Administration - Email: Setting up the Outlook Plugin

Administration - Email: Setting up the Outlook Plugin

Outlook Plugin - Overview 

Outlook Plugin is a function available with XPLAN that allows you to quickly and easily save and record email correspondence in the XPLAN document library as a Note that is linked to a client or user entity. This allows for all forms of communication regarding particular client entity/entities to be saved in the one area for future reference. For information on how to upload an Outlook email into XPLAN click here

How Plugin Works

Using Outlook, users can select a specific email they wish to save in XPLAN’s Document Library then enable the plugin functionality. Once enabled, details regarding the note to be created are confirmed, including entity, visibility and note type settings. The Email Subject becomes the Note Subject and the Email Contents are saved as the Note contents. 

Upon saving the Note in XPLAN, a unique reference for the source email is stored. This allows XPLAN to track subsequent communication in the email thread. For example, if one uses the Plugin functionality on an email which is later on in the conversation thread (like a reply from a client), XPLAN is able to add the content of this email to the existing Note. The advantage of this is that a single Note in XPLAN is able store an entire email conversation which has occurred across various parties.

Outlook Plugin is able to be set up in XPLAN to automatically enable a ‘pop-up’ when an email is sent, forwarded or replied to. You then have the option to CANCEL this functionality for emails that you don’t need to save into XPLAN.

Any file attachments are also saved as attachments within the Note.

User Requirements

In order to use Outlook Plugin, users must have Windows Microsoft Outlook 2010 and above. 

How to Install Outlook Plugin

To download Outlook Plugin;

  1. From the XPLAN home screen go to XPLANAdministration Functions > Outlook Plugin

  1. Click on Install Outlook Plugin. From here you will be asked to download and save the Plugin file.

  1. Click on Run to run the downloaded file and use the prompts in the wizard to Install Outlook Plugin. Click on Finish once installed. 

  1. Restart Outlook if you had the application open while you installed Plugin. Once Outlook has been reopened, use the menu ribbon on the top to select XPLAN Settings

  1. Enter your XPLAN site details, ensuring that you enter the FULL address. For Wealth Axis hosted users of XPLAN the site is :
  1. Enter your XPLAN Username and Password - ensure you select Validate Site Credentials and receive a Valid message. 
  1. Within Document Settings you are then able to set the default Note type, Subtype and visibility Permission of the created Notes.
    1. Permission: Recommend you set to Share With My Groups
  1. Select whether you wish Plugin to automatically ask if you would like to file every time you send, forward or reply to an email. 
    1. Recommend selecting Never - I do not want to file emails to XPLAN 
    1. This will ensure that you can choose when to add an email to XPLAN and not automatically have every email that is received or sent saved to the system.
  1. Once all settings have been completed click on OK.

  1. The Outlook Plugin has now been installed and is ready for use. 

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