Client Management - Client Reporting: Management Reports

Client Management - Client Reporting: Management Reports

Management Reports Overview

The purpose of this guide is to provide with you with instruction on how to generate management reports in XPLAN.

  • To view the IRESS Insights Video, please view the following link here and here. (Created by Anthony Derriscott on July 27, 2016)

Management Reports can be used to generate a variety of reports such as client listing, insurance reports, task reports, practice management reports and portfolio reports. Each report will have their own parameters that can be used to select from which then determines what will be included in the reports. Parameters may include things such as date ranges, task types, filter options and sorting options.


Run a Management Reports

  • Make a selection of the clients to run a Management Report on:

    • All clients

      • Click List. A list of all clients displays.

    • Selected clients only

      • Using either List (above) or Search, display a list of clients. 

      • Tick the checkboxes on the left of the clients to be reported on. If all clients from a search are to be reported on you don't need to tick any checkboxes, an instead select All Listed Clients for Target Clients in Step 3.

  • In the navigation menu, select Reports > Management Report.

  • Use the following items to design the report output:

    • Select Report: Choose the type of report to be generated

    • Target Clients: Select which clients the report will be run against:

      • All Listed Clients: The report will be generated for the listed client's displayed before accessing the Management Report function

      • Only Selected Clients: The report will be generated only for the selected client.

    • When: Set the time when the report should be generated. Large reports can take a significant period and resources, and can be run at non-peak times

    • Email on Completion: Generate an email to notify on completed report

    • Email on Failure: Generate an email if the report fails

    • Parameters: Depending on the type of report selected for Select Report, there may be further configuration settings here to control the data displayed in the report.

  • Click Run. The report will be generated by a background process. XPLAN will generate a notification message when the process is completed. Click to open the most recent notification message.

  • Click Download Report and save the report to your computer.


Available Management Reports 

Client Access Reports

Client Access Log 

Date and time of Client Access activity over specified timeframe.

Client Access Expiry Date

Basic details, including contact details, Adviser name and expiry date of Client Access, of all clients with Client Access enabled and an expiry date set.

Client List Reports 

Client Audit Trail

Details all actions that modify a client's record, optionally filtered by field group. Each action is listed with the time it was performed, the field modified and its new value, and the user responsible.

Client Birthday List

Lists details of clients with birthday in specified timeframe.

Client Conversion Rates

Details date client was created and all changes of client category over specified timeframe.

Client FSG List

Client's Financial Services Guide (FSG) details - FSG version number, date provided to client, issuer and comments.

Client List

Basic client details - name, address, phone, email, category, adviser and referrer.

Client Review List

Details of all client reviews.

Opt-in Status Tracking

Table detailing clients' opt-in status, date status changed and client category. Also includes charts and graphs detailing opt-in statuses and status changes for adviser and group.

Identity Validation

Lists clients' identity validation status and expiration date, and basic contact details.

New Client List

Basic details of all clients created within specified date range.

Referral List

Basic details of all referrers of listed clients, including all clients referred.

Clients by Referral Source and Category

Lists number of clients in each category obtained by each referral source (e.g. direct telephone call, website enquiry), grouped by User Group.

Next Disclosure Date

Details on clients with Next Disclosure Date within a period before or after today's date.

Movement Reports

Client Tracking  


Table displaying number of clients from each Category obtained by each referral source, and total numbers of new clients and movements between Categories.

Liability Value By Supplier

Lists total value of liabilities per supplier, grouped by loan type. Values are also displayed as a percentage of total liability value for the loan type.

Premium Payable Total By Underwriter

Lists total value of payable premiums per underwriter, grouped by policy status. Values are also displayed as a percentage of total value for the policy status.

Vendor Valuation Movement

Lists net inflows in dollar value for each vendor, grouped by User Group.

Diary Report      


Provides details of clients’ diary appointments and summary of number of appointment types (e.g. client review, first appointment) booked in specified timeframe.

Insurance Reports

General Insurance Policies

Details of clients' General insurance policies with renewal dates in specified timeframe.

Policies with BE Cover

Details of clients' insurance policies with Business Expense cover.

Policies with IP Cover

Details of clients' insurance policies with Income Protection cover.

Policies with Term/Death Cover

Details of clients' insurance policies with Term/Death cover.

Policies with TPD Cover

Details of clients' insurance policies with TPD cover.

Policies with Trauma Cover

Details of clients' insurance policies with Trauma cover.

Policies with Trauma no Term Cover

Details of clients' insurance policies with Trauma cover, but no Term cover.

Policy Details sorted by Underwriter

Details of clients' insurance policies sorted by underwriter. Includes sum insured for Term, TPD, Trauma, IP and BE cover.

Policy Details Report

Details of clients' insurance policies, optionally filtered by underwriter.

Policy Details By Life Insured

Details of client's insurance policies, separated by the life insured. Includes sum insured, status and issue date for Life, TPD, Trauma, IP and BE cover.

Policy Renewal Months

Details of clients' insurance policies due for renewal within specified timeframe.

Policy Renewal Months With Premium

Details of clients' insurance policies due for renewal within specified timeframe. including premium details.

Premium Payable

Basic details of all insurance policies - policy number, underwriter, policy type, policy status, premium payer and premium amount.

Maturing Investments    

Details of client's maturing investments, optionally filtered by type, underwriter, policy status and maturity date. Can include insurance policies, assets and superannuation policies.

Task Reports

Active Thread Days

Line chart displaying number of days a specific Thread has been active for.

Incomplete Tasks

Details of all incomplete Tasks and a summary by Assignee, Entity, Adviser and Type.

Complete Tasks

Details of all completed Tasks and a summary by Assignee, Entity, Adviser and Type.

Aborted Tasks

Details of all aborted Tasks and a summary by Assignee, Entity, Adviser and Type.

All Tasks

Details of all Tasks and a summary by Assignee, Entity, Adviser and Type.

Current Threads

Details of all active Threads, including status of underlying Tasks. Also includes summary listing number of Threads per entity.

Current Workflow Summary

Summary of all Threads and underlying Tasks, including number of Tasks with each status (e.g. Actioned, Pending, Complete).

Current Workflow Detail

Summary (number of Tasks and expected revenue) and details of all underlying Tasks for each selected Thread.

Thread Exception

List of all clients who have not had the specified Threads created for them. Specified Task     Details of all instances of specified Tasks.

Specified Thread

Details of all instances of specified Threads.

Task Time Taken

Details of Tasks undertaken for each client, including total time taken for each Task and client.

Task Time Taken with Charge        

Details of Tasks undertaken for each client, including charges and total time taken for each Task and client.

Task Outside Benchmark

Details of Tasks which have exceeded benchmarked time for completion.

Thread Status Report

Summary of completion statistics for specified Thread.

Practice Management Reports

Case Benchmark

List of all clients, grouped by adviser, with details of all Case Benchmark items delivered for them. Includes total number of items and deliveries for each client and adviser.

Combined Time Taken

Details of combined time taken for clients, including total time taken for each client, user or subject.

Combined Time Taken With Charge

Details of combined time taken for clients, including total charge and time taken for each client, user or subject.

Client and User Activity Report

A zip file of Combined Time Taken With Charge reports for all users or clients.

Note Time Taken

Details of time taken for clients on Notes, including total time taken for each client, user or subject.

Note Time Taken With Charge

Details of time taken for clients on Notes, including total charge and time taken for each client, user or subject.

Ticker Time Taken

Details of ticker time taken for clients, including total time taken for each client, user, subject, category or sub category.

Ticker Time Taken With Charge

Details of ticker time taken for clients, including total charge and time taken for each client, user, subject, category or sub category.

Portfolio Reports

Client Adviser FUM Asset Allocation

Details of asset allocation for the FUM of advisers of all selected clients, including a total asset allocation pie chart. Also provides details and pie chart for total of all advisers.

Funds Under Management

Lists current FUM for each selected grouping, and provides total summary.

FUM with Annual Fee

Lists current FUM for each selected grouping, including annual fee, and provides total summary.

FUM by Security Type (Flat CSV)

Lists current FUM for each adviser, with FUM broken down by security type.

FUM listed on APL

Lists current FUM by client for all securities listed in the selected APLs.

Client Count By FUM Range

Lists number of clients within each of the specified FUM ranges.

Detailed Security FUM

Details of FUM, including unrealised gains, for the specified security for each client. Also includes total summary.

Target Security Report

Details of clients' portfolio allocation of funds to specified security.

Trade Components

Details of client's portfolio fees, taxes and other charges. Also includes total summary.

Duplicate Transactions

Details of all duplicate transactions for specified security. Note: This report always runs across all clients the user can view.

Valuation for a Vendor

Details of clients' portfolio valuation for the selected vendor.

Portfolio Holdings

Details of clients' portfolio holdings, broken down by product and exchange.

Income Entitlement Audit Report

Lists clients and number of units for the specified security with income entitlements allocated and number without income entitlement.

Investment Exposure Report

List of all investments held by clients, broken down by investment type and product. Lists the units, value, investment type percentage and FUM percentage for each product.

Total Holdings (Flat CSV)

Details of all clients' individual portfolio holdings, including underlying securities, number of units and value.

All Trades (Flat CSV)

Details of all clients' transactions within the specified dates.

Parcels on Hand (Flat CSV)

Details of all clients' current security parcels.

Daily Cash Balance (Flat CSV)

Lists each client's cash account balance for each day within the specified dates.

Maturity Date

Details of all clients' investments with a maturity date.

Maturity Date with Sort Option

Details of all clients' investments with a maturity date, with option to sort by client or maturity date.

Un-reconciled Cash Match (Flat CSV)

Details of all clients' transactions which have not been reconciled with a cash transaction.

Portfolio Account Asset Allocation Report (Flat CSV)       

Details of clients' current investments, including value for each asset class.

Portfolio Attribution Report

Details of each investment's history over a specified period. Details include volume at start/end, market value at start/end, current value, income, growth and average market value.

Portfolio Composite Performance Detailed

Displays the consolidated performance (using either IRR or TWRR) for all selected clients across a range of time periods. Details include income, market value and FUM values and optionally includes a benchmark for comparison.

Portfolio Composite Performance Grouped

Displays the performance (using either IRR or TWRR) of each GICS Sector or Security Type across a range of time periods from the last 3 months to the last 10 years, and includes a Since Inception performance figure.

Portfolio Group Compliance

Details of each client's individual portfolio holdings, indicates if the current ratio for each security is within the specified deviation range of the target ratio. Primary use is to view compliance breaches against client's portfolio holdings.

Portfolio Compliance by Adviser

Displays all portfolio compliance breaches and warnings for each selected client, grouped by adviser. Only available to Private Wealth customers.

Portfolio Compliance Comprehensive

Displays all portfolio compliance breaches and warnings for each client listed. Only available to Private Wealth customers.

Top 15 Compliance Breaches/Warning

Displays a summary of the top 15 portfolio compliance breaches and warnings, separately grouped by adviser and by compliance rule. Includes a summary and bar graph for each of the two groupings. Only available to Private Wealth customers.

Referral Reports

Referral Source Report

Lists number of clients created from each referral source for each adviser.

Referral Insurance Cover Report

Lists all insurance policies implemented based on an adviser's recommendations. Includes cover and referral details for each policy.

Miscellaneous Reports


Adviser Activity Report

Details of advisers' recent and upcoming client activity, including diary events, Tasks and Threads. Also includes total number of clients, portfolios and FUM value.

Exception Report

Details of all potential exceptions - suspected duplicate clients, clients with suspected incorrect date of birth (under 20 or over 90 years old) and aborted Tasks.

User & Client biometric

Details of each client, grouped by client adviser (user).

ManagePoint Extract (XML/CSV)

Basic client details (XPLAN ID, first name, last name, company name, superfund name, trust name, adviser) in format suitable for importing/exporting.

Service Benchmark Delivery Report

Details of service benchmark delivery for each client. Includes number of items benchmarked and delivered, and expected and actual revenue. Delivery details are also represented on a bar graph for each client.

Service Benchmark Overview Report

Details of service benchmark delivery for each client. Includes number of items benchmarked and delivered in each month.      

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