Administration - Preferences: Task

Administration - Preferences: Task

Task Preferences Overview

The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions on managing your Task preferences.


How to Access your Task Preferences

From the Title Bar at the top screen:


  1. To edit a users Task, you firstly need to click on the Preferences link within XPLAN
  2. Click on the Task menu item to view the submenu. In this menu you can perform the following:
    1. Preferences - access this screen to set your interface settings when viewing tasks
    2. Miscellaneous - allows you to set the maximum number of tasks and threads that are displayed and the default entity viewed
      (Please note it is recommended the Client is selected in the Default Client View Field)
    3. Auto Reassign - allows you to automatically re-assign tasks if you are going to be away for awhile (i.e. On Holidays)

Category Preference

Screen_Shot_2018-05-02_at_1.15.51_PM.pngThe first step is to select the task Category (the type of task list) you are setting the preferences for. In this example, we will illustrate how to set the preferences for our Tasks to do screen.


Task Screen Preference Options


Additional preferences are able to be set for the user in relation to each specific task list category. These are the options that will default upon opening each task screen.
  1. Default Type: The Default Type is the type of tasks that are displayed as a default when we view our task list. This may include General, Phone Call or Meeting tasks. It is recommended that All Types is set as the default to ensure all types of tasks are displayed in the task list.
  2. Subject Length: This field allows you to set the length of the subject column. The number entered into this field is the number of characters that is displayed.
  3. Include Thread Name: Select if thread name is to be included in the subject as well as the task name. The thread name will be shown within [ ].
  4. Entity Length: This field allows you to select the length of the en ty column. The entity column will in most cases contain the client name. The number entered into this field is the number of characters that is displayed in the task list screen.
  5. Each task category can have individual preferences set. Ensure you click Save between setting the preferences for each category.

Task List Column Configuration



Task List Column Sorting Configuration


The preference in which the tasks are listed in the task lists are also able to be selected by using the op ons in the Sort area in the Task Preferences screen.

The sort order determines the order in which tasks appear by column type and will be displayed in ascending or descending order depending on the selection. These can be modified using the ac on arrows to move the column name into the desired position.

If tasks have some details the same, they will then be sorted by the next item in the list that differs. 
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