Due to these factors all data might not be converted and some of the data elements might not meet your expectations after conversion. Whilst the Transition Team will take every care to complete your conversion as discussed with your Transition Consultant there may be issues that can affect the overall outcome of the conversion.

The quality of the conversion relies to a large degree on the information your practice will provide to your Transition Consultant and the level of cooperation during the Transition process. It is critical that all required information is provided and correct before the conversion is run to avoid delays and issues that result from incorrect information


The diagram below outlines the conversion process:

Please discuss any questions you may have with your Transition Consultant.


Time Frames

The duration of the conversion process can be influenced by various factors. Your Transition Consultant will explain the conversion process to you and the Transition Team will endeavour to complete your conversion within your preferred time frames. Please notify your Transition Consultant of any factors we may not be aware of but need to be considered.


Your Role

  • Please familiarise yourself with the conversion process and documentation provided. Although some of the details may seem complicated, it is important for you to understand how your data will be convertedand any limitations that could apply.Contact your Transition consultant if you have any questions
  • You must provide all relevant information as requested by your Transition Consultant
  • It is your responsibility to review your data in XPLAN after the conversion and to notify your Transition Consultant of any issues.You know your data better than anyone else and is best placed to notice any differences between your original data and the data that will reside in XPLAN after the conversion.


Engagement with your practice.

Your Transition Consultants will provide your practice with guidance and support in the process of converting your data to your XPLAN site.

This process will be completed by following the steps described below:


  1. Conversion work session

During this work session your Transition Consultant will explain the conversion process and collect all relevant details regarding your conversion. Understanding your expectations with regards to the conversion of your data is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. To ensure the best possible outcome it is important that someone from your practice who understands your requirements and data is available to work with your Transition Consultant to throughout this process. Your Transition Consultant will work through the Conversion Guide and Fact Sheet to explain how your data will be converted and will highlight any areas that require specific attention.

If you have any preferences regarding your conversion date, please notify your Transition Consultant. The Transition Team will try to accommodate these dates where possible. 

The Transition Team will need a copy of the data you want to convert. If your data will be converted from another XPLAN site, we will need permission to extract the data. The system administrator (or authorised representative) of your current XPLAN site must provide a completed copy of the Permission To Extract that can be found in the Conversion Guide. If your data is hosted in another system you need to arrange for a copy to be provided to IRESS at least one day prior to your conversion data. 

Your Transition Consultant will flag any details that will require specific actions for your practice for further review prior to your conversion. This meeting will also give you an opportunity to raise any questions you may have at this stage.

If you need to convert data from a data source that requires IRESS to develop a bespoke conversion process, your Transition Consultant will confirm what data you want to convert. IRESS will require screen shots of the current system and a copy of your data to determine how much work will be required.


  1. Confirm conversion requirements

Your Transition Consultant reviews the information that was provided for the conversion during the Pre-Transition Meeting and verifies with your practice that it is correct. If you have any requirements that are not catered for in the current conversion procedures your Transition Consultant will ascertain how this will affect the conversion and how much additional effort will be required to accommodate your request.

Fees may be applicable for work to support client specific requirements not supported by the standard conversion tools and your Transition Consultant will advise you of any additional costs. IRESS requires you to confirm acceptance of any additional costs before progressing to the next stage.

If you require IRESS to develop a new conversion process your Transition Consultant will prepare a Conversion Estimate based on the information provided during the Pre-Transition Meeting, the screen shots of your current system and the copy of your data. The conversion estimates will not be completed if the required supporting information has not been provided. IRESS requires you to confirm acceptance of the costs for the custom conversion before progressing to the next stage.


  1.  Conversion preparation

Your Transition Consultant now completes the preparation for your conversion by submitting all the confirmed requirements. A copy of your data, or Permission to Extract your data from an existing XPLAN site must be provided at least one day prior to your scheduled conversion date.

Custom conversions will follow a different process to prepare for conversion. Your Transition Consultant will work with your practice to complete a Conversion Specification which will detail how your data will be converted to XPLAN. Once this specification has been signed-off IRESS will commence building the conversion tool and your Transition Consultant will notify you of the target date for the first test conversion that you can review. Your practice will review your converted data in a test environment and any issues you identify will be addressed. When you are satisfied with the results of the test conversion your Transition Consultant will schedule the live conversion.


  1. Conversion occurs

IRESS will import your data into your XPLAN site on the scheduled date. The duration of the conversion is determined by the size and nature of your database. If your data will be converted from another XPLAN site, it will be extracted from the site the evening of the last business day before the scheduled date. If your data will be converted from another source and is not received one day prior to the scheduled conversion date the conversion will be rescheduled.

Please Note: Once your data has been extracted from your source site, no further updates to your data should be made as these changes will not be converted

Conversions mostly complete before the next business day but large numbers of file Notes, Tasks and Portfolio transactions could cause longer run times. Large databases might have to be converted over weekends or multiple evenings.

On the morning after the conversion your Transition Consultant will verify that the conversion completed and will confirm if you can commence checking your data.


  1. Conversion review

    Once the conversion has taken place you will need to check your data in the XPLAN site to ensure that everything has converted correctly. The recommended procedure for checking your conversion is available in the Conversion Guide provided to you.Please ensure you have read and understand the contents of the Conversion Guide and Conversion Tool Fact Sheet before you start checking your data.

If you identify any issues with your converted data in XPLAN you should raise it with your Transition Consultant. To Assist IRESS in investigating and resolving these issues we need a detailed description of the issue you identified, as well as examples in the form of screen shots of the data as it is displayed in XPLAN.

Please use the Feedback Form included in the Conversion Guide to submit the details of the issue.

Your Transition Consultant will coordinate the resolution of any issues you raised and will keep you updated with regards to progress on the resolution.  If any unforeseen issues have occurred that result in IRESS needing to re-run your conversion you will be advised on next steps.

Please Note: It is imperative NO CHANGES be made to your data while in review. This is to protect you from data loss should the conversion need to be re-run for any reason

IRESS has the ability to remove the data that was imported into your XPLAN site by means of a data conversion if the need arises, but the success of the removal can be affected if your data has been updated.

Conversion issues must be raised within ten business days after your conversion completed. If no issues are raised within that time frame your conversion request will be closed.

Additional requests that were not agreed on before the conversion was run will be reviewed and your Transition Consultant will confirm if the requests can be accommodated, and if additional costs will apply.


  1. Sign-off

Once you have completed the review of your converted data, IRESS will require you to sign off your conversion. An authorised representative of your practice must complete and return the Conversion Sign-off Form included in the Conversion Guide to your Transition Consultant.

Sign-off must be provided within ten business days after the last issue has been resolved. If no sign-off is received your conversion request will be closed by IRESS. Following the closing of your conversion request all copies of your data held by IRESS will be destroyed.

The conversion process completes when your conversion has been signed off.


Custom Mapping

Risk Profile

All on-boarding clients must have Risk Profiles Mapped as these do not come across in conversions.

Further information on Custom Mapping Risk Profiles here


Assets and Liabilities/Cashflow

Once the Unmapped Values File has been sent to you (also referred to as UMVF) you will need to filter by entity_cashflow.

Further information on Assets and Liabilities/Cashflow here


XPLAN Conversion Fact Sheet 

The IRESS transition team has a range of tools and procedures in place to perform data conversions from various sources into XPLAN for new XPLAN clients, or existing clients that move from one XPLAN site to another.

Further information on XPLAN Conversion Fact Sheet here


XPLAN Data Extraction

There following list details the areas which critical information can be extracted. Depending on the level of capabilities, some of these will not be able to be extracted effectively.

Further information on XPLAN Data Extraction here


Folder Structure

  • XPLAN New User Information Sheet 

    This information sheet is for all those new to RetireInvest who are unfamiliar with Xplan

    Further information on XPLAN New User Information Sheet here

  • Conversion Fields to Consider When Converting to XPLAN


    Further information on Conversion Fields to Consider When Converting to XPLAN here


Conversion Forms

  • Conversion Feedback Form

    Complete this form if you have identified an issue with your converted data and wish IRESS to investigate if there was a problem with the conversion.

    Complete your XPLAN Transitions Conversion Feedback Form here

  • Conversion Sign Off Form

    This form must be completed and returned to your transition consultant once you have checked your converted data in XPLAN and verified that all has been converted. In the absence of feedback, your conversion will be considered finalised after a period of ten working days.

    Complete your XPLAN Transitions Data Conversion Sign Off Form here

  • Permission to Extract Form

    In order for IRESS to action your request for an XPLAN to XPLAN conversion, the form must be completed by an authorised representative of your current XPLAN Site and returned to your transition consultant prior to your conversion date. 

    Complete your XPLAN Permission to Extract Form here

Conversion Field Mapping

Once the conversion has taken place you will need to check your data in the XPLAN site to ensure that everything has converted correctly. Data that can not be auto-mapped will be supplied in an "Un-mapped Values File" which will require you to specify which fields from your current site should be pointed to their corresponding fields in the destination site.

Further Information on Conversion Field Mapping here


Adviser Logic to XPLAN

  • Adviser Logic to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from AdvisorLogic to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    Further information on Adviser Logic to XPLAN Conversion Guide here

  • AdviserLogic PreConversion Checklist

    This checklist highlights key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date. It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion

    Further information on AdviserLogic PreConversion Checklist here

  • AdviserLogic Known Conversion issues

    The AdviserLogic conversion tool have been developed to a basic level and is classified as a Non-standard conversion tool. The tool is not used with sufficient frequency for a standardised process to be built and conversions from this product could require custom development work in order to support the data provided.

    Further information on AdviserLogic Known Conversion Issues here 



  • ANG to XPLAN Field Guide 

    The field guide refers to where the fields from the source site are located in the destination site. It is a pre-prescribed indication from IRESS, from their previous conversions experience of the corresponding matching fields. These fields will be supplied via an un-mapped values file and then they will need to be mapped accordingly.

    Further information on ANG to XPLAN Field Guide here 



Coin to XPLAN

  • COIN to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from Coin to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    Further information on COIN to XPLAN Conversion Guide here


  • COIN PreConversion Checklist

    It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion. You will be asked to confirm that all the items in the checklist were discussed and understood by you before the conversion date. Please ensure all information regarding your Practice’s specific conversion requirements has been properly understood and documented.

    Further information on COIN PreConversion Checklist here


  • COIN Known Conversion issues

    The COIN conversion tools have been standardised to support conversions without additional development required and are classified as Standard conversion tools.COIN conversions can generally be performed with no major issue. Most of the difficulties that arise during conversion stem from the format of the data.

    Further information on COIN Known Conversion issues here


Midwinter to XPLAN

  • Midwinter to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from MidWinter to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    Further information on Midwinter to XPLAN Conversion Guide here

  • Midwinter PreConversion Checklist

    This checklist highlights key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date. It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion.

    Further information on Midwinter PreConversion Checklist here

  • Midwinter Known Conversion Issues

    The Midwinter conversion tool have been standardised to support conversions without additional development required and is classified as a Standard conversion tool.Midwinter conversions have been performed with general success. This is reliant on data being received in the standard format.

    Further information on Midwinter Known Conversion Issues here


Midwinter AdviceOS to XPLAN

  • Midwinter AdviceOS to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from MidWinter AdviceOS to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    Further information on Midwinter AdviceOS to XPLAN Conversion Guide here

  • Midwinter AdviceOS PreConversion Checklist

    This checklist highlights the key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date. It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion

    Further information on Midwinter AdviceOS PreConversion Checklist here

  • Midwinter AdviceOS Known Conversion Issues

    The AdviceOS conversion tool have been developed to a basic level and is classified as a Non-standard conversion tool. The tool is not used with sufficient frequency for a standardised process to be built and conversions from this product could require custom development work in order to support the data provided.

    Further information on Midwinter AdviseOS Known Conversion Issues here


  • This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from nLink to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    Further information on nLink to XPLAN Conversion Guide here


  • The n-link conversion tool have been developed to a basic level and is classified as a Non-standard conversion tool. The tool is not used with sufficient frequency for a standardised process to be built and conversions from this product could require custom development work in order to support the data provided.

    Further information on nLink Known Conversion Issues here


  • The below checklist highlights key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date. It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion.

    Further information on nLink PreConversion Checklist here 


PlatformPlus to XPLAN

  • PlatformPlus to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from PlatformPlus to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    Further information on PlatformPlus to XPLAN Conversion Guide here


  • PlatformPlus PreConversion Checklist

    The below checklist highlights key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date. It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion.

    further information on PlatformPlus PreConversion Checklist here


  • PlatformPlus Known Conversion issues

    The PlatformPlus conversion tools have been standardised to support conversions without additional development required and are classified as a Standard conversion tool. PlatformPlus conversions have been performed with general success. This is reliant on data being received in the standard format.

    Further information on PlatformPlus Known Conversion issues here 


RiskWiz to XPLAN

  • RiskWiz to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document highlights data and functionality most often of concern to practices converting from RiskWiz to XPLAN, however if there is specific data and/or functionality that is not contained within this document and is of importance to your Practice, please discuss with your IRESS representative prior to your conversion.

    further information on RiskWiz to XPLAN Conversion Guide here


  • RiskWiz PreConversion Checklist

    This checklist highlights key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date. It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion.

    Further information on RiskWiz PreConversion Checklist here

  • RiskWiz Known Conversion Issues

    The RiskWiz conversion tool have been developed to a basic level and is classified as a Non-standard conversion tool. The tool is not used with sufficient frequency for a standardised process to be built and conversions from this product could require custom development work in order to support the data provided.

    Further information on RiskWiz Known Conversion issues here



  • XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    This document provides a summary of the data that will be included when data is converted from one XPLAN site to another and should be read in conjunction with the XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Guide

    Further information on XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Guide here

  • XPLAN to XPLAN Field Guide

    The field guide refers to where the fields from the source site are located in the destination site. It is a pre-prescribed indication from IRESS, from their previous conversions experience of the corresponding matching fields. These fields will be supplied via an un-mapped values file and then they will need to be mapped accordingly.

    Further information on XPLAN to XPLAN Field Guide here

  • XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Custom Fields

    Further information on XPLAN to XPLAN Conversion Custom Fields here  

  • XPLAN PreConversion Checklist

    The below checklist highlights key areas that must be understood and discussed with your Transition Consultant prior to your conversion date.  It is intended that you and your Transition Consultant use the Pre-Conversion Checklist as a ‘working document’ as you prepare for your conversion.

    Further information on XPLAN PreConversion Checklist here

IRESS Wealth Management | XPLAN Transitions | Conversion Process Guide

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